Independent Visa In Dubai

If you are planning to move to Dubai, you will need to obtain an independent visa. This type of visa allows you to live and work in Dubai without the sponsorship of an employer. You can apply for an independent visa if you are a highly skilled professional, have a large amount of financial capital, or own a business in Dubai. The process for applying for an independent visa is similar to that of other types of visas, but there are some additional requirements that you will need to meet.

First, you will need to obtain a no-objection letter from your current employer. This letter states that your employer does not object to your leaving your job to move to Dubai. Next, you will need to submit evidence of your qualifications and experience. In addition, you will need to provide proof of your financial resources. Finally, you must submit a business plan if you are applying for a business visa. Once you have gathered all of the required documents, you can begin the application process by submitting them online or by visiting the nearest UAE embassy or consulate. We will base our discussion today on – AA. But, other resources which you can find on our website include some frequently asked questions such as: freelance visa dubai cost 2022 and freelance visa dubai categories

Independent Visa In Dubai

So you want to move to Dubai, eh? You’re not alone; the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has been gaining popularity as a destination for digital nomads and expats over the past few years. And why wouldn’t it be? Dubai boasts sunny weather year-round, a low cost of living, and no personal income tax. Plus, it’s a global hub for business and tourism, so there are plenty of opportunities to network and find work. If you’re planning on moving to Dubai, you’ll need to apply for a visa. In this blog post, we will explore the independent visa in Dubai, who is eligible to apply, and how to go about it.

What is an Independent Visa in Dubai?

An independent visa in Dubai is a type of visa that allows the holder to live and work in Dubai without sponsorship from an employer. This type of visa is also known as a freelance visa or an entrepreneur visa.

To be eligible for an independent visa in Dubai, you must be 21 years of age or older and have a valid passport from your country of citizenship. You will also need to prove that you have enough financial resources to support yourself while living in Dubai.

Once you have been granted an independent visa, you will be able to live and work in Dubai for three years. After this initial period, you can apply for an extension of your visa if you wish to continue living and working in Dubai.

How to Apply for an Independent Visa in Dubai

If you want to live and work in Dubai, you will need to obtain an independent visa. This type of visa is also known as a work visa or an employment visa. The process of applying for an independent visa in Dubai is relatively simple, but there are a few things that you will need to do in order to ensure that your application is successful.

First, you will need to have a valid passport. You will also need to have a job offer from a company in Dubai. The company will need to sponsor your visa application. Once you have these two things, you can begin the application process.

The first step is to fill out an online application form. You will be asked for personal information such as your name, address, and contact information. You will also need to provide information about your education and work experience. After you have completed the online application form, you will need to submit it along with your passport and the required documents to the Visa Application Centre in Dubai.

Once your application has been received, it will be reviewed by the authorities. If everything is in order, you should receive your independent visa within a few weeks. Once you have received your visa, you can then begin the process of finding a job and making plans to move to Dubai!

What are the Requirements for an Independent Visa in Dubai?

An independent visa in Dubai is a great way to live and work in the city without being sponsored by an employer. The requirements for this type of visa are fairly simple and straightforward, but there are a few things to keep in mind.

First and foremost, you must have a valid passport from your home country. You will also need to provide proof of employment or schooling in Dubai, as well as a few other documents. The exact list of requirements can vary depending on your nationality and the specific consulate, so be sure to check with them before applying.

Generally speaking, the process for applying for an independent visa is relatively quick and easy. Once you have all of the required documents, you can submit your application online or in person at the consulate. The processing time can take a few weeks, but it is usually relatively quick.

If you’re looking to live and work in Dubai without being sponsored by an employer, then an independent visa is likely the best option for you. Just be sure to research the requirements thoroughly and submit all required documents to avoid any delays or problems with your application.

What are the Benefits of an Independent Visa in Dubai?

Independent visas in Dubai offer a number of benefits to the holder. Firstly, they provide the holder with the opportunity to live and work in Dubai without being sponsored by an employer. This means that the holder is free to pursue their own employment opportunities and are not tied to any one company. Secondly, holders of independent visas are allowed to bring their families with them to Dubai, which is not the case for many other types of visas. Finally, holders of independent visas can apply for permanent residency in Dubai after a certain period of time, which provides them with greater security and stability in the long term.

