Process Of Employment Visa In Dubai

The process of Employment Visa In Dubai can be really burdensome for the individuals about to work in the Middle East. It requires full documentation, and if the employer does not have all of them, it is a waste of time. The candidates require all the documents for getting their visa done in time. It means that the process should be streamlined and efforts should go toward eliminating redundant steps from it. That is why you need this article to understand the processes involved to get employment visa in Dubai or anywhere else in the world.

Getting an employment visa in Dubai is a matter of following the proper process and fulfilling all the requirements. While we do not deal in these aspect, the internet is flooded with websites that try to help expatriates relocate to Dubai. Here’s a list of their services and few steps that might be helpful for your visa process. We will base our discussion today on – AA. But, other resources which you can find on our website include some frequently asked questions such as: uae employment visa process step by step and new employment visa rules in uae 2022

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As a non-Emirati seeking a working visa in the UAE, you are eligible for an employment visa. This article will explain the general process of applying for an employment visa in Dubai and the documents you need to bring with you.

Process Of Employment Visa In Dubai

The United Arab Emirates, also referred to as the UAE or the Emirates, is a popular destination for expatriates due to its relatively simple visa requirements compared to the surrounding countries in the Middle East. This makes the country an excellent choice for companies that are expanding internationally. However, like any other country, there are specific requirements that must be followed regarding immigration, residence visas, and work permits.

Types of Work Visas in the United Arab Emirates

In the UAE, there is one type of work permit. This work permit is often referred to as a labor card. However, employees will need to obtain an entry visa, a residence visa, and an Emirate ID card before they can apply for a work permit.

On September 5th, 2022, the UAE government will implement new immigration regulations including a new residency visa system that introduces several new categories.

Requirements to Obtain UAE Work Visas

To obtain a residence visa in the UAE, employees will need the following documents:

  • A valid passport and a photocopy
  • Passport photos
  • An Emirates ID card
  • An entry permit from the Ministry of Labor
  • The results of a medical screening
  • A copy of a company card from the employer
  • A copy of the company’s commercial license

The employee may apply for a work permit after obtaining a residence visa. To get a work permit, the employee will need all of the documents listed above as well as a work permit application form, which must be completed in Arabic, and an employment contract or job offer from a company in the UAE.

Application Process

It may be helpful to think of the process of obtaining a UAE work permit in three stages: getting an employment entry visa, getting an Emirates ID card (also known as a Resident Identity Card), and obtaining a residence visa and work permit.

How to Get an Entry Visa for the UAE

An employment entry visa in the UAE is also referred to as a pink visa. To begin the process of obtaining this permit, the employer must apply for visa quota approval on behalf of the employee. This approval will be obtained through the Ministry of Labour (MOL).

Next, the employer will submit an employment contract to the MOL. The prospective employee must sign this contract.

The Ministry must approve the work permit application before issuing an employment entry visa. With the approval and visa secured, the employee will have two months to enter the UAE.

Upon entering the UAE with a pink visa, the employee has a period of 60 days to obtain a residence visa and formal work permit.

Getting an Emirates ID

An Emirates ID is required for the medical screening employees will need to apply for a residence visa. To apply for an ID, the employee must provide their entry visa along with an original passport and a copy. Employees will need to apply in person at the Emirates Identity Authority (EIDA) center, where they will provide biometrics including fingerprints and a photograph.

Obtaining a Residence Visa and Work Permit

To apply for a residence visa, the employee will need all of the required documents listed in the previous section. A residence visa in the UAE is valid for one to three years and can be renewed. The employee’s work permit will be listed as part of the residency visa.

Once the work permit is approved, the employee can officially begin working.

Other Important Considerations

One of the unique considerations of working in the UAE is that work permits must be sponsored by an entity that is locally licensed and incorporated in the UAE. This requirement can complicate the process for companies that are in the early stages of global expansion. If your company does not have an established presence in the UAE, you can work with a global PEO as the Employer of Record in the UAE.

Some employees may also wish to bring family members with them to the UAE. Employees can sponsor residency visas for family members once they’ve received their own resident visa.


1. Introduction to Working Visa For Dubai: –

Dubai is the city of dreams for a lot of people. According to statistics, as of 2022, 3.48 million people are working in the emirate of Dubai. Migrating to a whole new country is not an easy job; there are multiple things to check off the list before making a move. First is obtaining a work visa if you want to work in the city. Therefore, it is essential for people to know the process of getting a working visa in Dubai.

In the United Arab Emirates, there are multiple forms of visas, but not all types of visas allow you to work in the country.

