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Mauritius Work Visa For South African Citizens

My brothers and sisters from the beautiful country of South Africa, you may have read my previous blog post on how to obtain a work permit for Seychelles. In that post I mentioned that Seychelles has a great relationship with Mauritius – the island nation next door. The two countries have many agreements and are part of a bilateral free trade area, which also includes the other landlocked countries (Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, Swaziland and Southern African Customs Union members like Madagascar).

South African citizens are needed in Mauritius for a number of business opportunities. They can fill jobs that require special skills and knowledge, as well as jobs that require only basic skills. With a valid work visa from the Citizenship and Immigration department, anyone from South Africa can work in this paradise of islands. We will base our discussion today on – Mauritius Work Visa For South African Citizens. But, other resources which you can find on our website include some frequently asked questions such as: medical test for mauritius visa and mauritius visa for south african citizens.

Due to the greater desire of the South African citizens to seek out job opportunities on an international level, the Mauritius Government has recently made available work visa for South African citizens; allowing them to find job opportunities in Mauritius.

The government of Mauritius has decided to grant visa-free entry to South African citizens traveling to Mauritius.

As the economy of South Africa continues to grow, so do the most in demand jobs. Due to a recent upsurge of companies setting up shop in Mauritius (which has helped stimulate their economy), available positions are abundant.

Mauritius Work Visa For South African Citizens

Mauritius Work Visas & Permits

Mauritius is a popular destination for expatriates due to the island nation’s beaches, reefs, and robust economy. If your company is planning to expand operations into Mauritius, recruiting a talented team of employees is probably high on your list of priorities. However, your employees will need to obtain the proper working visas and permits before they can legally live and work in this thriving country.

Mauritius is a popular destination for expatriates due to the island nation’s beaches, reefs, and robust economy. If your company is planning to expand operations into Mauritius, recruiting a talented team of employees is probably high on your list of priorities. However, your employees will need to obtain the proper working visas and permits before they can legally live and work in this thriving country.

Types of Work Visas in Mauritius

There are many types of visas available to citizens of foreign nations who wish to enter Mauritius. However, any individuals who plan to seek gainful employment in the country will need one of the following:

  • Work Permit
  • Occupation Permit
  • Certificate of Exemption

The majority of employees will need a Work Permit. Along with this document, they will also need to obtain a Residence Permit.

Occupation permits issued in Mauritius should not be confused with work permits. An occupation permit is a combined work and residence permit that allows foreign nationals to live and work in Mauritius. However, this permit is only available to applicants who fall under one of three subcategories: sponsored professionals, investors, and self-employed workers.

Requirements to Obtain Mauritius Work Visas

To be eligible for a work permit in Mauritius, the applicant should be between 20 and 60 years old. Exceptions to this requirement may be made for workers with specific expertise.

The application for a Work and Residence Permit requires the following documents:

  • A completed application form
  • Four passport photos
  • Copies of the data pages of the applicant’s passport
  • A completed data sheet
  • Copies of the professional and academic qualifications of the applicant
  • A description of the job issued by the employer
  • Details of the prior work experience of the prospective employee
  • A certificate of health issued to the applicant by the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life
  • A copy of the employer’s Certificate of Incorporation and its business registration card
  • The Contract of Employment (COE) that has been approved by the Labour Division with a minimum salary of 30,000 Mauritian Rupees (MUR)
  • Proof that the job opening and the number of employees required were posted in two or more newspapers in A5 format

Application Process

Foreign nationals will need a Residence Permit as well as a Work Permit to be employed in Mauritius legally. Because both permits are necessary, applicants may fill out a common form for both permits. The form can be found on the website of the Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations, Employment, and Training. Applicants should note that applications must be submitted online through the e-Work Permit Portal.

Upon entering the e-Work Permit Portal, applicants will be prompted to register and proceed with the application process.

While there is a common application for Residence and Work Permits, your employees should be aware that these permits are issued through separate entities. Residence Permits are granted by the Passport and Immigration Office, while Work Permits are issued by the Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations, Employment, and Training.

The employer may apply for a Mauritius work permit on behalf of the prospective employee. If this is the first time the company has applied for a work permit, a completed application form must be submitted along with a certified copy of the bylaws of the company.

Other Important Considerations

There are a few more things employees should keep in mind regarding employment in Mauritius:

  • Expatriates who are married to Mauritian citizens do not require a work permit.
  • Employees may apply for a Permanent Residence Permit after three years of living in Mauritius. Despite the name of this permit, it is valid for 10 years.
  • Work permit applications from companies outside of Mauritius will only be accepted if they are incorporated in Mauritius as a foreign company. If your company does not have an established presence in Mauritius, you can still meet this requirement by using a global PEO as your Employer of Record.

