How to Get a Work Permit in SCOTLAND

Whether you are traveling abroad on vacation, or staying to work in another country, it is essential to know what work permit options are available. By implementing this breakdown of work permit types for different countries around the world, you will be able to make a more informed decision about what steps to take next.

Foreigners looking to work abroad are often faced with the problem of not being able to get a visa, working permit or residency in destinations where they wish to work. However, there are many countries that make hiring foreign workers very simple, and even have work permit exemptions for jobs that normally require a work permit.

Romania Work Visa

A Romania work visa, also known as a Romanian Employment Visa (D/AM), is issued to foreign nationals who will travel to Romania to take up paid employment in a Romanian company. To get a Romania work visa, you must have a work permit from the Romanian Inspectorate General for Immigration. It is your employer in Romania who applies for a work permit on your behalf.

After you receive a work permit, you may apply for the Romania work visa from your country.

Romania work visa eligibility

To be eligible for a Romania work visa, you must fall under one of the following categories:

  • You will conduct educational, scientific, or any other type of specialized work in an accredited Romanian institution
  • You are a highly-skilled worker
  • You will work as part of a bilateral agreement
  • You will work on the basis of the order of the minister of national education
  • The work you will do is artistic in nature and done on the basis of the order of the minister of culture
  • You have access to the Romania labour market due to a treaty between Romania and your country
  • You will work in behalf of a ministry or other organization of the central public or local administration.
  • You will work as the head of a subsidiary office or the Romanian branch office of a company that’s headquartered abroad.

Romania work visa requirements

To apply for a Romania work visa, you must have the following:

  • Work Authorization, obtained from your employer at the Inspectorate General for Immigration in Romania.
    • After you receive work authorization, you have to apply for the Romania work visa at a Romanian diplomatic mission or consulate within 60 days.
  • Documents regarding the nature of your employment.
  • Certificate of police clearance issued from your country of residence.
  • Travel medical insurance for the duration that your visa is issued for.
  • Proof of accommodation in Romania
  • Proof of sufficient financial means, ensuring you will receive at least the minimum gross salary for the duration of your work visa.
  • A Romania visa application form, which you can download from the website of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The application form has to be completed in typed letter and signed.
  • Two recent pictures which are in line with Romania visa photo requirements.
    • 3cm x 4cm where your face takes up 70% – 80% of the picture
    • Taken on a white background
  • A valid passport or travel document, which:
    • Is recognized by Romania
    • Is valid for at least another three months after your visa expires
    • Was issued in the previous ten years
    • Has at least two blank pages where the Romania consular staff can affix your visa.
  • Flight ticket.

Work visa to Russia for foreigners

To work in Russia, a foreign citizen must apply for a work visa. This rule applies to citizens of any country, except citizens of CIS countries, who have the right to work in the Russian Federation on a patent. A work visa gives foreigners the right to work, get paid and live on the territory of Russia for the duration of its validity. Please note that a work visa cannot be issued without a work permit.

Travelmart helps foreigners in getting a work visa. Contact our specialists if you want to avoid the bureaucratic paperwork, save time, and avoid mistakes and failure.

Work visa for foreign citizens

Before getting a work visa to Russia, a foreign citizen must wait for a work invitation from a particular company. Therefore, first, a foreigner needs to find an employer and agree on the working conditions. The name of the company will be indicated in the visa, so a foreign citizen will have the right to work only there.

The whole procedure of employment before issuing a working invitation is the responsibility of the inviting party. A foreigner needs to wait until the employer takes all the necessary steps. It can take from one to several months depending on the type of employment – highly qualified specialists, quota and above quota.


Applying for or renewing a work visa in Rwanda can cause stress if you’re not prepared. Understanding the correct documents, asking questions, and putting together all required paperwork ahead of time can save you stress, money, and time. However, not all companies undertaking an expansion have the time to figure out how to get a Rwanda work visa for every employee.

