Live And Work Visa For Australia

The Australian Labor Government have decided to abolish the 4 year work visa (subclass 457 Visa) in favour of a new temporary skilled visa- subclass 482 Visa. The temporary Subclass 482 visa is the new temporary skilled visa announced by the Australian Prime Minister, Mr. Kevin Rudd in a media release on the 6th of April, 2011. The changes brought about by the abolition of the outsourcing visa are set to affect all foreign nationals who intend to immigrate to Australia.

If you are an Indian national and want to live and work on a permanent basis in Australia, then you should opt for the Australia Live and Work Visa. Australia is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. Every year thousands of people from India travel across the globe to have fun and enhance their living experience. But there are certain cases where travelers decide to stay back in Australia for longer time period. If you belong to such group of people, you will have to get yourself registered as an Australian resident before the expiry of your travel document like RTA, passport or visa. We will base our discussion today on – Live And Work Visa For Australia. But, other resources which you can find on our website include some frequently asked questions such as: australia work permit visa 2022 and australia work visa processing time

In recent years, more and more Chinese are interested in living and working in Australia. According to Foreigners Regional Registration Office of Victoria, overall, from July 2009 to June 2010, the number of Chinese migration increased by 22%. Most of them who want to work in Australia decided to apply for a visa to allow them to live and work there.

Live And Work Visa For Australia

A temporary visa allows you to stay in Australia for a certain period of time. You are not eligible for permanent residence on this visa type.In order to be successful in getting an Australian visa on the basis of your business skills, you will need to demonstrate that you have a highly skilled occupation and that you are needed for service in one of the Australian states or territories.

The skilled migrant visa
To live and work in Australia

Many people dream of a future in Australia. When you are willing to live and work in Australia, you will need a visa. The skilled migrant category does not only include permanent visas but visa for temporary stay in Australia as well.

Skilled Migrant visa

This category is designed to recruit the most talented individuals, who are able to contribute to the Australian economy. Not only those in employment but also (small) self-employed entrepreneurs belongs with an annual turnover lower than  AUD 500,000.- and a equity of AUD 800,000.- belong to this category.

To apply for a visa in the skilled migrant category you must meet several requirements. Firstly you need to prove you practice a job listed on Australia’s occupational list. You must prove that your experience and education correspond to the requirements set for this occupation. Furthermore, the requirements below apply:

  • You are older than 18 years but younger than 45 years of age
  • Your English language ability satisfy the requirements
  • You score enough points in the points testing system
  • Lastly, you are in good health and you don’t have a criminal record

The skilled migrant category is subdivided into various visa which all have their own requirements.

Visa categories Australia

Skilled Independent visa

Stated that your job is listed in the so-called ‘Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List’ and that you satisfy the requirements mentioned below, you might be eligible for a visa in this subclass. This occupation list includes jobs wherein a shortage is identified within the Australian labour market. This visa allows you to live and work in Australia permanently. Besides, you are not tied to a specified area (State/Territory) or to an employer.

Skilled Nominated visa

This visa firstly applies to people with a job listed in the ‘Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List’. If you score insufficiently in the Australian points test based on the basic elements (age, qualifications, skilled employment and knowledge of the English language), you must compensate the missing points. You could claim extra points by ‘State Nomination’. Additionally, you can be sponsored by a first-degree relative.

Secondly, this visa applies to people who have a job on the ‘Short-term Skilled Occupation List’. This includes occupations wherein a shortage is identified in specific regions. In this case, a state nomination is mandatory.

Each Australian state works with its own occupation list with jobs they are willing to sponsor for a visa and handles their own requirements for state nomination.

​​​​​​​Processing on-hand visa applications is a government priority. We are working to reduce the time it takes to finalise visa applications. We are increasing the number of staff processing applications, and we will continue to bring more staff on board to perform this critical work.

We are prioritising the processing of visas lodged by people outside of Australia, including temporary skilled, student and visitor visas. This is to make sure more people can travel to Australia to fill the critical skill shortages across the country.

Actions taken to improve processing times

We have focused resources on visa processing. This includes recruiting new staff. 

We have reallocated staff to focus on offshore skilled, student and visitor visas so that more people can travel to Australia.

We are reviewing our processes. Wherever we can we aim to streamline the processing of applications without compromising program integrity.​

When will things improve?

We expect that processing times will improve in the coming months.

Visa processing times are published on our website as new data is available.

We have a large number of older cases on-hand as well as increasing numbers of new applications. We are working through these as quickly as possible.

Processing times are currently impacted by those older applications, but this will improve once we have worked through them.​

Median processing times for key programs 

The information below shows the median visa processing times for key visa categories. This is the most accurate way to show the amount of time it is taking most visa applications to be finalised. 

Visa processing times vary between different visas within these categories, and in some cases it may take longer for those visas to be finalised.

Processing Times* by client location – 50 percent (median)

                              August 2022
Visa ProgramVisa CategoryIn AustraliaOutside Australia
PermanentSkilled (Permanent)Partner (First Stage)5 Months9 Months5 Months14 Months
TemporarySkilled (Temporary)StudentVisitorWorking Holiday Maker3 Months
5 Months
4 Months
45 Days
46 Days44 Days3 DaysLess than 1 Day

* Processing times are aggregate calculations for the category, ie: a number of different subclasses sit under each category.

How to view processing times 

If you have made a visa application you can check processing times information using our visa processing times guide.​​

Information on visa processing times for visas is updated regularly as new data is available. 

Processing times are available for most visas.

Information is not available for:

  • visas that are closed to new entrants
  • family visas that are capped and queued
  • visas that have too few decisions in the month to provide a reliable indicator of processing time.

To help ensure applications are processed as quickly as possible, submit your application with all necessary supporting documents. The checklists provided on ImmiAccount​ will help in making sure you include all required documents in your application.

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