Japan Visa In Pakistan On Done Base

In today’s competitive world travel is considered as the best medium to gain knowledge and experience. Japan is the number one destination for international students and its high education record is well-renowned in the world. For this reason alone, it attracts thousands of students worldwide to seek higher studies in Japan every year. To seek admission in a Japanese university majority of students look for student visa or student visa services. We help them to get visa on easy and fast processing basis; all you need is complete our simple application form and shortlist your university in Japan so that we can contact for you regarding the available dates for processing your visa.

Pakistan is the best destination for student now a days. Pakistan has become a hub of education sector; the reason behind it is that Pakistan Educational System is the best in Asia now. The educational system in Pakistan is continuously improving, and because of its quality, many students are coming to study in this region.  Education can be considered as top priority charts on investment charts. To face the world market competition it is essential that your employees have proper education to meet customer needs efficiently. Each year thousands of students from all over the world study in overseas for their graduation, foundation or postgraduate courses which require them to get their visa from the embassies and govt bodies of the country they choose from to get admission. We will base our discussion today on – AA. But, other resources which you can find on our website include some frequently asked questions such as: done base visa whatsapp group and done base visa canada in pakistan

There is hardly any difference between a normal process and an impossible task. Japan visa is also something which seems to be almost impossible to obtain. In the case of Pakistan, you will find there are many grey areas concerning the visa processing policies of Japan. First, the problem is not with the embassy officials but with their own strict rules and regulations which are implemented for everybody without any leniencies. However, this doesn’t mean that there isn’t any way to get Japanese visa in Pakistan as there are some easy as well as some tricky ways to do it. Thus, if you have thought about going to Japan on a holiday trip or to work on short-term contract basis then you should know how to apply for a visa in order to make your travels successful and hassle free.

Japan Visa In Pakistan On Done Base

In Pakistan, Japan visa is a big deal. It is a big step for anyone who has to travel to the country for official or business purposes. One of the most important factors when trying to obtain a visa is working with a reliable agency. This article is written by a professional team of Japan visa experts that have provided visa services to individual clients and government official delegations in Pakistan. This will be your one-stop shop for obtaining good information regarding your visa needs.

Japan visa is a type of document that allows foreign nationals to travel to Japan and stay there for a limited period of time. This type of visa is issued by the embassy/consulate or Japanese mission in the country where you live.

Pakistani citizens planning to travel to Japan are currently required to carry a valid visa in order to enter Japan. There are currently multiple types of Japanese visas, depending on the purpose of your trip and the length of your stay. Make sure to apply for the appropriate one according to your specific situation.

Japan Visa Requirements for Pakistani Passport Holders

The requirements for Pakistani nationals wishing to visit TokyoOsaka, or other cities in Japan are quite simple to obtain. Requirements can be organized into the following categories and differ slightly depending on the traveler’s personal situation.

Identification documents required to obtain a Japan visa from Pakistan include:

Please read the following instructions in order to know exactly which documents you will be required to submit as a Pakistani national in order to be able to apply for a Japanese visa.

  • Original current passport with a minimum of 2 blank pages and a remaining validity period of 8 months minimum.
  • All previous passports, even if expired.
  • Original national identification card (CNIC ) with 1 photocopy.
  • B-Form photocopy in case of minors requesting a Japanese visa from Pakistan.

Forms required to obtain a Japan visa from Pakistan include:

  • Signed visa application form for Japan visa from Pakistan. Japanese embassy personnel will provide you with this form upon your request.
  • Minor applicants, visa form and other supporting forms need to be signed by both parents along with signature or thumb print of minor applicant as it appears on the child’s passport.

Photographs required from Pakistani citizens for Japanese visa application:

  • 4 recent 3.5 cm x 4.5 cm, full-color borderless photographs with a white background.
  • The applicant’s face must be clearly visible, and photographs may be no older than 3 months.
  • Pictures may have a matt or semi-matt finish.

Travel documents required to obtain a Japanese visa for Pakistani citizens include:

  • Hotel booking.
  • Hotel reservations generally do not need to be paid beforehand and you may modify them later should you need to change your itinerary.
  • Return air ticket booking.
  • Should you not have a return ticket paid, a temporary reservation that is held for 24-48 hours will do. Make sure to bring a printed copy along.
  • Travel itinerary.
  • Download the itinerary form from the Japanese embassy website and fill it with your day by day plan.
  • Make sure to mention where you will stay and which places you plan on visiting.

Financial documents required for Pakistani nationals to obtain a Japanese visa include:

  • Printed original personal bank account 6-month statement.
  • Bank’s name, bank’s telephone number, applicant’s full name, and account number must be clearly visible on the document, which must be printed on bank letterhead, and duly signed and stamped.

Important note: Visitors traveling to Japan are advised to ensure that the financial records in their bank statements are more than sufficient to cover the ticket prices, hotel bookings, and estimated daily expenses during their stay, considering Tokyo is one of the most expensive destinations in the world.

