Netherlands Job Seeker Visa For Indian

If you are an Indian Jobseeker, you might be trying to get Netherlands Jobseeker visa and, if it is so then you need not worry a lot as there are certain easy steps which would help you to obtain Netherlands job seeker visa easily. If you are still sitting because of some doubts that whether you will get visa or not, so don’t think like. Just go and start your journey.

If you are an Indian citizen looking for Netherlands Job Seeker Visa, it was announced by the Dutch Government that from 1 April 2017, the employer no longer needs to apply for a work permit on your behalf. So as an Indian citizen, you can also apply directly now. We will base our discussion today on – Netherlands Job Seeker Visa For Indian. But, other resources which you can find on our website include some frequently asked questions such as: netherlands job seeker visa requirements and netherlands work permit minimum salary

Obtaining a Job Seeker Visa from the Netherlands is a practical proposition for Indians wanting to work in Europe. A job seeker visa allows you to explore several employment opportunities in doing business with Indian companies or working for Dutch companies, seeking for skilled professionals, with whom you can attain better employment conditions. Benefits of the such a visa include free movement and must be granted at all Schengen area Embassies, depending on the duration of your stay in the country, as well as its validity. You can easily apply for a job seeker visa for up to six months in order to move freely within Europe looking for employment opportunities.

As an Indian citizen, you are allowed to work at Dutch companies or organisations. This will be done by applying for a Netherlands job seeker visa. The Netherlands job seeker visa is granted for the purpose of searching for employment in the country. It allows you to stay in the country up to 6 months and gives you time to find a suitable position.

Netherlands Job Seeker Visa For Indian

If you have applied for a job in Netherlands then you may be confused with these two terms. Both these terms are related to the same process of getting a job in Netherlands , but with some difference .

Indian Job Seekers are considered as the best professionals in the global market for their comprehensive skills and ability to work with team. As of now, there are more than six lakh Indians working in Europe as well as USA. Working population from India is growing rapidly every day in western countries due to their better education system…

If you want to work in the Netherlands for a period longer than 90 days, you will have to apply for a Netherlands work visa.

A work visa for the Netherlands is a residence permit issued to foreign citizens who wish to enter the country for employment purposes.

In many cases, along with the Dutch residence permit, you have to obtain a work permit as well. However, not everyone needs a visa or residence permit to enter and stay in the Netherlands.

Who Needs a Netherlands Work Visa?

Whether you need a visa to enter the Netherlands depends on your nationality.

You do not need a work visa/residence permit to enter the Netherlands if you are from an EU or EEA country or from Switzerland. Even so, if you want to stay in the Netherlands for longer than four months, you have to register with the personal records database in your local area and get a Citizen Service Number.

You also do not need a Dutch residence permit if you are a family member of an EU, EEA, or Swiss national but you will have to get a Verification against EU Law (certificate of lawful residence).

All other foreign nationals need a Dutch residence permit in order to live in the Netherlands and an additional Work Permit to be allowed to work. Some can apply for a Single Permit which combines the residence and work permits into one.

Some nationals also need to apply for an MVV visa (type D visa or “provisional residence permit”) along with their Dutch residence permit. If you need an MVV, you may also be required to take a civic integration exam which tests your knowledge of the Dutch language and culture.

Click here to see if you are subject to an MVV and/or the civic integration exam.

How to move to the Netherlands?

What are the requirements for a Netherlands Work Visa?

The requirements for a Netherlands work visa change depending on which of the Dutch residence permits that are available for work you are applying for. However, there is a set of standard requirements for any Dutch visa for that you will have to meet. Then, depending on the type of work visa you will need, there will be additional requirements as shown in the following sections.

Types of Netherlands Work Visas

Each type of Netherlands work visa has its own set of requirements and conditions.

For regular paid work (as an employee)

If you want to work in the Netherlands as a regular employee (a labour migrant), you will need a Netherlands Work Visa for regular paid work.

The requirements for a Dutch regular employee work visa are:

  • You need an employment contract with an employer in the Netherlands
  • You need to earn at least the minimum wage for employees over the age of 23
  • Your employer has to show that the position could not have been filled by a Dutch or other EU/EEA national

For seasonal labour

A Netherlands work visa for seasonal labour is granted to individuals who will be doing seasonal work in the Netherlands in the agriculture sector. A Dutch seasonal work visa can be issued for a maximum of 24 weeks.

