Post Study Work Visa For Australia

If you are going to study in Australia, you may be eligible to apply for a post-study work visa. A post-study work visa allows you to stay on in Australia for at least 2 years after completing your Australian qualification or training. 

Post Study Work Visa For Australia refers to a work and residence permit for those who wish to stay in Australia for pursuing full time employment. A majority of people have a desire to visit their relatives, see the beauty that is Australia or just go on a holiday. The fact that the migration staff has made facilities wherein educational institutions are involved is also worth mentioning because it creates an opportunity for one to choose from different options of study and as well obtain better visa terms.

Are you one of the students looking for Post Study Work Visa for Australia? Then being confused about which is best suitable for your requirements. You are at right place to get complete information on Post Study Work Visa for Australia.

Post Study Work Visa For Australia

Post Study Work Visa for Australia is highly beneficial and provides a great relief in financial standing for students who want to choose a different country for their higher education after the graduation. The government of Australia has made it mandatory for every student to pass through this visa category if he or she wants to stay in Australia after completion of the higher studies.

3 Types of Post Study Work Visa in Australia

The post study work visa allows international students to stay, work or look for a job in Australia after they graduate. Depending on their qualification and region of study, the stay durations are from 18 months and up to 6 years.

There are three types of post study work visa options that may be available to you.

  1. Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485) – Post-Study Work Stream is the most common post study work visa. This visa is for international students who have recently graduated with an eligible qualification from an Australian educational institution, regardless of their field of study. They must apply for this visa within 6 months of completing their course, depending on the qualification, the stay duration is between 2 to 4 years.
  2. Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485) – Graduate Work Stream is for international students who graduated with skills and qualifications to occupations specified in the skilled occupation list. The skills and qualifications usually are closely related to an occupation identified as being in need in the medium to long-term in the Australian labour market. The stay duration is up to 18 months, and students must apply for this visa within 6 months of completing their course.
  3. Skilled Recognised Graduate Visa (Subclass 476) is for international students who have engineering qualifications from a specified educational institution in the last 2 years. The stay duration is up to 18 months.

Below table gives a good overview of key restrictions and conditions for different post study work visas

Australia Post Study Work Visa Requirements

*Depending on the qualification, the stay duration for Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485) – Post Study Work Stream is:

  • Bachelor Degree, Bachelor Degree with Honours, Masters by Coursework – 2 years
  • Masters by Research Degree – 3 years
  • Doctoral Degree – 4 years

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