
How To Get Investor Visa In Singapore

We often hear about the EB-5 Visa program in the US. However, there is another investor visa option that you may be eligible for if you want to live and do business in Singapore — the Immigrant Investor Programme (IIP) also known as the Global Investor Programme (GIP). This programme will allow you to obtain a P1 Quality (Permanent Resident) Visa and possibly even citizenship.

It’s no secret that Singapore has been one of the friendliest places to establish a business. Over the years, startups have not only flourished here but even enjoyed a lot of government support and funding to boot. These days, I’ve seen more and more foreigners investing in Singapore’s booming startup ecosystem with many of them ending up on the investor’s visa program. The great thing about the Investor Visa is that it can be broken down into 5 easy steps if you followed the right process and now many newbies are asking questions like “How do I get my passport stamped? Where should I start? What must I prepare before starting? What documents should I bring?” These are perfectly reasonable questions and there is an answer for them. We will base our discussion today on – How To Get Investor Visa In Singapore. But, other resources which you can find on our website include some frequently asked questions such as: singapore citizenship by investment 2022 and how to get singapore citizenship by investment

How To Get Investor Visa In Singapore

Investor visas are a great way to get your foot in the door when it comes to getting a visa in Singapore. There are two ways you can apply for this type of visa:

The first way is if you have an investment fund of at least $2 million, which you can put into an approved financial institution. You’ll also need to have net assets worth at least $2 million, as well as a business plan that shows how you plan to use your investment funds and generate profits from them.

The second way is if you own a company with at least $500,000 in equity capital. You’ll need to prove that this company has been operating for at least two years and has been profitable for those two years—and that you have invested at least $250,000 into it yourself.

Investor visas can be granted to those who have a minimum of S$2.5 million in their account. The individual must also plan to invest in Singapore for at least two years and make an investment of S$2.5 million into the country. The investment should be in a company that is registered and operating in Singapore or an approved fund, which has been licensed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).

The investor visa is only valid for up to five years but can be extended indefinitely if certain conditions are met by the applicant. These include maintaining a minimum amount in their bank account as well as meeting any other requirements set out by MAS.

The process involves filing an application form with supporting documents from both you and your spouse/partner if applicable (you must also fill out another form for each child), along with passport photos and payment of fees. You will then be contacted by MAS when they have made a decision on your application, which typically takes around eight weeks or less depending on how quickly you respond to requests for additional information needed from them before approval can be granted by MAS officials overseeing this particular program within Singapore’s immigration department.”

Getting an investor visa in Singapore is not as hard as you think. If you are planning to move and start a business, investing in the country is a great way to do it. You will be able to get a long-term visa that allows you to stay in the country for up to 10 years. Here are some of the benefits of this type of visa:

-It allows you to bring your spouse along with you

-It gives you access to free education for your children

-You don’t need a sponsor or guarantor

-You can start your own business or invest in one already established by someone else

-You can even get a working permit if you wish

The investor visa is one of the most sought-after visas in Singapore. It allows you to stay in the country as long as you like, and it offers many benefits, including:

• A permanent residence status

• Access to Singapore’s world-class healthcare system

• A fast track to citizenship (in some cases)

• The ability to purchase a condominium or private property in Singapore (subject to certain conditions)

Let’s look at how you can get an investor visa in Singapore.

Getting an Investor Visa in Singapore is a great way to get access to a new country and its opportunities. The process can be complicated, so we’ve broken it down into simple steps to help you understand how to get your investor visa.

What Is An Investor Visa?

An investor visa is one of several types of visas available in Singapore. It allows people who have made an investment in the country to stay there for a set amount of time. The investor visa lets you stay in Singapore for up to three years and renew the visa for another two years if needed. If you want to stay longer than that, you need to apply for permanent residency through the Ministry of Manpower and Immigration (MOMI).

In Singapore, you may be eligible for an investor visa. This is known as an investor/passport holder of Singapore (IPHIS). There are numerous types of visa that you can use to get residency in Singapore – and one is the Investor visa. In this blog post, we will discuss what the investor visa is, how much it costs and the typical investment requirements.

Acquiring Singaporean Residence

It is one of the Singaporean government’s objectives to attract talent to the country for residence and work. The government’s intention is for foreign nationals to make Singapore their home by becoming permanent residents.

Singapore is frequently voted the best Asian city in which to live, due to its excellent infrastructure and public services. It has one of the lowest crime rates in the world and Singapore residence offers a high quality of life to its residents. Globally, Singapore is rated one of the wealthiest countries when measured by GDP per capita.