The requirements for a Dutch seasonal labor visa include:

  • Employment contract with an employer in the Netherlands
  • Obtaining a Single Permit (a combined residence permit and work permit)
  • You must earn the minimum wage or a percentage

Intra corporate transfer

If you work for a company in a country outside the European Union (EU) and will be transferring to a branch of that company based in the Netherlands, you will need a Netherlands work visa.

The requirements for an intra corporate transfer to the Netherlands include:

  • You cannot be a national of an EU/EEA state or of Switzerland
  • When applying, you must be a resident of a non-EU country
  • You must be working in management, as a specialist, or as a trainee
  • You must have been employed at your company for at least three months before transferring
  • You have the qualifications and experience needed for your position
  • Your salary must meet the criteria for working as a highly-skilled migrant
  • You will be living in the Netherlands for the majority of your transfer
  • There has to be economic activity between your employer and the Netherlands branch you have been transferred to
  • You cannot have had a prior transfer to that company immediately before the application
  • The branch you are transferring to cannot have been fined in the last 5 years for violating article 2 of the Aliens Employment Act or for not paying (or insufficiently paying) wage tax or employer insurance premiums
  • Trainee employees must follow a trainee program, not a normal employee one

For a highly-skilled migrant

Highly skilled migrants are sometimes known as “knowledge workers”. They are the foreign nationals who will make a contribution to the Dutch knowledge-based economy. To be considered a highly-skilled migrant, you must earn a certain amount of income.  If you are under 30 years old, you would have to earn a minimum of €3,299; if you are over 30, the minimum wage is €4,500.

Other conditions that apply to a highly skilled migrant are:

  • You need a contract with an employer or research institution in the Netherlands
  • The employer has to be a recognised sponsor by the IND
  • For scientific researchers: your employment contract is signed on behalf of the institution
  • For scientific researchers: the contract must include the job description and code in accordance with the University Job Classification system (UFO)
  • For doctors in training: the institute you are training in has been set out by the Medical Specialists Registration Committee (MSRC), Social Medicine Physicians Registration Committee (SGRC) or General practitioner and Nursing home Physicians Registration Committee (HVRC).
  • For doctors in training: you must be registered with the Individual Healthcare Professions, also known as the BIG-register.

European Blue Card

The European Blue Card is a work permit which allows a non-EU citizen to live and work in any country within the EU except Denmark, Ireland, and the UK. In order to work in the Netherlands with an EU Blue Card that’s been issued from another country, you will need a Netherlands work visa and work permit. You must also meet the following conditions:

  • Employment contract must be valid for at least 12 months
  • A higher education diploma from a program of at least three years
  • Your higher education certificate must be evaluated by Nuffic
  • You must prove you meet the standards for practising your profession
  • You must earn the required wage amount set for EU Blue Card holders: the minimum is €5,272 per month
  • The branch you are transferring to cannot have been fined in the last 5 years for violating article 2 of the Aliens Employment Act or for not paying (or insufficiently paying) wage tax or employer insurance premiums

For an orientation year for highly educated persons

If you have completed your studies in the Netherlands, and your Dutch study visa has expired, you can apply for an additional year to look for employment. You can apply for a Netherlands work visa for orientation in the three years after you complete your studies. In order to be eligible for an orientation year, you must have done one of the following:

  • Completed an accredited Netherlands BA or MA program
  • Completed at least one year of postgraduate studies in the Netherlands
  • Have had a previous Dutch visa for scientific research in the Netherlands
  • Acquired an MA degree within an Erasmus Mundus Masters Course
  • Completed a higher education program that’s been designated by the Ministerial Decree
  • Completed a study offered in relation to the development cooperation policy of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Completed a study in the Netherlands within the Cultural Policy Act
  • Completed MA or postdoctoral studies, or obtained a PhD at a designated educational institution abroad

For researchers under Directive (EU) 2016/801

In order to work in the Netherlands as a researcher under Directive (EU) 2016/801, you will have to fulfill the following requirements:

  • Have sufficient higher educational background to be allowed into the doctorate program
  • The Dutch research institution you’ll be conducting research in is a recognized sponsor by the IND
  • The research project you will be working in has been approved by the institution
  • You have an employment contract/host agreement with a research institution
  • You will be receiving sufficient monthly income, either from your employer or a grant/sponsor

For self-employed individuals, freelancers, and entrepreneurs

You can apply for a Netherlands self-employment work visa (residence permit) if you intend to stay in the Netherlands to start your own business or work as a freelancer.

