How To Convert Visit Visa To Work Visa In Saudi Arabia

Converting visit visa to work visa can seem like a daunting task, but it is easier than you think. If you are saving money from foreign wages, have your own funds, and have a job arranged you can get a work visa quite easily. Here is how to convert visit visa to work visa in Saudi Arabia.

BREAKING NEWS !!! There was a stampede following the announcement of Saudi Arabia’s decision to provide work permits to thousands of foreign workers. On June 4th, 2019, the Saudi Arabian government announced that they would begin issuing work permits to thousands of foreign workers on visit visas. Why the change? In early 2018, Saudi Arabia began a campaign against illegal employees at small businesses. This led many employers to simply stop hiring foreign workers rather than face fines and jail time. Instead, they encouraged their workers to report to their embassies and leave the country instead of facing a hefty fine or worse. So here’s the deal: you have got a visitor visa for Saudi Arabia, but you want a work permit now. Here is how it works in more detail:

How To Convert Visit Visa To Work Visa In Saudi Arabia

For thousands of expats living in Saudi Arabia, this has become a possibility. In fact, it’s the most common way to obtain a work visa. However, many expats are unaware of this method and the pathway to obtaining a work visa.

The kingdom of Saudi Arabia is one of the most alluring countries in the world as it offers a peace-loving society, affordable living, and an abundance of Middle Eastern tourist attractions. It is no surprise why millions of immigrants from across the world are interested in finding out how to obtain a Saudi visa from their home country.

After a long debate, the government of Saudi Arabia has finally agreed to open an exit visa for its nationals. This is great news for millions of expatriates working in the country who were not able to go back their country for years. However, there are still hundreds of thousands who are waiting for their immigration documents.

Working in Saudi Arabia has many perks. One of the fastest ways to achieve financial success is by working in Saudi Arabia. Your income will be stable and once you get a mortgage, you will enjoy residential benefits. In addition to that, there are employment benefits that include a resident’s permit and housemaid.

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