1.1. Types of visas you get in the UAE: –

Business visa
Remote work visas
Tourist visas
Patient and companion visa
E- visa for GCC residents
Retirement visa for UAE residents
Transit visa
Student visa
If you wish to work in the country, you must hold a residency visa along with a working permit. A person, before coming to the country, need to know a series of information on the visa and visa cancellation process in Dubai. There are immigration lawyers across the country providing employers with adequate and updated information on visa processing.

2. How to get a work visa in Dubai?

The first step to obtain a working visa in Dubai is to find a job in the emirate. Once you get hired by someone genuine, and you have done the background checking, it becomes the responsibility of the employer to provide you with a working visa in Dubai. The employer, after hiring, starts the procedure of the visa because, according to the ministry, the employer becomes your sponsor. Before the employee signs the contract, it is essential he or she knows certain rules and implications laid down the by the labour law in the UAE. A no objection letter for visa is also often required by the agencies, companies.

Once the working permit is issued, the employee can now enter the country with this document and stay in the country for a period of 30 days. Once a person enters the country with a work permit, they are given a 60-day permit to obtain a working visa for Dubai. The employer guides the employee to get a working visa for Dubai. The subsequent steps in order to obtain a working visa for Dubai are the medical screening which involves a chest X-ray to scan for TB type 1 and a blood check to detect any HIV or hepatitis, followed by getting biometrics for the Emirates ID and labour card. Through the immigration authorities in the emirate, the employee applies for a residency visa after submitting all the necessary documents. Finally, the Department of Naturalization and Residency Dubai stamps the visa. Immigration lawyers across the country are there to help employers and employees navigate through the work visa issue in the UAE. Employers in the country need to consult an immigration lawyer because they help in filing the papers and help in listing down the rules and regulations.

2.1. Difference between residency visa and entry permit: –

In simple terms, an entry permit is a document issued by the federal Authority for identity, citizenship, customs and Ports security which allows expatriates to enter the country and stay for a certain period of time. In UAE there are a few types of entry permits for different purposes, namely- employment, family visit, tourism and transit, medical treatment, and humanitarian purposes.
A Residency visa is issued when the ex-pat has entered the country and started the visa procedure, followed by passing the medical screening to prove that the expat is medically fit. Usually, the residency visa is valid for a year, two years or three years.

Some exceptional minds in the country are honored with the 10-year golden visa and 5 year visa.

2.2. Documents you will need for the visa process:

Passport size photograph
Passport and photocopy
Entry permit obtained from the Ministry of Labour.
Medical screening results
Copy of the commercial license of the company

3. UAE employment visa processing time: –

As of 2022, ideally, if the worker clears the medical screening, the employment visa can be processed within 2- 3 weeks. It took about 10-15 working days for the UAE employment visa processing time in 2017. Back then there were 6 major stages to obtain the employment visa.
Quota approval
Labour office approval
Immigration approval
Online visa
Medical screening and emirates id biometrics

As of the UAE employment visa processing time in 2020, the work permit to get processed takes between two and seven working days.


Student visa- issued to expatriate students who are above the age of 18 years and are residing in the UAE to study in an institution in the country. Students in the UAE with a student visa can work in the country only if they obtain a UAE work permit. According to the law, students are not permitted to work full time and may work up to four consecutive hours.
Remote work visas- with this form of visa, you can work with your existing employer domiciled in any part of the world while living in the UAE. This is a one-year visa and self-sponsored.
Green visa- visa focused on people who can sponsor themselves. freelancers/self-employed people, skilled employees, investors and partners are eligible to apply for the green visa.

connect Legal

Do you want to obtain professional advice from the greatest UAE attorneys? Please, give us a call at +971 43 316 688 if you need more information about this or any other legal topic. Furthermore, you can write us an email at and one of our specialists will reach you and answer all of your inquiries.

Finally, if you are looking for the most incredible job opportunities in the United Arab Emirates, go to and submit your CV or resume. The Talent Point is the place where employers and job-hunters meet to find the perfect prospects for them. There, you will find the right job offer that goes according to your experience and qualifications. Do not hesitate and send us an email at, We also provide staffing solutions as we work closely with the clients by catering multiple solutions according to the specific needs all across UAE network. We also provide staffing solutions as we work closely with the clients by catering multiple solutions according to the specific needs all across UAE network.

Danielle Roberts
Danielle Roberts is Head of Operations at Connect Resources. She also advises on and helps manage the legal work of the company having studied Law at John Moore’s University in Liverpool, United Kingdom. Danielle oversees the processes of the company’s various departments and ensures an overall smooth interconnectedness and operation between each in order for the company to function at its highest potential

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