The requirements for a Netherlands work visa for self-employed individuals are stricter than other types of work visa. There are certain conditions you need to fill in,and, depending on your case, you may also be eligible for a Netherlands “startup” visa.

See here for the conditions, requirements, and limitations of a Netherlands work visa for self-employment.

How to Apply for a Netherlands Work Visa?

The application for a Netherlands work visa depends on your nationality as well as the type of work you will be conducting.

In order to work in the Netherlands, you will need both a residence permit to stay in the country as well as a separate work permit to be allowed to work. However, some applicants can apply for a Single Permit which combines both of those permits into one. This is called a GVVA and can be issued for one to three years.

In most cases, your employer needs to apply for your work permit or Single Permit. They can do this directly to the IND after obtaining all the required documents from you. The IND will then forward the application to the Dutch employment agency (UWV) who will assess it and advise the IND on the decision.

Who can apply for a Single Permit (GVVA)?

The foreign workers coming to work in the Netherlands with a visa who apply for a single permit are:

  • Regular labour migrants
  • Interns
  • Practitioners
  • Ministers of religion/spiritual leaders
  • International education teachers
  • Some foreign nationals who work in the Asian restaurant industry

Who needs a separate residence permit and work permit (TWV)?

If you cannot apply for the single permit, your employer has to apply for a separate work permit on your behalf. However, either you or your employer can apply for a Dutch residence permit. If you’re applying yourself, you can do it at the Dutch embassy/consulate in your country.

Those excluded from the Single Permit are:

  • Labour migrants on a short-stay visa
  • Seasonal workers
  • Students
  • Asylum seekers
  • Intra-company transferees
  • Refugees
  • Workers on an orientation year
  • Family members of single permit holders
  • Service providers
  • Croatian nationals
  • Seafarers

Netherlands new work permit for Essential Start-up Personnel


The Netherlands introduced a new work permit last year that is still unknown to many. The program name is Essential Start-up Personnel and it will be a pilot program. As an employer, if you have an innovative and scalable start-up, and you want to attract international talent you could do it easily now. On the other hand for the foreign workers, from 1 June 2021, the residence scheme ‘Essential start-up personnel’ gives you the opportunity to more easily work in the Netherlands with specific high-quality expertise. The new work permit will cost up to €345. for a foreign worker.

This new residence scheme is based on employee participation of 1% in the start-up company. With this form of remuneration, the new scheme is in line with the remuneration structures that are common within the start-up ecosystem. The residence scheme is part of a pilot that will run for 4 years from 2021 to 2025. The scheme for the residence permit will continue for 1 year after the pilot.

Requirements for residence permit essential start-up personnel

The main conditions for the residence permit essential start-up personnel are:

  • A maximum of 15 employees work for this company.
  • The employee will work in paid employment at a start-up, innovative and scalable company.
  • The employee receives a salary that is at least equal to the reduced salary criterion for highly skilled migrants. It should be ​Gross income per month without a holiday allowance ​of €2,543.
  • A maximum of 5 foreign employees of the start-up will receive a work permit.
  • The employee receives employee participation in the form of shares, certificates, or (virtual) options equal to at least 1% of the capital in the start-up company.
  •  The employee receives this share as:
    • Shares in the company;
    • Depository receipts for shares in the company;
    • Stock options. A stock option is the right to buy shares in the company. The price for these shares is agreed upon in the contract.
  • The employee receives the shares at the latest 3 years after the contract has started.
  • The employee is always entitled to the shares. There are no conditions for this, such as delivering certain performances.
  • You have a valid passport or another travel document. A child may be included in the passport of one of the parents.

As an applicant, you must also meet the following conditions:

  • You sign an antecedents certificate. The antecedents certificate can be found in the application form. In this certificate, you provide information on your criminal record. You state, for example, that you have not committed any crimes. You also state that you have not submitted any incorrect information, nor have you stayed in the Netherlands illegally. The certificate does not need to be filled in by children under the age of 12.
  • After having arrived in the Netherlands, you will undergo a medical test for tuberculosis (TB). You are exempt from having to undergo a TB test in many certain conditions.

How to apply for the new work permit?

The application can either be submitted by the employer or the employee. The IND advises that the start-up or facilitator applies in the Netherlands. This saves the employee travel costs to the Dutch embassy or consulate.

If startup applies for a work permit:

The start-up (company) or authorized representative of the start-up applies for a residence permit from the Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND).

For the assessment of the application, the IND asks RVO for advice about:

  1. The innovative character, scalability, financing, and financial continuity of the company;
  2. The role that the employee to be recruited will fulfill within the company;
  3. The structuring of employee participation.

