Investment Visa In Laos

The Lao PDR has recently implemented the investment visa program to encourage foreign investment from all investors across the globe and to promote ASEAN economic integration, which is in line with the country’s goal of attaining middle-income status by 2020. The Laos Investment Visa Program offers a wide range of options to investors and there are several benefits associated with this program.

The first thing that you should know about the investment visa in Laos is that it offers multiple entry visas for 90 to 180 days. In addition, foreigners can travel to Laos visa-free for a period of up to 30 days with the Lao border visa, or even for up to 15 days without the Lao border visa. The next thing to know about is how much you will have to spend in order to qualify for the investment visa. The minimum investment foreigners need to make in order to qualify for the visas is USD 100,000. When they relocate their money by investing in real estate, business ownership or even debt instruments, then they are allowed to decrease their required investment by 1/3, which means that they can invest only USD 33,300. Foreigners who invest more than USD 300,000 in Laos and at least USD 50,000 are allowed by law to obtain legal status and obtain a citizenship certificate if they apply within seven years after obtaining a permanent resident visa. To learn more about this visa option and others available in Laos and find professional assistance with making your application as part of a process that will allow you to move with your family anywhere you wish legally and permanently please contact Annette from Phupha Travel directly on +

Investment Visa In Laos

In recent years, the government of Laos has drafted a number of new policies and laws regarding immigration. One of these is the introduction of a new visa for foreign investors, known as the “Lao PDR Business visa”. The law is relatively new, and there is little information to be found on it. This article hopes to shed some light on this visa: who can apply for it, why you might want to apply for it and how you will benefit from it.

A foreign direct investment visa is granted to entrepreneurs who wish to start a business in Laos. Typically, investors obtain a foreign direct investment visa also known as an FDI visa for starting a business in Laos. The investor first needs to meet the minimum requirements, which include having business partners, making capital contribution and investment plan; and then apply for the visa from the Department of Immigration & Emigration (DIE). The foreign direct investment visa grants an investor the right to reside in Laos for up to one year or until the project is completed, whichever comes first. After completing his or her investment, an investor can get a renewable long-term residence permit at the immigration directorate by submitting an application with supporting documents.

The Lao PDR remains one of the best source of various investment option for those risking their capital for the sake of large returns. The country possesses all the essential factors in prompting businessmen to visit this southeast Asian country. To be specific, there exists a wide range of economic opportunities, where almost everything is still under construction and can be developed by investors to open businesses, plant trees, establish factories and develop infrastructure facilities of their own. Laos has emerged as one of the favorite destinations among foreign investors seeking a suitable gateway in Southeast Asia due to its geopolitical location and its more investor friendly laws and policies.

This article is primarily aimed at helping people who are interested in knowing a little more about the regulations pertaining to foreign investment made by an individual as well as companies in Laos.

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