How long is an Independent Visa in Dubai Valid For?

An independent visa in Dubai is valid for three years. However, it should be noted that an independent visa does not entitle the holder to residency rights.

The independent visa in Dubai is a great option for those who want to live and work in the city on their own. The process is relatively simple and straightforward, and there are many resources available to help you through it. If you’re considering moving to Dubai, be sure to look into the independent visa option – it could be just what you’re looking for.

Independent Visa In Dubai

Residents moving to Dubai will find that there is great flexibility when it comes to working in the emirate, whether it’s establishing their own business or working as a freelancer. With the rising popularity of the ‘gig economy’, there have been initiatives introduced to make it easier and cheaper for freelancers to operate in Dubai. One such initiative is the GoFreelance package, by the TECOM Group in partnership with the Dubai Creative Clusters Authority, which allows freelancers in the media, technology and education sector to easily apply for a permit and visa! Today, MyBayut discusses how you can apply for a freelance visa in Dubai if you’re planning to work in the media or education sector. 

Work from home/freelancing in Dubai
Freelancing in Dubai is a viable career path for locals and expats alike


The freelance permit in Dubai is a licence issued under the TECOM Group that allows you to work as an independent contractor and is renewable each year. The freelancer permit is ideal for those who are on their spouse’s or parent’s visa and only require a licence to operate as a freelancer. 

However, for those who aren’t sponsored by their parents or spouse, they can also apply for a freelance visa in Dubai, which is a residency permit that allows the individual to live and work in the emirate and is renewable every three years. 


There are various sectors for which you can obtain freelancer eligibility in Dubai:

  • Education 
  • Media
  • Tech

If you are pursuing professions such as acting, screenwriting, journalism, advertising, training, education advisor, customer service or web development, you are eligible to apply for the freelance visa in Dubai. You can find a complete list of freelance activities that you are permitted to carry out with this visa on the GoFreelance website. 

Please note that the Dubai Internet City will issue your freelance permit if you are working in the Tech sector, Dubai Media City for the media sector and Dubai Knowledge Park for the education sector. 


There are several benefits of having a freelance permit and visa in Dubai. Firstly, it allows you the flexibility to work for multiple companies. If you plan to work in any of the sectors mentioned above and don’t want a 9-to-5 job, becoming a freelancer in Dubai could be your best career move. 

Additionally, the affordability of having a freelance visa in Dubai means you can offer your services at much lower prices. With the GoFreelance package, the setup costs are much lower and no office space is required, allowing more freelancers to enter the market. 

Having a freelance visa and permit in Dubai also allows you to work as an independent contractor for companies across the UAE and allows you access to the free zone’s business centre, as well. 

With the freelance visa in Dubai, you can also sponsor family members to come and live with you in an apartment or villa for rent in Dubai. However, bear in mind that you cannot sponsor employees with your freelance permit and visa. 

Applying for visa online
You can easily apply for the freelance visa and permit online


Applying for the GoFreelance’s permit and freelance visa in Dubai is now a simple process that requires only a few steps. To get the freelance visa in Dubai, you will initially need to apply for the freelance permit or licence to be registered as a freelancer in the emirate. 


You can apply for the freelance permit in the UAE through the GoFreelance website. Select the option Go Apply and fill out the application form and submit the required documents. 


Some of the documents needed to apply for the freelance permit in Dubai include: 

  • Resume/CV
  • Recent photograph
  • Passport and visa copy (valid for at least 8 months) 
  • Bank reference letter
  • NOC from your UAE sponsor

Please note that if you are applying to the education sector, you will have to submit proof of academic qualifications, which must be certified either by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the UAE Consulate in your country of origin. Likewise, if you are applying in the media sector, you will have to submit a portfolio or sample of your work. 

If you are applying in the education or tech sector, you can only choose one activity when applying for the permit. 

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