Property Investor Visa In Dubai

There are many reasons why people invest in property, but one of the most popular reasons is to obtain a visa. The Property Investor Visa In Dubai allows investors to live and work in the city, providing them with the opportunity to expand their business or personal horizons.

The visa itself is easy to obtain, and there are many benefits that come with it. For instance, those who invest in property will be able to fast track their application for residency. In addition, they will also be exempt from paying income tax on their rental income. And finally, they will have access to a number of privileges and discounts that are not available to other residents.

So if you’re thinking about investing in property, then the Property Investor Visa In Dubai should definitely be on your radar. With its many benefits, it’s an investment that could pay off big time in the long run. We will base our discussion today on – Property Investor Visa In Dubai. But, other resources which you can find on our website include some frequently asked questions such as: dubai property visa rules 2022 and ajman property investor visa

Property Investor Visa In Dubai

The Property Investor Visa in Dubai allows foreign property investors to obtain a visa that allows them to live and work in Dubai. The visa is valid for three years and can be renewed for an additional three years. There are a few requirements that must be met in order to qualify for the Property Investor Visa in Dubai. These include having a minimum investment of AED 1 million in a property located within the Dubailand area, as well as being employed or having business interests within the city. The Property Investor Visa in Dubai is a great opportunity for those who are looking to invest in the city’s booming real estate market. It provides a way for foreign investors to live and work in Dubai, while also being able to take advantage of the many tax benefits that the city has to offer.

What is a Property Investor Visa?

A Property Investor Visa in Dubai entitles the holder to live and work in Dubai, as well as to own property in the city. There is no limit on the number of properties that can be owned, and investors are free to buy and sell property as they please. The visa is valid for three years, after which it must be renewed.

To qualify for a Property Investor Visa, applicants must have a minimum of AED 1 million (approximately US$272,000) in liquid assets, as well as a property portfolio worth AED 2 million (approximately US$544,000). Applicants must also prove that they have no criminal record and are in good health.

The Property Investor Visa has a number of benefits, including:

• The ability to live and work in Dubai

• Freedom to buy and sell property in Dubai

• No restrictions on the number of properties that can be owned

• A three-year validity period

The Different Types of Property Investor Visas

There are many different types of visas for property investors in Dubai. The most common type of visa is the investor visa, which allows you to purchase property in Dubai and live there for a certain period of time. There are also other types of visas that allow you to invest in Dubai’s real estate market, such as the developer visa and the freehold visa.

The investor visa is the most popular type of property investor visa in Dubai. This type of visa allows you to purchase property in Dubai and live there for a certain period of time. To be eligible for an investor visa, you must have a valid passport and proof of investment funds. You can apply for an investor visa through a UAE-based bank or through a UAE-licensed real estate broker.

The developer visa is another type of property investor visa in Dubai. This type of visa allows you to invest in Dubai’s real estate market by purchasing a unit in a development project that is still under construction. To be eligible for a developer visa, you must have a valid passport and proof of investment funds. You can apply for a developer visa through a UAE-based bank or through a UAE-licensed real estate broker.

The freehold ownership visa is the third type of property investor visa in Dubai. This type of visas gives foreign nationals the right to own property in Dubai on a freehold basis. To be eligible for this type of visas, you must have a valid passport and meet certain

Pros and Cons of a Property Investor Visa

There are many pros and cons to getting a property investor visa in Dubai. Some of the pros include:

-You can get a multiple-entry visa that is valid for up to 3 years.
-You will be able to live and work in Dubai during that time.
-The process is relatively simple and straightforward.
-You can invest in any type of property, including commercial and residential properties.

However, there are some drawbacks to getting a property investor visa in Dubai as well. These include:

-There is no guarantee that you will be able to sell your property when you want to. The market can be volatile, and prices could drop unexpectedly.
-You may have to pay taxes on your earnings from the sale of your property.
-It can be difficult to find tenants for your property if you’re not familiar with the area or don’t speak the language fluently.

What are the requirements for a Property Investor Visa?

In order to qualify for a Property Investor Visa in Dubai, an applicant must:

-Be at least 21 years of age
-Have a valid passport
-Have proof of financial capability – this can be in the form of bank statements, pay slips, or audited financial statements
-Have proof of ownership of investments in Dubai – this can be in the form of property titles, share certificates, or contracts

The application process for a Property Investor Visa is relatively straightforward. Once an applicant has gathered all the required documents, they can submit their application online or via post.

How to apply for a Property Investor Visa?

To apply for a Property Investor Visa in Dubai, you will need to submit the following documents:

-A completed application form
-Your passport and a copy of your travel history for the past 10 years
-A bank statement or investment portfolio showing that you have sufficient funds to invest in property in Dubai
-A property purchase contract or evidence of property ownership in Dubai

Once your application is complete, it will be submitted to the UAE visa authorities for approval. If approved, you will be issued a visa that allows you to stay in Dubai for up to 3 years.

The Property Investor Visa in Dubai is a great way to get started in the real estate market in Dubai. It allows you to live and work in Dubai, as well as invest in property there. The visa gives you the opportunity to get a head start on your investment portfolio and make a name for yourself in the Dubai real estate market.

Property Investor Visa In Dubai

A property investor visa in Dubai has given many investors and landlords the opportunity to live in Dubai. This is you can have a fabulous place to do business in, but also enjoy the amenities at some of the most luxurious hotels on earth, making it one place in which to live and work.

