Police Report For Visa In Ghana

When you need a Police Report for Visa in Ghana, there’s very little time to get it done. The nature of the processing time to obtain a Police Report for Visa in Ghana depends on the country you’re applying for. It could be two weeks, or two months. Get it fast and correctly by contacting the experienced staff at Experts4Expat, Immigration Experts in Ghana!

What is a police report and how can you get one for visa purposes? This article provides step by step instructions on how to obtain a Ghana police clearance certificate for visa application

If you need to apply for a visa in Ghana, then you will need to provide or make a police report. This police report functions as an identification document, and is used to prove that you are neither fleeing nor arriving from a conflict zone. It also helps the process of your …

A police clearance certificate (also known as a “police report for visa application”) is a letter a Non-Resident Ghanaian issues to the Police Service and Immigration office in his/her home country, confirming that no criminal case has been filed against him/her.

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Police clearance is issued to all Ghanaians upon request, i.e. those living at home (residents) or abroad (non-residents). Police clearance is also issued to foreigners who have stayed in the country for 3 months and above.

If you have resided in Ghana but presently in a foreign country and need a police report, you can register and submit your application online on the Ghana Police e-Services website or you can appoint a representative (preferably a relative or friend) to apply at the CID Headquarters in Accra on your behalf.

Police Report For Visa In Ghana

Your representative is made to fill CID FORM 196 (NOMINAL VETTING ON BEHALF OF APPLICANT NOT RESIDENT IN GHANA). Information required in this regard includes basic personal details, passport details, two passport-size photographs and brief information on your representative. Please refer to the guidelines for completing downloadable vetting form.

Applicants are expected to pay an official fee as indicated on the Ghana Police e-Services website.

In this case, your fingerprints cannot be taken but other details provided are enough for the police to furnish you with the needed report. The Police clearance certificate is usually obtainable within 10 working days.

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