Singapore has emerged as a world-class destination with a harmonious multi-racial and multi-cultural community. It has a population of 6 million people, with English and Mandarin as the main languages spoken. Living in Singapore means that residents benefit from the country’s political stability and economic prosperity. Singapore also has a reputable education system and a reliable healthcare system.

The country has a friendly tax regime and over recent years has continued to introduce tax regulations that favor foreign investors. Singapore’s taxation system operates on a territorial basis.

The Singapore Global Investor Program is designed for entrepreneurs or investors who are interested in making substantial financial investments in Singapore and is designed to attract wealthy foreign entrepreneurs and investors who wish to make Singapore their home.

The procedure to gain permanent residence under the Singapore Global Investor Program takes a considerable length of time. Applicants who wish to live in Singapore must submit a personal profile and a proposed investment plan using an e-application form with supporting documentation in hard copy. They are required to attend an interview within three to four months of submitting the application. If an application meets all the criteria, the applicant will be issued with an approval-in-principle. This approval is valid for six months during which applicants must make the requisite investment under the chosen investment option and submit documentary proof of doing so.

Singapore citizenship is offered on a single citizenship basis. After two years of permanent residence in Singapore, it is possible to apply for Singaporean citizenship. The country does not allow dual citizenship, and this rule is strictly enforced. 

The Singapore Global Investor Program

The Global Investor Program has been designed for investors who are interested in starting a business or investing in Singapore and thereby receiving Singapore permanent residence status.

Investment options

Under the Global Investor Program, the investor can choose one of the following options:

Option A:             

Invest at least SGD 2.5 million in a new business entity or expansion of an existing business operation.

Option B:             

Invest at least SGD 2.5 million in an approved fund that invests in Singapore-based companies plus the implementation of a business plan in Singapore.

Option C (Family Office Option):   

An investment of SGD 2.5 million, used to establish a single family office in Singapore, which is required to have assets under management of at least SGD 200 million (minimum SGD 50 million of assets in Singapore and SGD 150 million in offshore assets).

Eligibility criteria

An investor is eligible to apply for permanent residence under the Global Investor Program if they have a substantial business track record and a successful entrepreneurial background. Each Singapore residence category has a specific application process and a particular set of documentary requirements that must be fulfilled.

The Global Investor Program’s qualifying options are geared towards:


The investor must possess at least three years of entrepreneurial and successful business track record. Investors must own at least 30% equity of a company (or a summation of two companies) and must produce audited financial statements of their company for the three years prior to their application. The company’s turnover must be at least SGD 200 million in the preceding 12 months and at least SGD 200 million per annum on average for the previous three years.


The investor’s immediate family must own at least 30% equity of a company (or a summation of two companies) and must produce audited financial statements of their company for the three years prior to their application. The company’s turnover must be at least SGD 500 million in the preceding 12 months and at least SGD 500 million per annum on average for the previous three years. The investor needs to be a member of the company’s management board.


The investor must be a founder and one of the company’s largest individual shareholders. The company must have a valuation of at least SGD 500 million.


The investor must possess at least five years of entrepreneurial, investment or management track record and net investible assets of at least SGD 200 million. This category of applicant is restricted to the Family Office Option.

Family provisions

The spouse of the investor and their children (below 21 years old) are eligible to apply for permanent residence under the investor’s application. Male dependents will be liable for national service.

Parents and unmarried children of the investor who are 21 years old and above are not eligible to be included in the application for permanent residence status, but they may instead apply for a five-year long-term visit pass.

Re-entry permit validity

Upon the formalization of their permanent residence status, the investor will be issued with a re-entry permit (REP) for five years. A valid REP is necessary whenever you wish to travel in and out of Singapore. It enables the investor to retain their permanent residence status while away from Singapore.

After the first five years, the REP can be renewed if the investor fulfills certain conditions that are subject to the chosen option. There are different renewal requirements for the REP at the end of the fifth year, based on business milestones being met, physical time spent in Singapore, or a combination of these.

Acquiring Singaporean citizenship

The Singaporean passport is the strongest travel document in the world, according to the Henley Passport Index. It provides the holder with visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to 192 destinations, including Europe’s Schengen Area, Canada, China, and the USA.

After two years of permanent residence in Singapore, it is possible to apply for Singaporean citizenship.

Singapore is a single citizenship country, and this condition is strictly enforced. For this reason, Singapore is not the ideal options for individuals who are interested in holding more than one citizenship and passport

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