Palestine Visa For Pakistan

The Palestine government provides a six month business visa for 50 countries to its visitors. Tourist visas are not required for Pakistani visitors due to the friendly relationship that exists between Pakistan and Palestine.

Visas are a sensitive subject for Pakistan. Palestine is one of the toughest Muslim countries for a Pakistani to get visa for.

Palestine has always been an attractive tourist destination for different reasons. Today, it is a top tourist attraction in the world that features numerous landmarks, and offers exciting sightseeing opportunities to all its tourists. Of those who travel here from a foreign land, Pakistanis are considered to be the largest segment.

Palestine Visa For Pakistan

The Federal Republic of Pakistan is the second largest Muslim country in the world. It has roots dating back to thousands of years, and originally comprised East and West Pakistan. In August 1947, the two were united into one State, Pakistan. Founded as a homeland for Muslims during British colonialism in South Asia, it is home to the historical cities of Mohenjo-daro and Harappa. The country’s name comes from “Pak” meaning “pure” and “Stan” meaning “land”, a reference to its ancient history at the crossroads of Asia and Europe. Pakistan claims Kashmir but it is currently claimed by India.


Even though many people consider Palestine as a part of Israel, around 135 countries distinguish it from the same. Palestine is an unusual travel destination and it is just waiting to be explored. The Mar Saba Monastery is the perfect place for you to go hiking and biking while the culture and craft of Palestine can be experienced first hand in Hebron Souk, where you can also interact with local women and get to know more about the country. If you are tired after a long day of traveling from one spot to the other, you can head straight to Hammam ash-shift, which will also give you a message along with a warm water shower. Palestine is well known for its places of worship like Haram ash-sharif in Jerusalem and the church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. The visa policy of Palestine is the same as that of Israel and for visiting the country, you can contact their embassy in your country.



Tourist Visa

If you are visiting Palestine as a tourist, you will need a tourist visa. The authorities require your passport to be valid for at least 6 months after you leave the country and you will have to also check that all your documents are submitted on time for your visa to get approved.

Business Visa

People visiting Palestine for business purposes will need a business visa. You will have to contact the organization you will be visiting so that they have the letter, which will state your duration and reason for stay, ready beforehand.

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