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The team of global experts at Globalization Partners has all the knowledge and experience your company needs for a quick and easy international expansion. Reach out today to learn more about how you can employ top talent in Mauritius and beyond with our Global Expansion solution.

Mauritius Work Visa For South African Citizens

Mauritius is a popular destination for expatriates due to the island nation’s beaches, reefs, and robust economy. If your company is planning to expand operations into Mauritius, recruiting a talented team of employees is probably high on your list of priorities. However, your employees will need to obtain the proper working visas and permits before they can legally live and work in this thriving country.

Types of Work Visas in Mauritius

There are many types of visas available to citizens of foreign nations who wish to enter Mauritius. However, any individuals who plan to seek gainful employment in the country will need one of the following:

  • Work Permit
  • Occupation Permit
  • Certificate of Exemption

The majority of employees will need a Work Permit. Along with this document, they will also need to obtain a Residence Permit.

Occupation permits issued in Mauritius should not be confused with work permits. An occupation permit is a combined work and residence permit that allows foreign nationals to live and work in Mauritius. However, this permit is only available to applicants who fall under one of three subcategories: sponsored professionals, investors, and self-employed workers.

Requirements to Obtain Mauritius Work Visas

To be eligible for a work permit in Mauritius, the applicant should be between 20 and 60 years old. Exceptions to this requirement may be made for workers with specific expertise.

The application for a Work and Residence Permit requires the following documents:

  • A completed application form
  • Four passport photos
  • Copies of the data pages of the applicant’s passport
  • A completed data sheet
  • Copies of the professional and academic qualifications of the applicant
  • A description of the job issued by the employer
  • Details of the prior work experience of the prospective employee
  • A certificate of health issued to the applicant by the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life
  • A copy of the employer’s Certificate of Incorporation and its business registration card
  • The Contract of Employment (COE) that has been approved by the Labour Division with a minimum salary of 30,000 Mauritian Rupees (MUR)
  • Proof that the job opening and the number of employees required were posted in two or more newspapers in A5 format

Application Process

Foreign nationals will need a Residence Permit as well as a Work Permit to be employed in Mauritius legally. Because both permits are necessary, applicants may fill out a common form for both permits. The form can be found on the website of the Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations, Employment, and Training. Applicants should note that applications must be submitted online through the e-Work Permit Portal.

Upon entering the e-Work Permit Portal, applicants will be prompted to register and proceed with the application process.

While there is a common application for Residence and Work Permits, your employees should be aware that these permits are issued through separate entities. Residence Permits are granted by the Passport and Immigration Office, while Work Permits are issued by the Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations, Employment, and Training.

The employer may apply for a Mauritius work permit on behalf of the prospective employee. If this is the first time the company has applied for a work permit, a completed application form must be submitted along with a certified copy of the bylaws of the company.

Other Important Considerations

There are a few more things employees should keep in mind regarding employment in Mauritius:

  • Expatriates who are married to Mauritian citizens do not require a work permit.
  • Employees may apply for a Permanent Residence Permit after three years of living in Mauritius. Despite the name of this permit, it is valid for 10 years.
  • Work permit applications from companies outside of Mauritius will only be accepted if they are incorporated in Mauritius as a foreign company. If your company does not have an established presence in Mauritius, you can still meet this requirement by using a global PEO as your Employer of Record.



Electrical current is 230 volts, 50Hz. Square three-pin plugs and round two-pin plugs are commonly used.


English is the official language of Mauritius, but the most widely used language is French and the local dialect, Creole. Hindi, Urdu, and Chinese are also spoken.


The currency of Mauritius is the Mauritian Rupee (MUR), which is divided into 100 cents. Foreign currency can be exchanged at banks, bureaux de change and larger hotels. ATMs are widely available in most big towns and some hotels, and major restaurants and large retailers accept major credit cards.


Tipping in Mauritius is discretionary. However, some extra money paid for services, such as a taxi ride, waitering or cleaning, is appreciated. In the hotels travellers can add around five percent of their incidental expenses when paying the bill on departure, if service has been good. Government tax is added to all hotel and restaurant bills and this is included in the basic price. However, all incidental hotel expenses will incur tax, which is generally included in the price quoted.


No vaccination certificates are required for entry into Mauritius, though vaccinations are usually recommended for hepatitis A and hepatitis B.

