Medical Certificate For Work Permit In Thailand

If you are applying for a work permit in Thailand, you will need to obtain a medical certificate from a licensed healthcare establishment. This medical certificate confirms that you are eligible for the Thai work permit.

You’ll need to get a medical certificate for your work permit in Thailand. This can be tricky, the rules seem to change and some clinics will give you one that doesn’t really reflect the work you’re doing or fit into the MM2H conditions. Here we have all the steps you need to get through without any problems, along with a downloadable form that has all the correct information for you. We also discuss other options if needed and some example of mistakes I’ve seen in the past so you don’t make them and have to pay out of pocket.

The Department of Employment will issue a Work Permit and work visa for foreigners holding medical certificates stating that they are able to work in Thailand. The duration of these permits ranges from 3 to 12 months, depending upon the employer’s requirements.

Medical Certificate For Work Permit In Thailand

A medical certificate is an official document completed by a licensed physician or doctor which includes a health status overview. It should be issued whenever a foreign national needs to apply for any type of visa matter that would require the person to remain in Thailand for the full period of their visa.

What is the change? Thailand now requires all foreign nationals to obtain and submit a medical clearance certificate when submitting a work permit application.

What does the change mean? Under the change, work permit applications must include a medical certificate obtained from/issued by a licensed medical doctor in Thailand no earlier than one month prior to the work permit application filing date. The medical certificate must cite that the applicant is free of the following diseases: leprosy, tuberculosis, drug addiction, alcoholism, elephantiasis (lymphatic filariasis), and syphilis stage III.

  • Effective date: Aug. 19.
  • Documents affected: All work permits excluding Urgent Work Permits.
  • Who is affected: All foreign nationals applying for work permits.

Background: Previously, work permit applications filed under the Board of Investment (BOI), the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT), and the Petroleum Act did not require a medical clearance certificate.

Analysis and Comments: The change adds a step to the work permit application process for BOI and IEAT registered-companies, as well as companies that fall under the Petroleum Act, and requires all work permit applications submitted on or after Aug. 19 to be accompanied by a medical certificate.

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