In 2019, the UAE launched Golden Visa to enable investors to apply for a long-term residency in the country. The implementation of this scheme, coupled with consistently high ROI and global appeal of the country’s property market, has proven to be a major draw in attracting real estate investors. Currently, there are two long-term visas for real estate investors. Want to apply for a UAE investor visa? We’ve compiled everything you need to know.


Investor visa application
Make your visa application process hassle-free!

With UAE Golden Visas in place, foreigners are eligible to work, live and study without the need of a national sponsor. Read on to find out all about the investor visa UAE requirements.


It is mandatory for a foreign investor to have at least AED 10M public investment in the UAE to be eligible for the 10-year long term visa. This investment can be made in any of the seven emirates in the UAE without a sponsor.

Take a look below at the list of the investment types where one can attain a long-term real estate investor visa under the General Investor category.

  • Upon establishing a new company in any of the emirates with a capital investment of equal to AED 10M.
  • Upon establishing a partnership in an existing company with a share value of a minimum of AED 10M.
  • Upon having deposits with an investment value of at least AED 10M in any emirate of the UAE.
  • Upon ensuring that within the total investment of AED 10M, 60% of that amount or AED 6M of the total investment is made in sectors other than the real estate market.


  • The investors will have to prove that the amount invested is not loaned.
  • The investment must be retained for at least three years.
  • There should also be financial solvency of the investment for the amount of AED 10M.
  • Investors with a 10-year visa can include an executive director and an advisor apart from their children and spouse.
  • This visa can also be extended to business partners if each contributes an investment amount of AED 10M.
  • Foreign investors can apply for a multiple-entry permit for a six-month period.

The long-term residence is also applicable to persons with specialised talents in the field of art, culture or science. One of the many conditions for that is that they should be accredited by the ministry in their respective fields.


UAE Visa Approved
There is also a 5-year term to apply for the investor residence visa UAE

Real estate investors can also apply for a 5-year residence visa in the UAE, given that they follow the conditions set for this type of visa.


  • It is mandatory for the investor to make an investment in a property that is not less than AED 5M.
  • The investors must ensure that the amount is not loaned.
  • Another condition is that the property must be retained for at least three years.


Real estate investors can also apply for a five-year visa to Abu Dhabi. The conditions for that are, however, different from the rest of the emirates.


  • Investors must invest in a property worth no less than AED 2 million
  • If they have mortgaged properties, they must have at least a minimum cash of AED 2 million to apply for this visa.
  • They must retain investments for a minimum of two years after getting a visa.
  • The real estate investor visa allows residency for spouses and children in Abu Dhabi.
  • The visa holder also has the right to sponsor a domestic worker, given that they follow the relevant rules and regulations.
  • Real estate investors must show their investment profile (single/aggregate) or proof of property worth at least AED 2 million.
  • Investors must also give proof of mortgage status (Mortgaged or Released).

Want to know more about the procedure, requirements and conditions to apply for this type of visa? Check our guide to the Abu Dhabi investor visa process.

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UAE Dirhams and Passport
The UAE investor visa rules for Dubai require the investors to invest in the local markets

Now you know about the basic requirements and conditions to attain a real estate investor visa. There are some micro details to this information that are applicable to real estate visa for Dubai:

  • The investment value of AED 10M is the purchase value of your property and not the current market value. For instance, the property will not qualify for a visa if you purchased it for AED 9M a few years ago and it is currently worth AED 10M.
  • Investment is also subject to property type. It’s recommended to contact the Dubai Land Department to find out which property types are eligible for long-term visas. 
  • The investment should be made in a property that is in a habitable condition.
  • Any property that is under construction, or there is a dispute or not ready will not be considered for granting an investor visa.
  • In addition to this, the property should not be declared unsafe by the authorities for any reason to qualify for an investor visa.
  • It is also necessary that the property should be in a freehold area in Dubai and you are the rightful owner. If the property is in a leasehold area then you are not the rightful owner. In such a case, it needs to specify for how many years you are leasing the property.
  • The list of properties that are acceptable for an investor visa include apartments, serviced apartments, townhouse, villas, office, hotel rooms, hotel apartments and warehouse.
  • The list of property that is not acceptable for a real estate visa includes off-plan property, leasehold property and disputed property.


discussion of property experts
Make sure to abide by the new rules and regulations for the investor residence visa Dubai

Since the UAE investment visa rules keep changing rapidly, it is important to consider some visa rules update regarding investor visas.

  • In March 2022, Abu Dhabi Residents Office launched exclusive commercial benefits for golden visa holders. Now investors will be eligible for discounts on cars, health care, property, hospitality, banking services and health insurance plans both in and outside the UAE.
  • The UAE previously launched the “Thrive in Abu Dhabi” programme that encourages international investors to invest in key sectors in the capital city. Under this programme, investors can obtain a 10-year residency in Abu Dhabi.
  • The UAE has made an unprecedented change in the immigration laws to pave way for investors to set up business operations in the country. As per the UAE new Citizenship law, investors can become citizens of the UAE after investing in the country.
  • It is not necessary to make an investment in a single property worth AED 10M. You can invest in a maximum of three properties with a total worth greater than or equal to the required amount.
  • You are also eligible for a real estate visa investor visa Dubai on the mortgaged property if you have paid off the mortgage value of AED 10M.
  • In the case of joint ownership of a property, it is necessary that a person applying for an investor visa has a share of AED 10M.
  • In the case of joint ownership of the husband and wife, an attested marriage certificate should be provided as proof along with other necessary credentials to apply for a real estate investor visa in Dubai. 
  • Those who want to sponsor families also need to consider these UAE visa rules for the family as they are also applicable in attaining long-term visas.

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