How To Get A Work Visa For Singapore

So you’ve been to some of the best schools in the country and you have all the skills to be successful in today’s fast changing world. You want to work in Singapore, but are wondering “how do I get a work visa for Singapore?” Well, this is the question many young professionals ask themselves. Here we’ll walk you through some ways for foreigners wanting to work in Singapore.

If you are planning to relocate from the U.S. to Singapore, one of the biggest logistical challenges you might face is in getting a work visa. But it doesn’t have to be such a challenge. This article will discuss what expats need to know about how to get a work visa for Singapore and provide an overview of the most common avenues of employment for foreigners in Singapore:

Are you looking to work in Singapore, but not sure exactly where to start? Not sure if you can get a working visa? My guide on how to get a work visa for Singapore will show you exactly what to do step by step. I’ll also include helpful tips on working visas in general.

How To Get A Work Visa For Singapore

If you’re an expatriate and want to move to Singapore, this article will show how to get a visa for Singapore. And if you’re an employer looking at hiring from abroad, you’ll also find it useful. If you’re looking for information on how to immigrate or become a permanent resident (PR) of Singapore then you’ll need to consider other factors such as salary levels and level of English required by the employer. Further information can be found in another article on the site dealing specifically with immigration.

Work Permit Or Work Visa In Singapore

When it comes to Singapore, there is nothing called Singapore Work Visa. The authorities in lieu of the work visa issue something called work permit or work pass which enable foreigners to take up temporary or permanent work in the country. The work permit or pass can be applied for by any qualified and skilled Indian, who wants to work in Singapore through an appointed employment agent (EA) or employer.

As per the rules of the work permit, the employers who engage foreign workers in Singapore need to provide them with a salary for their service, maintain a security bond as well as provide them with health insurance.

Requirements for Singapore Work Visa

Foreign workers who work in Singapore need to fulfil the requirements mentioned below:

  • The applicant must hold a valid passport.
  • The applicant must be of at least 18 years of age
  • The applicant can only work within the scope of work mentioned in the work permits issued by the authorities.

Apart from the above mentioned points, foreign workers working in Singapore must also comply with:

  • Take no part in any other business or start their own business.
  • Work only in the occupation and for the employer specified in the work pass or work permit.
  • Not marry a Singapore citizen or permanent resident in or outside Singapore without having the approval from the Ministry of Manpower.
  • Reside only at the address set by the employer at the start of the employment.
  • Carry the original work permit at all the times and produce it for inspection on demand by any public officer.

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