Peru Visa For Indians

Visas are important documents that enable us to visit a place, without it we aren’t allowed to enter the country. If you are planning for a Peru trip as an Indian, you may think that how is it possible without a visa. But there is good news for you, Indians can go with Peruvian Tourist Visa.

The Peru Visa For Indians is the best option if you are planning a trip to the Machu Picchu. There are various ways in which you can receive the required visa for touring. However, it is important that you follow a few rules and regulations beforehand. This will ensure that your trip to this ancient city takes place in an organized and convenient manner. Peru is a country rich in culture and heritage and you will be able to experience myriad activities. For example, you can visit the other pre-Incan settlements such as Chavin, Pachacamac and Moche. If you love adventurous treks then this country will definitely be the right choice for you. You can embark on long treks that may further lead you through various villages of indigenous people and even across rivers, valleys and mountains up to 13,000ft.

Peru Visa For Indians

When you are applying for various countries, you surely need to check with the travel sites more. For the reason that, some of the information on those sites might not be updated to the recent changes that have taken place.

India and Peru represent two different worlds, yet they also share a lot of similarities. Natural beauty is abundant in both countries, as is the opportunity for adventure. But if you want to visit Peru (either on a work or holiday visa), there are a few things you should know. In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about Visas for Indian Citizens.

India shares very strong ties with Peru. Perhaps because their founding fathers had a lot in common: a lot of blood spilled when we achieved independence, so much so that it oozed through the sheets of paper in which our constitutions were written. The truth is that cultural and historical ties aside, there are many reasons why you should consider visiting this country if you’re looking for some adventure—and one of them would be the fact that you can visit for a year for less than 500 USD.


Starting March 27, 2017 nationals of the Republic of India, holders of valid ordinary passport, are exempted from the requirement of temporary visa (business or tourist category), provided that they meet at least one of the following conditions:

  1. At the time of entry into Peru, the Indian national holds a visa with a validity of minimum six (6) months from any one or more of the following countries: Unites States of America, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia or any Schengen space country.
  2. The Indian national holds permanent residence in any one of the following countries: United States of America, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia or any Schengen space country.

The maximum period of stay will be of up to one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days, whether continuous stay or various visits during the period of one year. The stay will be determined at the port of entry by the Immigration Officers.

Note: To request visas for the migratory status of Artist, Designated Worker, Resident Worker, Rent, Independent Professional, Student, Religious, Investment and Immigrant, kindly liaise with the Peruvian Migratory Authority:

Important Information on Visa Validity:
Visas issued by the Peruvian government are valid for six (06) months, counted from the date they were issued. Once this term expires, if a visa has not been used by its holder, it automatically expires.

Upon the first entry of the visa holder to Peru, visas will have the same validity as the period of permanence shown in the endorsement.

Peru has lifted the suspension of entry of non-resident foreigners arriving from the Federative Republic of Brazil and the Republic of India, or those who have made a stopover in said places.
Passengers arriving to Peru must have a negative molecular or antigen test result or proof of full vaccination. Any person who tests positive while in Peru may be subject to quarantine, in accordance with prevailing regulations.
Please contact the Consular Section ( for more information about travel to Peru.

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