It’s also a good idea to pack shoes that can be worn in the sea to protect against sharp coral, sea urchins and stonefish. Stonefish stings are uncommon but can in some cases be fatal. Visitors should obtain urgent medical attention if stung; many hotels stock anti-venom serum.

Visitors should take precautions against mosquito bites, as there have been several cases of the Chikungunya virus, which is spread by mosquitoes, although this is more common from October to May. Malaria medication may also be necessary, if visiting rural areas. Travellers should stick to bottled water. Medical facilities are good and free in public hospitals, but private clinics are expensive and medical insurance is recommended.

Medications are usually easily available but, for peace of mind, it is better that travellers bring any prescription medication with them, in its original packaging, with a signed and dated note from their doctor detailing what it is and why they need it. Note that visitors can bring common medicines for personal use into the country but must carry a copy of the prescription and proof that the drugs have been obtained legally. Other drugs such as tranquillisers, hypnotics, narcotics, and other strong painkillers will require prior authorisation.


Mauritus is generally regarded as a safe country but visitors should take regular precautions against petty crime. They should avoid walking alone in unfamiliar areas at night and keep valuables out of sight at all times. Visitors should be aware of pick pocketing in the central market in Port Louis. Care should be taken of bags and valuables when visiting popular tourist areas such as Pereybere, Grand Baie, Flic en Flac, and Tamarin.

Local customs

Homosexuality is not technically illegal in Mauritius, but sodomy is and it is best to exercise discretion, as the locals are sometimes conservative. Penalties for drug trafficking and use are severe, and any personal medicinal drugs should be covered by a prescription. By law, scheduled drugs such as tranquillisers, morphine, and other strong painkillers require authorisation before import.

Doing business

Port Louis is the main business hub of Mauritius. Standard business practice applies to the island: punctuality and politeness are important, handshakes and the exchanging of business cards take place at meetings, and business attire is worn.

It is, however, possible to be somewhat more casual in terms of dress and visitors can take the cue from their hosts. Lightweight materials are recommended due to the tropical climate. Business hours vary, but most businesses are open at least from 9am to 4pm Monday to Friday, with some businesses open for a half-day on Saturdays.

Duty free

Travellers to Mauritius over 18 years do not have to pay duty on 250g tobacco; 1 litre spirits and 2 litres of wine, ale or beer; perfume and eau de toilette for personal use. Prohibited items include sugarcane and fresh fruit from parts of Asia.


The international access code for Mauritius is +230. International roaming and local SIM cards are available; WiFi connections are widespread in hotels, resorts and guesthouses.

Passport & Visa

All foreign passengers to Mauritius must hold a confirmed booking for accommodation in Mauritius, return or onward tickets to their country of origin or residence, and the necessary travel documentation for their next destination. NOTE: It is highly recommended that travellers’ passports have at least six months’ validity remaining after the intended date of departure from their travel destination. Immigration officials often apply different rules to those stated by travel agents and official sources.

Entry requirements

US citizens must have a passport that is valid for the period of intended stay in Mauritius. A visa is required.

British citizens must have a passport that is valid for the period of intended stay in Mauritius. No visa is required for holders of British passports.

Canadian citizens must have a passport that is valid for the period of intended stay in Mauritius. A visa is required.

Australian citizens must have a passport that is valid for the period of intended stay in Mauritius. A visa is required.

South African citizens must have a passport that is valid for the period of intended stay in Mauritius. A visa is required.

Irish citizens must have a passport that is valid for the period of intended stay in Mauritius. A visa is required.

New Zealand citizens must have a passport that is valid for the period of intended stay in Mauritius. A visa is required.

Useful contacts

Mauritius Tourism Website: www.tourism-mauritius.muEmergencies: 999 or 112

Embassies / consulates in other countries

Mauritius Embassy, Washington DC, United States: +1 202 244 1491.

Mauritius Embassy, London, United Kingdom: +44 20 7581 0294.

Mauritius Honorary Consulate, Ottawa, Canada: +1 416 754 2747.

High Commission for the Republic of Mauritius, Melbourne, Australia: +(613) 9484 4242.

Mauritius High Commission, Pretoria, South Africa: +27 (0)12 342 1283.

Embassies / consulates in Mauritius

United States Embassy, Port Louis: +230 202 4400.

British High Commission, Port Louis: +230 202 9400.

Canadian High Commission, Pretoria, South Africa (also responsible for Mauritius): +27 (0)12 422 3000.

Australian High Commission, Port Louis: +230 202 0160.

South African High Commission, Port Louis: +230 212 6925.

New Zealand Consulate, Pretoria, South Africa (also responsible for Mauritius): +27 12 435 9000.

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