Types of Work Visas in Rwanda

Rwanda has several visa classes, including:

  • Class V-1 Single Entry visa: This visa applies to foreigners from certain countries wishing to visit Rwanda for any reason besides work, or a person from any country wanting to enter Rwanda to find work and obtain the appropriate visa.
  • Class V-1 Multiple Entry visa: A class V-1 multiple entry visa applies to the same people listed above but allows for multiple trips into the country.
  • Class Q1 – Transit: People coming through Rwanda for 72 hours or less should apply for this visa.
  • Class T2 Tourist: This visa applies to individuals from certain countries coming to visit Rwanda for a holiday, sightseeing, visiting relatives, and other short-term non-work purposes.
  • Class T3 Tourist – Family: A visa for people visiting a family member or another close relative living and working in Rwanda.
  • Class T4 Visiting Diplomat: This visa applies to visiting diplomats coming to Rwanda for official purposes.
  • Class T6-1: Single-Entry – Conference: This visa is for eligible people speaking at a conference, meeting, workshop, or seminar.
  • Class T6-2 Multiple-Entry – Conference: The class T6-2 multiple-entry is for the same people listed above but allows multiple entries into the country.
  • Class T7 Business: Prospective investors, entrepreneurs, or traders can get this visa to explore business opportunities in Rwanda.
  • Class T8 Tourist – Medical Treatment: Anyone who needs medical treatment/consultations in Rwanda can obtain this visa.
  • Class L9 Tourist – Group Tourist: Anyone traveling as a member of a group with four to 10 tourists, either individually or with a tour operator.
  • Class T12 – East Africa Tourist visa: A foreigner who wants to visit Kenya, Rwanda, and Uganda in one trip.

Requirements to Obtain Rwanda Work Visas

Almost all foreign nationals are required to apply for a visa to enter and stay in Rwanda. They also need a work permit, as a visa only allows entry to the country but not employment. Work permits are split into categories just like visas, but the two main options are temporary or permanent. Five types of permits describe the different natures of employment

Saudi Arabia

If your company is planning to expand operations into Saudi Arabia, you’ll need a talented team of employees. It is important to know how to get work visas and residency permits for any employees who will be making the move with you, whether you’re planning to relocate existing team members or recruit new employees abroad.

Types of Work Visas in Saudi Arabia

Anyone who wishes to enter Saudi Arabia will require a visa, with the exception of citizens of countries that are members of The Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf. These members include the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, the Sultanate of Oman, and Kuwait.

There are three types of visas in Saudi Arabia:

  • Employment visas
  • Business visit visas
  • Family visit or residence visas

This guide will focus on employment visas, as these will be necessary for any employees who will be staying in Saudi Arabia on a long-term basis.

What is a Schengen work visa and how do I get one?

I’m planning to work in Europe, do I need a Schengen work visa?

There’s no such thing as a ’Schengen work visa’. You can only work in Schengen nations for long periods if you have a National D-type Work visa, which is issued by the country you are planning to work in – and will not entitle you to work in another state.

However, if you need to travel to the Schengen Area for work reasons and your trip will last fewer than 90 days, then you can apply for a short-stay Schengen work visa allowing you to fulfill your business obligations. You will need to provide evidence that work is the purpose of your trip to be issued with a short-stay visa equivalent to the length of your posting in your desired Schengen Area. You must leave your host country before the expiry date shown on your visa.

If your obligations exceed 90 days, you need a long-stay work visa type D. You may also need to validate it within three months following your arrival.

Jobs in Scotland for Foreigners

Do you want to work abroad in Scotland? Whether you’re moving there temporarily on a youth visa or you’re making a permanent move to Scotland, you’ll need to find a job soon after you arrive. Luckily, there are lots of jobs in Scotland for foreigners.

If you’re on a temporary visa, you may be concerned that no one will want to hire you, since you can’t commit to working for them for an extended period.

The standard interview question, “Where do you see yourself in five years?” is surely going to pop up, right? Wrong! There are so many temporary jobs in Scotland that cater specifically for foreigners seeking temporary work within the country.