The minimum closing balance should be around PKR 300,000 per person traveling from Pakistan to Japan. Please consider that suddenly depositing a sum of money to reach the required balance right before application will go against you. Bank statements should be under 7 days old, prior to the submission date.

Travelers financing their own trip to Japan may issue their statement themselves.
Travelers visiting Japan under sponsorship should bring a statement issued by their sponsor.

Employment documents required for Pakistani nationals to obtain a Japanese visa:

Employment documents required for Pakistani nationals to obtain a Japanese visa differ depending on whether the traveler is employed by a third person, a self-employed businessman, retired, or a student.

Employed Pakistani Nationals

If you are currently employed by a third person or company in Pakistan, you will be required to present the following documents when applying for a Japanese visa:

  • Signed letter from employer, verifying your occupation, stating your position, designation, NIC number, salary and how long you have been working there.
  • Signed “No objection” certificate or leave permit letter from your employer stating that your vacation dates have been approved and that they have no issues with you temporarily leaving the country.
  • This document must be printed on the company letterhead and also mention the length and dates your leave is authorized for.
  • Original salary slips from the last 3 months prior to your trip.
  • Personal income tax returns for the last 3 assessment years or tax deduction certificate.
  • Visiting or business card & employee ID card copy.

Self-Employed Pakistani Nationals

If you are currently a self-employed professional or businessman in Pakistan wishing to visit Japan, you will be asked to present the following documents when applying for a visa:

  • Personal income tax returns for the last 3 years.
  • Company income tax returns for the last 3 years in the event that personal and company taxes were filed separately.
  • Aside from personal bank account statement as mentioned above, you will also be required to present the original company bank account statement for the last 6 months.
  • Bank’s name, bank’s telephone number, applicant’s full name and account number must be clearly visible on the document, which must be printed on bank letterhead, and duly signed and stamped.
  • Company Registration Certificate or Certificate of Incorporation, whichever is applicable.
  • If applicant is the business proprietor or a partner: Proof of Proprietorship or Partnership.
  • Chamber of Commerce Certificate, if applicable.

Pakistani Students

Pakistani nationals currently taking part as students in official educational institutions must also present the following, when applying for a Japanese visa:

  • Student ID Card with 1 photocopy.
  • Leave permit letter printed on school or college letterhead, duly stamped and signed by academic authorities.
  • If student is a minor travelling unaccompanied or with only one parent, then they are also required to have either both parents or the non-accompanying parent issue and sign a “No objection” certificate, attested by a public notary accompanied by a photocopy of parent’s ID card or passport.

Retired Pakistani Citizens

In the event that retired Pakistani passport holders were to travel to Japan, they would be required the following additional documents:

  • Photocopy of retirement order or relieving letter.
  • Photocopy of discharge book.
  • Photocopy of pension book, if applicable.

Pakistani Families Traveling Together to Japan

In the event that you are traveling from Pakistan to Japan along with your spouse or relatives, you are likely to be asked to present the following additional documents:

Work Visa

Apply Now

Citizens of foreign countries who wish to work and live in Pakistan can apply for this visa.

 NOTE: For further details about the requirements, it is requested to go through Board of Investment’s website, https://invest.gov.pk/work-visa

Click Here for further information about Work/CPEC Visa

Application Type

You can apply for two types of visas online :

First Time (New) : You can apply for a new visa if you do not possess a valid Pakistan visa.

Extension : You can apply for a visa extension if you posses a valid Pakistan visa and you are residing in Pakistan.


  • Citizens of foreign countries who have a valid job offer and meet the requirements are eligible to apply for this visa.

Required Documents

  1. Passport
  2. Photograph
  3. SECP registration letter of company
  4. Recommendation letter By BOI (In case of Extension Mandatory)
  5. Contact Details of the Sponsor
  6. Undertaking on company letterhead/In case of CPEC/Government approved project, letter from concerned department /ministry
  7. CV of applicant
  8. Covering letter on company’s letter head
  9. Company profile
  10. Employment agreement
  11. FBR NTN certificate of the company
  • You are required to upload proof of legal residence,  in case you are not present in your home country and are applying for visa from a third country, it’s a mandatory requirement! The document can be uploaded in the supporting document type: Other
  • In Case of Extension– Please upload proof of Valid Pakistani Visa for which you are seeking Extension and Entry Stamp on your Passport in the supporting document type: Other

Duration and Validity

  • An Entry Work Visa can be granted for up to 3 Months (Single Entry).
  • An Extension Work Visa can be granted up to 2 Years (Multiple Entries).

In case of extension, please make sure that you have a valid Pakistani Visa and are residing in Pakistan as well.

Processing Time

Issuance of Visa is the prerogative of the Government of Pakistan.

  • 48 Hours (Working Days – First Time Entry)
  • 37 days (Working days – First Time entry – For Afghanistan Passport Holders)
  • 4 Weeks (Working Days – Visa Extension)

Please Note: : If the application is Sent Back for Review to the Applicant, the set processing time will be applicable again (The processing time will re-start from the date of re-submission of application).
The Application will stand cancelled if applicant doesn’t resubmit his/her application in Seven (7) days from the date of application sent for review.

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