Positive advice from RVO is necessary to obtain a residence permit. The IND assesses the financial resources.

If the employee applies for a work permit:

The employee apply themselves at the Dutch embassy or consulate in the country of origin or the country of continuous residence
The embassy or consulate sends the application to the IND. After the application, the embassy or consulate sends a letter explaining how to pay the fees.

Employee contract details

IND makes sure that as an applicant you have received a working contract from the startup. The agreement is tested on:

  • the nature of the work.
  • the agreed form of employee participation and any conditions attached to it.
  • the length of any agreed period during which the employee participation becomes unconditional.
  • a substantiation by the entrepreneur on the basis of which the possible (exercise) price of the employee participation is based.
  • signature by both parties (company and key staff member).

Some good startups in the Netherlands

1. Picnic

  • Year founded: 2015
  • HQ: Amsterdam
  • Size: 251 – 500
  • Founders: Frederik Nieuwenhuys, Joris Beckers, Michiel Muller


  • Year founded: 2015
  • HQ: Amsterdam
  • Size: 101 – 250
  • Founders: Alwin Schoemaker, Jeroen Diederix, Rick Goud, Vincent van Donselaar and Wouter Klinkhamer

3. Coolblue

  • Year founded: 1999
  • HQ: Rotterdam
  • Size: 1001-5000
  • Founders: Bart Kuijpers, Paul de Jong en Pieter Zwart

4. VanMoof

  • Year founded: 2008
  • HQ: Amsterdam
  • Size: 51-500
  • Founders: Taco Carlier and Ties Carlier


  • Year founded: 2002
  • HQ: Utrecht
  • Size: 101 – 250
  • Founders: Patrick Kerssemakers

6. Project Cece

  • Year founded: 2019
  • HQ: Amsterdam
  • Size: 1-10
  • Founders: Marcella Wijngaarden, Melissa Wijngaarden, and Noor Veenhoven

7. Wonderkind

  • Year founded: 2016
  • HQ: Amsterdam
  • Size: 51 – 100
  • Founders: Lars Wetemans and Laurent Scholten

8. OneFit

  • Year founded: 2013
  • HQ: Amsterdam
  • Size: 51 -100
  • Founders: Camille Richardson and Serge Brabander

9. Peerby

  • Year founded: 2011
  • HQ: Amsterdam
  • Size: 11 – 50
  • Founders: Daan Weddepohl and Eelke Boezeman

10. Connecterra

  • Year founded: 2014
  • HQ: Amsterdam
  • Size: 11 – 50
  • Founders: Saad Ansari and Yasir Khokhar

11. Polarsteps

  • Year founded: 2015
  • HQ: Amsterdam
  • Size: 11 – 50
  • Founders: Job Harmsen, Koen Droste, Maximiliano Neustadt and Niek Bokkers

12. Virtuagym

  • Year founded: 2008
  • HQ: Amsterdam
  • Size: 101-250
  • Founders: Hugo Braam and Paul Braam

13. Bunq

  • Year founded: 2012
  • HQ: Amsterdam
  • Size: 101-250
  • Founders: Ali Niknam

14. The Next Web

  • Year founded: 2008
  • HQ: Amsterdam
  • Size: 51- 100
  • Founders: Arjen Schat, Boris Veldhuijzen van Zanten and Patrick Laive

15. WeTransfer

  • Year founded: 2009
  • HQ: Amsterdam
  • Size: 101-250
  • Founders: Bas Beerens, Rinke Visser, and Ronald Hans

16. Bynder

  • Year founded: 2013
  • HQ: Amsterdam
  • Size: 251-500
  • Founders: Chris Hall and Roland Keijzer

17. Growth Tribe

  • Year founded: 2015
  • HQ: Amsterdam
  • Size: 101 – 250
  • Founders: Avid Arnoux, Kees van Nunen, Peter van Sabben, and Quentin Lacointa

18. Adyen

  • Year founded: 2006
  • HQ: Amsterdam
  • Size: 501-1000
  • Founders: Pieter van der Does

19. SkinVision

  • Year founded: 2012
  • HQ: Amsterdam
  • Size: 11-50
  • Founders: Mircea Popa and Victor Anastasiu

20. Publitas

  • Year founded: 2006
  • HQ: Amsterdam
  • Size: 11- 50
  • Founders: Guillermo Sanchez and Khalil Seyed Mehdi

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