Indonesia Tourist Visa For Pakistani

If you are planning to visit Indonesia, you will need an Indonesia tourist visa. Before applying for the Indonesia Tourist Visa For Pakistani, find out more about the Indonesian Immigration Department requirements and apply for the free visa delivery service.

Visiting Indonesia, among famous tourist attractions in the world which includes Borobudur Temple, Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, and Lake Toba, etc., as well as there are many beaches, luxury hotel and golf course. If you want to visit there then you must get international visa or tourist visa for Indonesia. Before applying for Indonesian Tourist Visa For Pakistanis so necessary to read here whole article and after then you can apply at embassy of Indonesia.

There are various visa options available for the people travelling to Indonesia. These permits are basically there to grant the citizens of a foreign country entry into Indonesia specifically for tourism purposes. The citizens and residents of some countries can easily apply for an Indonesia Tourist Visa with minimal hassle and go through the formalities quickly while other nationalities may have to be content with a visa on arrival, which may be a little bit more tedious. In this piece, we shall highlight all the information you will need in order to get an Indonesia visa either as a tourist or for business purposes and enjoy pristine beaches and unspoiled sceneries of this largest archipelago in the world.

Indonesia Tourist Visa For Pakistani

Indonesia is a country of great beauty and harboring a rich cultural welcome, but not many tourists visit the country due to lengthy visa and difficult bureaucracy. But this not the case with Pakistan and Indonesia.

Indonesia has always been a dream destination for travellers. But just like Bangkok, Bali has started being overrun by tourists. That’s why it’s always a good idea to get the latest visa updates in case you want to go there.


Indonesia has now issued electronic visa or e-Visa. To obtain the e-Visa, you must have a local sponsor in Indonesia. Your sponsor should apply for the e-Visa on your behalf. When approved, you will receive the e-Visa by email.

Please ask your sponsor to go to for details.

Information on Immigration ​Regulation during COVID-19 regulasi imigrasi covid-190001.PDF

The e-Visa is valid for travel into Indonesia, without additional documents from the Indonesian Embassy in Islamabad. You still have to comply with the health protocols and submit relevant documents, which include:

  1. A valid medical certificate from the local health authority and the COVID-19 negative PCR test result. Both documents must be issued within seven days prior to your arrival date in Indonesia;
  2. A statement of willingness to go into quarantine (mandatory or voluntary), pay for the expenses that occur during quarantine, comply with the prevailing laws and regulations, and willingness to be monitored by the local health authorities;
  3. A health insurance that covers the medical expenses of COVID-19 treatment, or a statement of willingness to pay for all the expenses that occur during the treatment.

In accordance with the Regulation of the Minister for Law and Human Rights Number 26 of 2020 on Visa and Stay Permit in the New Normal (Permenkumham 26/2020), entry into Indonesia is possible for holders of the following documents:

  1. Official Visa;
  2. Diplomatic Visa;
  3. Visitor Visa;
  4. Temporary Stay Visa;
  5. Official Stay Permit;
  6. Diplomatic Stay Permit;​

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