It’s one of the things which makes Scotland such a great place to move to as a temporary foreign worker.

How to Get an Employment Work Permit and Visa in Shanghai, China

Chinese government welcomes those foreign investors, high-level administrators and technical staff to work in china. And the normal vacancies are not offered to foreigners. So the foreigners who intend to work here shall have more than 2 years relevant work experience and relevant educational background.

Foreigners shall match the normal requirement of employment in law, such as 1) 18-60 age for male and 18-55 age for female; 2) be in good health; 3) no criminal record; 4) definitive employer;4) Valid passport.

These are the procedures for applying for work in china:

1. Before the employee entering china, the employer should apply for Employment License first in municipal Labor and Social Security Bureau Reception Center of Employment Affairs of Foreigners. 5 work days /no charge
2. The employer shall apply a letter of Z visa notification go through formalities. 3work days/¥20
3. The employer shall mail the document above and original Employment License to the employee oversea.
4. The employee shall apply forthwith for Z vise at Chinese embassy/consulate/Vise office in Employee’ nation with a letter of Z visa notification and original Employment License, and other required document of government within 30 days from date of the letter issue.
5. After entering China with Z Visa, the employee shall make Physical examination at Shanghai Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau. 4 work days /¥702/fluctuate
6. If passing the Physical examination, the employer shall apply for the Employment Permit. 3 work days/ no charge
7. Registrant temporary residence in Police Station where the employee Resident.
8. Finally the foreigner shall go through formalities for the residence permit at Shanghai Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau within 30 days from date of entrance. 5 work days/¥400

Work Permit Or Work Visa In Singapore

When it comes to Singapore, there is nothing called Singapore Work Visa. The authorities in lieu of the work visa issue something called work permit or work pass which enable foreigners to take up temporary or permanent work in the country. The work permit or pass can be applied for by any qualified and skilled Indian, who wants to work in Singapore through an appointed employment agent (EA) or employer.

As per the rules of the work permit, the employers who engage foreign workers in Singapore need to provide them with a salary for their service, maintain a security bond as well as provide them with health insurance.

Requirements for Singapore Work Visa

Foreign workers who work in Singapore need to fulfil the requirements mentioned below:

  • The applicant must hold a valid passport.
  • The applicant must be of at least 18 years of age
  • The applicant can only work within the scope of work mentioned in the work permits issued by the authorities.

Apart from the above mentioned points, foreign workers working in Singapore must also comply with:

  • Take no part in any other business or start their own business.
  • Work only in the occupation and for the employer specified in the work pass or work permit.
  • Not marry a Singapore citizen or permanent resident in or outside Singapore without having the approval from the Ministry of Manpower.
  • Reside only at the address set by the employer at the start of the employment.
  • Carry the original work permit at all the times and produce it for inspection on demand by any public officer

South Africa Work Visa

South Africa has many exciting employment opportunities for people seeking to build on their skills sets whilst experiencing another culture.

Although getting a job abroad is exciting, people are often unsure about the paperwork they require. To work in South Africa, foreign nationals need a visa, a few different types of South Africa visa are available depending on the role to be filled.

This article explains the various work permits and requirements issued by the South African government to help people prepare for their future employment.

Types of South Africa work visa

Foreigners with valuable skills that are in short supply in South Africa may be issued with a visa. Only when South African citizens with the relevant skills are not available will a foreigner be granted a permit in order to protect job opportunities for local people.

Applications are reviewed on a case-by-case basis by South Africa’s Department of Home Affairs. The duration of the visa will depend on the job to be carried out and other considerations.

There are 4 types of South Africa work visa:

  • General work visa
  • Critical skills work visa
  • Intra-company transfer work visa
  • Corporate visa

Prospective employees should consult the information below to find out which one they are able to apply for.

General work visa for South Africa

General work visas may be issued to foreigners when there are no South African citizens or permanent residents with the relevant skills available. General work visas are valid for the duration of the employment contract, up to a maximum of 5 years.

