How To Renew Maid Visa In Dubai

If you are intending on staying in Dubai for an extended period of time, then it is important that you renew your maid visa as soon as possible. Failure to do so could lead to complications and delays when trying to obtain additional visas, or even put your job at risk. To renew your maid visa in Dubai, you will first need to complete the sponsorship application form. This can be downloaded from the Dubai Labour Bureau website or obtained from any immigration office. Once you have completed the form and submitted it together with required documents, your sponsor will contact the labour bureau to finalise the process.

It is important to keep in mind that renewing your maid visa does not guarantee that you will be able to stay in Dubai indefinitely. Rather, it is simply a way of guaranteeing continued residency while working in the country. If everything goes smoothly, it should only take a few weeks for your application to be processed and approved. We will base our discussion today on – How To Renew Maid Visa In Dubai. But, other resources which you can find on our website include some frequently asked questions such as: maid visa renewal dubai documents and tadbeer maid visa renewal

Table of Contents

How To Renew Maid Visa In Dubai

Renewing your maid visa in Dubai can be a big hassle, but it doesn’t have to be. With the help of a professional visa service provider, you can get your visa renewed quickly and easily. Here are four tips on how to renew your maid visa in Dubai: 1. Make a Plan Before you go ahead and try to renew your maid visa yourself, make sure you have a plan. This will help you stay organized and avoid any potential mistakes. 2. Do Your Research Don’t just take our word for it – do some research on the best immigration services in Dubai before choosing one. We can guarantee that there are a lot of reputable companies out there, but only one that meets your specific needs will do. 3. Get Expert Help If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the process or don’t know where to start, don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional visa service provider like ours. We’ll be happy to walk you through everything step-by-step and answer any questions you may have. 4. Let us Help You Save Time and Money Most importantly, let us help you save time

Requirements for Renewal

To renew your maid visa in Dubai, you will need to provide the following documents:
– A recent passport-sized photograph
– A copy of your current visa (if applying for a new visa)
– Your employer’s letter of sponsorship (or an original if applying on your own behalf)
– Evidence that you have sufficient funds to support yourself during your stay in Dubai
– A medical report from a qualified doctor verifying that you are fit for work as a domestic servant and providing evidence of previous health conditions (if applicable)

How to Renew Your Maid Visa in Dubai

Maid visas are usually valid for one year and can be renewed once before the validity expires. While the process may vary depending on your nationality, typically all you need to do is goto your embassy or consulate and provide them with the appropriate documents.

If you are a citizen of a country that does not have an embassy in Dubai, you will need to go to the nearest United Arab Emirates consulate instead. Keep in mind that some embassies and consulates may have different renewal procedures, so it is important to check with them before making any travel plans.

Typically, maids must provide their passport details, employment contract, income evidence (if they are being paid), as well as references from previous employers. If you are a maid travelling on your own visa (not accompanying someone), you will also need to provide documentation confirming that you have enough money to support yourself while in Dubai.

What to Expect After You Renew Your Maid Visa in Dubai

If you are a maid in Dubai, you will need to renew your visa before it expires. The renewal process is straightforward and requires only a few simple steps. Here is what to expect after you renew your maid visa in Dubai:

1. Present your original maid visa document to the immigration officer at the port of entry.

2. Complete the renewal form provided by the immigration department.

3. Pay the required fees with cash or debit card.

4. Return to the immigration office within 10 days to pick up your new maid visa certificate.

What To Do If Your Maid Visa Has Expired

If your maid visa has expired, you will need to apply for a new one. This process can be a bit complicated, but there are some steps you can take to make the process easier. First, you will need to gather all of the necessary documentation. This includes your currently valid passport, a copy of your visa application form, and proof of residence in Dubai (like a utility bill). You may also need to provide letters of recommendation from reputable organizations in Dubai. After you have gathered all of the necessary documentation, you will need to submit it to the embassy or consulate. You may also need to schedule an appointment in advance. The embassy or consulate will then review your application and issue you a new maid visa.

What is a Maid Visa?

If you are a maid and you want to stay in Dubai for an extended period of time, then you may need to apply for a maid visa. A maid visa is a temporary visa that allows you to work in Dubai. You must first apply for a job in Dubai and then apply for the maid visa. The process is relatively easy and there are many agencies that can help you with both applications.

If you’re planning a trip to Dubai soon and need to renew your maid visa, here are the steps you need to take: 1. First, make sure that your passport is valid for at least six months after your planned departure from the UAE. 2. Next, contact the embassy or consulate of the country you are visiting and ask about their requirements for a maid visa renewal. 3. Finally, fill out the appropriate application form with all of the necessary information and send it in along with your passport photo to the embassy or consulate.

How To Renew Maid Visa In Dubai

Hi, my name is Brenda and I am from the Philippines. I currently have a valid employment visa here in Dubai. It is due to expire in October 2014 so I want to renew it now to avoid overstaying.

The main purpose of writing this article is to help people who are not aware about this renewal process and find it difficult. This guide will also help those who have lost their contacts or documents. You can renew the visa online with the help of an agent or you can directly approach the concerned authority.

The Kafeel (sponsor) must ensure the renewal of the visa before expiration, by producing certain documents and payments for renewal fees. The Kafeel must ensure that he attaches photocopies of the sponsor?s ?Dubai Residence Permit? to this application.

Visa renewal of Housemaid Sponsored by an Expatriate

+ Sponsor should visit GRRFA Office to get visa stamped on maid’s passport after submitting the application through Tadbeer Center. This rule is same for expatriate and national sponsor. No Zajel collection is available for maid visa stamping and renewal.

+ Application can be typed from Tadbeer centre.

– All fees will be taken through Tadbeer centre.

Required Documents: 
(All documents should be in original for scanning)

+ Maid’s original passport & Emirates ID

+ Three photographs of the Maid with white background (2 photos for medical & one for visa)

+ Original Passport, Emirates ID, Bank Account Number (IBAN), Tenancy Contract (Ejari) with minimum two bed rooms, Electricity Bill & Labour Contract/ Salary Certificate of Sponsor.

+ Original Medical Certificate

+ Original attested marriage Certificate of the sponsor.

Medical Insurance should be renewed yearly. Approximate Dh589 per year.

Maid Contract to be signed by both employer and the maid. Then it should be scanned with visa application. Maid contract can be printed from Tas’heel Centre. Fee: Dh103. You can take the maid to Tadbeer centre for signing the contract to avoid visiting the centre two times.

Age Criteria: If the maid’s age is above 60, a manual application should be filled in Arabic by the sponsor and attach it with the online application to exempt from the age limit.

After completion of Emirates IDMedicalInsurance, go to Tadbeer centre, print the contract, get signed by maid and sponsor, then type the renewal form from the same Tas’heel Centre.

+ Maid Visa Renewal Fees:Dh5767 (urgent only available) including Maid Contract printing and submission after signature.

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