Plumbing Work Visa In Canada

Canada has issued a new work visa for foreign-trained plumbers. To apply, plumbers must prove they have the required licensing, and that their work meets certain requirements. Without the new program, foreign tradespeople were applying for skilled worker programs, but they faced a backlog of more than two years and strict language requirements.

For Canada, the government has made what is titled as adequate plan for full-time job opportunities in the country. The group of foreign workers will have to take up the Canadian skilled worker program which is based on country rankings. This program follows its nation wide points system in order to rank the labor market of any given applicant country.

Plumbers and Steamfitters in Canada can take advantage of a federal economic initiative. The initiative, called the International Experience Canada (IEC), gives eligible individuals the opportunity to work temporarily in Canada during specific time frames.

Canada is a country which prides in its hospitality and warmth, providing one of the most welcoming immigration systems in the world. Canada has always been on the list of countries whose nationals have been issued with Temporary Work Permits to take up employment in abroad. With the stress on immigration and international trade, more and more people are keen on getting their hands on visitor visas to Canada. A person who has a work visa can perform their job anywhere within Canada. The work permit holder can change their place of job as well.

Plumbing Work Visa In Canada

Are you an experienced and qualified plumber looking to immigrate to Canada? Not only are plumbers in demand in at least 4 of Canada’s 11 provinces and territories but it is also a trade that pays pretty well. Plumbers can earn anywhere from $39,000 to an average of $65,072 per year, however, experienced plumbers can earn up to $97,500 per year. And the best part? The provinces that need plumbers the most offer the highest salaries in the country. This means that not only will your application be prioritized if you apply for permanent residency in a province that needs plumbers but you could take home a salary that is one of the highest in your profession in the whole of Canada. That’s a win-win in our books!

Canada aims to invite 411,000 people to move to Canada in 2022. Of this massive total, 195,800 highly skilled foreign workers will be invited to apply for permanent residency through economic immigration programs managed by the Express Entry system; including the Federal Skilled Worker Program, The Federal Trade Worker Program and the Canadian Experience Class as well as Provincial Nominee Programs and immigration pilots such as the Atlantic Immigration Pilot and the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot. 

Now granted, as with any profession, there will be some red tape including having your credentials assessed but not to worry. This article delves into everything you’ll need to know about immigrating to Canada as a plumber.START YOUR JOURNEY

Jobs in Canada for Plumbers

handshake | jobs for plumbers in Canada | immigrate to Canada

There are currently hundreds of jobs available for experienced and qualified plumbers who are interested in immigrating to Canada. Finding a job in Canada is undoubtedly just as daunting as the Canadian immigration process itself, however, with online platforms such as eJobbo, it can be a lot simpler and less complicated to get in contact with potential Canadian employers. For tips on how to get your dream job in Canada visit our blog here. One of the best places to start when looking for a job in Canada is to start with your location. Do some research about life in your province or territory of choice as well as affordability based on your salary expectation. The top provinces where plumbers are in-demand include British Columbia, New Brunswick, Ontario and Manitoba. Below are some of the average salaries in the 4 provinces where plumbers are in high demand:

Average Salary by In-demand Provinces for Plumbers
ProvinceAverage Salary (CAD)
British Columbia$61,932
New Brunswick$45,884

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