Workers should not make travel arrangements until their visa application has been approved by the Department of Home Affairs.


Working in Spain may be the goal of many. A country rich in history, beautiful beaches, and vibrant nightlife, working in Spain will be like a continuous vacation. Moreover, the country is always in search of highly skilled persons and has a list of shortage occupations.

If you are searching for a workplace where you are appreciated as a worker, but also a lover of the sun, Spain looks like the ideal place for you.

Yet, to work in Spain you must meet several criteria and may have to complete some processes, as getting a Spain work visa.

How to Apply for a Spain Work Visa?

To apply for a Spain Work visa, you need to meet some requirements and also complete the application steps as set by the Spanish authorities. Further, in this article, find all of these steps and requirements simply explained in chronological order.

How to apply for a work permit

The main rule is that you should apply for and have been granted a work permit before entering Sweden. When applying online you are given clear instructions about how to fill in your application and what you should send with the application. This makes it easier for you to apply correctly and increases your chances of a quick decision.

Infor­ma­tion for holders of work permits who wish to apply for an exten­sion or a perma­nent resi­dence permit

When you apply for an extension of your work permit, the Migration Agency checks that the conditions for a work permit have been met during the periods of validity of each of your previous work permit periods. For applications to be complete, you need to submit documents that show that salary and insurance requirements have been met for each month you have held a work permit in Sweden.

Switzerland Work Visa

If you want to be allowed to work in Switzerland, you will need a Switzerland work visa.

The Swiss work visa is one of the types of the Switzerland long-stay visas (also known as national or D-visa). It allows the holder to work in Switzerland for the duration that the visa is issued.

The process of applying for a Swiss work visa depends on your nationality, among other things. As with other types of visa, different rules apply for EU/EFTA citizens as opposed to non-EU/EFTA citizens.

What are the Eligibility Criteria for a Switzerland Work Visa?

As a non-EU/EFTA citizen, you are eligible to apply for a Switzerland work visa if you meet the following conditions:

  • You are a skilled and qualified worker (manager, specialist) and you have a university degree, several years of work experience, and specific expertise.
  • You already have a job waiting for you.
  • There is no EU/EFTA citizen who could take the job instead.
  • The annual quotas for Swiss work visas allow it.

If you meet those requirements, and your employer is applying for your residence permit, then you can apply for your Switzerland work visa.

How to apply for a Switzerland Work Visa?

The process for obtaining a Swiss work visa goes through these steps:

  1. Finding a job in Switzerland.
  2. Completing the Swiss work visa document file
  3. Your employer applies for your residence permit in Switzerland.
  4. You apply for the Switzerland work visa in your country.

9 Steps to Safe Work with a Permit

The permit to work helps to reduce the risk of safety incidents by ensuring the people involved are aware of the specific hazards, take the necessary precautions and are competent for the work.   It also ensures that communication takes place between production and maintenance teams throughout the job from planning, preparation, job execution to hand over and restoring the plant to normal operations.

We continue this series on permit to work basics by looking at at the high-level permit process involved.   There are nine key steps involved.  We can use these steps as a checklist when designing the permit to work process, when reviewing the procedures in your company and when training personnel.

Safety risk is not something that can be totally eliminated. Each job will have its own unique requirements related to the situation, the process, the site and the work to be done.   There are however a number of principles that help in reducing risk and these are described below.

The 9 key steps in maintenance work using a permit are shown in the diagram below.

(These steps normally take place sequentially, but in practice some can happen simultaneously and there can be variations to the process.   It might be helpful to regard these steps not necessarily as sequential, but rather as principles that need to be considered).


Money is the main factor to consider, when it comes to choosing between an international company or freelancing in a foreign country. There are, of course, other factors as well: level of experience, type of contract and position being offered, whether benefits are included, work hours and so on. The point is that every country has different working conditions and social security laws, thus some may be better than others.

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