Medical Test Report For Visa In Dubai

Medical Test Reports are an important part of any visa application and should be carefully considered when making a decision about whether to apply for a visa. A medical test report can help prove that you are in good health and antigen free, and can also help support your case if you are applying for a visa based on family reunification or humanitarian grounds. A medical test report may include results from a physical examination, laboratory tests, and scans. It is important to keep all of your medical test reports in a secure location, as they may be requested during the visa application process.

If you are considering applying for a visa based on family reunification or humanitarian grounds, it is important to seek expert advice from an immigration lawyer. A lawyer can provide you with guidance on what evidence is necessary to support your case, and can also help you prepare the necessary documents. We will base our discussion today on – Medical Test Report For Visa In Dubai. But, other resources which you can find on our website include some frequently asked questions such as: visa fit medical result online dubai and check medical report online dubai

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Medical Test Report For Visa In Dubai

When you apply for a visa to visit a foreign country, you may be required to undergo a medical test. This test is designed to screen for any diseases that could make you ill while in the country. If you are planning on traveling to Dubai, be aware that all foreigners must undergo a medical test prior to entering the country. This includes tourists, business travelers, and even expatriates working in the city. What constitutes as a medical condition for purposes of the medical test? The UAE Ministry of Health has outlined the following conditions as qualifying: -A fever of 38°C or higher -Conjunctivitis or other eye infections -Acute respiratory infection -Chronic liver disease or cirrhosis -A heart condition that requires treatment with medication for at least six months or surgery within 12 months before arrival in Dubai Luckily, many of these conditions can be treated easily with antibiotics if caught in time. If you have any questions about whether your condition qualifies you for the medical test, please contact your doctor ahead of time.

What is a Medical Test Report?

What is a Medical Test Report?
A medical test report is basically a document that summarises the results of a medical examination. It can be used to support an application for a visa, or as part of the medical history of someone seeking health care in another country.

What are the different types of reports?

Medical test reports are essential for visa applications in Dubai. These reports will help determine if you are healthy enough to travel to the UAE and whether you require any additional health screenings while in the country.

There are three types of medical test reports that you will need to submit with your visa application: a health check report, a vaccine history report, and a tuberculosis (TB) test report.

A health check report is required if you have been previously diagnosed with any medical condition that could affect your health or wellbeing while in the UAE. This includes conditions like asthma, heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension.

A vaccine history report is required if you have ever received a hepatitis B or typhoid vaccine. If you have not received either of these vaccines, then you do not need to include this information on your health check report.

A tuberculosis (TB) test report is required if you have been recently infected with TB and may require treatment while in the UAE.

How do I order a report?

If you need a Medical Test Report for your visa application in Dubai, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure that the company you are working with is licensed and registered with the Dubai Health Authority (DHA). Second, be sure to specify which medical test you need information for on your order form. Third, once your report is ready, it will be mailed to you or delivered to your office.

What happens once I receive the report?

Once you have received the medical test report, it is important to review it meticulously to ensure that your visa application is successful. There are a few key points to keep in mind:

-Make sure all required documents are included in the report. This includes your passport and visa photos.
-If there are any discrepancies between your medical history and what is reported in the report, be sure to address them directly with the doctor who performed the tests.
-Check for any potential issues that could invalidate your visa application, such as tuberculosis or HIV/AIDs. If there are any concerns, get clarification from an immigration attorney before proceeding.

What should I do if I find information on my visa that requires action?

If you find any information on your visa that requires action, please contact the embassy or consulate in Dubai. The most common types of information that require action are if your visa has been cancelled, if you have an invalid visa, or if you have overstayed your visa.

If you are in Dubai and need to get a medical test done, be sure to contact one of the providers on this list. They will be able to provide you with a medical test report that will help your visa application move forward more smoothly.

Medical Test Report For Visa In Dubai

For any medical test report for visa in Dubai issued from Addenbrooke’s Hospital, a copy of the original medical test report is required to be sent to the applicant. Due to the nature and level of analysis of tests provided by this hospital, it will not be possible for such a document to be copied by any copies issuing authority other than Addenbrooke’s Hospital for Visa Purposes.

Foreign migrants looking to reside or work in Dubai must be medically fit in order to acquire work permits or residence visas in the emirate. Proof of this must be submitted in the form of medical reports acquired from the many designated visa medical examination centres in the capital. In a previous post, we covered how and where immigrants can apply for their health fitness certification in Dubai. But how do you check medical fitness report online in Dubai? 

If you have been wondering about how to check the medical status online in Dubai, the process is fairly simple. Those who have applied for medical fitness reports can track their medical fitness application status on the DHA App. 


Woman using smartphone
Users can check the status of their DHA medical fitness report tracking report online via the DHA smart app

A new initiative by the Dubai Health Authority (DHA), the DHA Smart App is a means for providing all of DHA’s services under one smart application. The app allows residents to access Smart Services delivered by the Dubai Health Authority. In addition to managing appointments, medications and lab results, the application also allows users to check their Medical Fitness Application Status. 


Supporting both the English and Arabic languages, the online tool is a great option for expats wondering how they can check their Dubai medical visa test status. Additionally, the smart app also features an intuitive map which enables users to locate nearby medical fitness centres in the city.

You need to download and register yourself as a user on the app first. Users can use their DHA Account, DHA Health Card or their Emirates ID to login along with Face ID and Touch ID. 

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The DHA Smart App service is relatively new, and there are plans to add more services to it in the coming months. However, it does offer respite for any immigrant wondering “how can I check my medical report in Dubai?” 

We hope this answers any queries on how to check medical fitness report online in Dubai. Haven’t applied for a health fitness certificate yet? Visit any visa medical centres in Dubai to apply for medical fitness reports. Do you wish to work and live in Abu Dhabi instead? Our list of visa medical test centres in Abu Dhabi will help apply for a health fitness certificate in the emirate.

In addition to a fitness certificate, make sure to have all documents up-to-date, including your residence visa. Here is how you can seek for UAE visa status enquiry.

For more information on immigration laws and requirements in the UAE in addition to how to check medical fitness result online in Dubai

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