Parents Visa In Nz

As a family lawyer in New Zealand, I am frequently contacted by parents who are seeking advice on how to apply for a visa for their children. Depending on the child’s age and nationality, there are a number of different types of visas available to them. In this article, we will discuss the different types of visas that parents can use to bring their children to New Zealand.

The first step is to determine the child’s eligibility for a visa. This will depend on their age, nationality, and whether they have any medical conditions that may require special treatment in New Zealand. If the child is eligible, the next step is to determine whether they qualify for a family visa or an individual visa. A family visa allows multiple members of the same family to live in New Zealand permanently as long as they meet certain eligibility requirements. An individual visa only allows one member of the family to live in New Zealand permanently. We will base our discussion today on – Parents Visa In Nz. But, other resources which you can find on our website include some frequently asked questions such as: parent resident visa nz reopen 2022 and parent visa requirements

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Parents Visa In Nz

Parents visa in New Zealand is becoming increasingly popular among parents who want to bring their children to live with them in a new country. There are many reasons why parents may want to apply for a parent’s visa in New Zealand, and the process is not as difficult as you may think. If you are considering applying for a parent’s visa in New Zealand, or if you are already living here and would like to apply for a dependent visa for your child, read on for tips on how to get started. ###

What is a Parents Visa In New Zealand?

A Parents Visa is a visa that allows your parents to live and work in New Zealand for a specified period of time. This visa is usually granted to parents who are able to provide financial support to their children while they are living in New Zealand. The visa also allows your parents to access education and health services in New Zealand.

How to apply for a Parents Visa In New Zealand

Parents visa in New Zealand is a special visa category which allows parents of Australian citizens and New Zealand citizens to live and work in the country for six months. The application process is relatively straightforward, but there are a few requirements you must meet before submitting your application.

To qualify for a parents visa in New Zealand, you must:
-Be an Australian citizen or New Zealand citizen
-Be the parent of a child who is resident in New Zealand
-Have met all the other eligibility requirements for a New Zealand visa, such as having a valid passport and being able to support yourself financially during your stay

Once you have met all the eligibility requirements, you can begin the application process by submitting an online application form through the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. You will need to provide details about your family, including your child’s name and birth date. You will also need to provide information about your employment and income prospects in New Zealand. If you are applying with your child, you will need to provide proof of custody or guardianship. Finally, you will need to pay the applicable processing fee.

If you are successful in completing the application process, you will be notified by mail about whether or not your application has been approved. If your application is approved, you will be sent an invitation letter from the Department of Internal Affairs outlining your immigration obligations while living in New Zealand. These obligations include registering with Immigration NZ (the government agency responsible for administering visas) and reporting any

What are the Requirements for a Parents Visa In New Zealand?

Parents who are wishing to immigrate to New Zealand with their children will need to meet a few requirements before applying for a visa.

Firstly, the parents must have a valid passport and visa for their country of origin. Secondly, they will need to have proof that they have parental responsibility over the child, such as a court order, birth certificate or letter from the child’s school. Finally, they must be able to afford their own medical expenses while in New Zealand and plan on staying for at least six months.

How long does it take to get a Parents Visa In New Zealand?

It takes about four weeks to process a parents visa application in New Zealand. You will need to provide documentation that proves your relationship to the child and how you will be financially supporting them while they are in New Zealand. You will also need to provide evidence of your identity, citizenship, and travel documents.

What are the benefits of having a Parents Visa in New Zealand?

If you are a parent of an Australian citizen or permanent resident, you may be able to apply for a Parents Visa in New Zealand. The benefits of having a Parents Visa in New Zealand include:

-The ability to stay in New Zealand with your child indefinitely (provided the child is at least 18 years old and is not in full-time education);
-The right to work in New Zealand, if appropriate; and
-The ability to access health care and social services for your child if necessary.

Parents Visa In Nz

A parent visa allows parents to live and work in New Zealand. You can apply for an Essential Skills visa after you have been in New Zealand for 2 years as a resident parent category visa holder. Category 1A: If you are able to meet the skill and experience requirements, you can apply for a Category 1A Visa.

Parents and grandparent – temporary visa

This visa is for the parent or grandparent of a child in their family who is a permanent resident or citizen of New Zealand.

This visa allows for the parents or grandparent of a nz citizen or permanent resident to apply for a three year multiple entry visitor visa. The partner of a parent or grandparent may be included in the application. However, a dependent child or children of the parent or grandparent cannot be included.

The multiple entry visitor visa is valid for three years and allows for a stay of up to six months per entry to NZ.


  • The sponsor must complete all the necessary forms and the same goes for the applicant
  • No health and character concerns
  • The sponsor must meet the sponsoring eligibilities

Parent Permanent visa

This visa is for the parent of a child in their family who is a permanet resident or citizen of new Zealand for at least 3 years.

This visa allows for the parents of a nz citizen or permanent resident to live in New Zealand for good. The partner of a parent may be included in the application. However, a dependent child or children of the parent cannot be included.

This visa is a two tier scheme where people can submit an express of interest (EOI) under either tier one or tier two. Only receiving the invitation to apply, an valid visa application can then be lodged.

Tier One has the first priority which requires higher income and financial requirements than tier two. Tier two EOI and applications are only processed after tier one if the quota is not reached in any given financial year. So the usual waiting period for tier one application is currently about 12 months and tier two application is about 8-10 years.


  • The sponsor must complete all the necessary forms and the same goes for the applicant
  • No health and character concerns
  • The sponsor must meet the sponsoring eligibilities

Parent Retirement Permanent visa

Unlike the Parent Category, you do not need to submit an expression of interest in order to apply under the Parent Retirement Category.

  • Must have an adult child who lives in New Zealand and who is a New Zealand citizen or resident.
  • Must not have any dependent children.
  • Must have sufficient and acceptable investment and settlement funds and/or assets which will need to be invested in New Zealand

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