Reasons For Refusal Of Student Visa In Canada

For those who are planning to study in Canada, there are many important information that you need to know before applying. One of the important things is to know the reason why your application for student visa can be refused. By knowing some of it, you’ll be able to improve your skills and have a better chance at getting accepted if you apply for the visa again.

Visa is a privilege extended by a country, giving the holder permission to enter, leave or remain in that country. Applying for a visa is a formal process and once granted you will be allowed legal entry into another country for some specific purpose. There are many types of Visas which are differentiated by their purpose, duration and other features. A student visa allows the holder to enter another country to attend an educational program. Sometimes, visas can be refused to applicants who do not meet specific requirements or who cannot present all necessary documents. The article discusses the most common reason a Canadian student visa application could be refused

You can travel to Canada on a student visa if you meet the criteria to be considered a genuine temporary resident. The aim of this article is to help you understand the nine most common reasons why your visa application is denied

Reasons For Refusal Of Student Visa In Canada

If you are a student in Canada and is looking forward to having your application approved, then make sure that you have all the required documents and information ready when you have a first appointment with the visa office.

International students who wish to study in Canada are required to have a study permit and an entry visa. The process of applying for and obtaining a Candian student visa/study permit follows post admission in a DLI (Designated Learning Institute). According to IRCC (Immigration, Refugees, Citizens Canada), the number of international students holding a Canadian student visa is more than 3,50,000, and this number increases every year.  

A rise in applications has resulted in a surplus of Canada student visa rejections. As per CIC, each year an average of 30% of the total student visa applications for Canada are rejected. Most of these rejections are based on some of the common reasons.  

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With a constant rise in visa applications each year a lot of visas get canceled. As per the reports, more than 30% of Canadian students’ visas are canceled each year. Students who applied for their bachelor’s to study in Canada suffered the most rejection and those who applied for their doctorate suffered the least. Given below are statistics observed for Candian student visa rejection based on the applicant type:Canadian Student visa rejections

Graph: Rate of rejection for the applicants of Candian Study Visa

Reasons for Rejection for Canadian Student Visa

International students seeking a Canadian student visa fulfilling all the minimum criteria for admissions are usually optimistic about the decision. It is, however, observed that a study permit may be refused even when the applicant fulfills academic and admission requirements for an institution. Some of the popular reasons for rejection of study visa by IRCC are listed below:

Financial Insufficiency

Proof of adequate funds for the first year of the course/program is the minimum requirement for studying in Canada. However, the Canada student visa application may be rejected if the immigration officer suspects financial insufficiency.

Applicants can address this problem by ensuring that they do not merely focus on the minimum fund required. Proof of adequate finances for more than one year, along with the additional documents supporting the finances can be included along with the application.

Find out how much can it cost to studying and living in Canada. Planning ahead of your expenses can totally cover your grounds.

Choice of Program

If the visa officer questions the choice of a program opted by the applicants your Canadian student visa may get rejected. In cases where the chosen program does not align with the applicant’s academic or employment background, the chances of visa rejection are increased.

Applicants can address this problem by including a detailed personal statement for the choice of program, in case it does not align with previous education or work experience. For applicants whose choice aligns with their previous background, a detailed education history or work history can be attached along with the applications.

Letter of Acceptance

A letter of acceptance from a Canadian DLI is required for applying for the study permit. If the applicant’s acceptance letter is in question, the Canada student visa may be rejected. Along with the letter of acceptance, the applicants are required to meet the minimum entry requirements for the specific institution. If the visa officer doubts whether the minimum requirements are met by the applicant, the student visa may be rejected.

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Applicants can address this problem by ensuring that the institute they receive an acceptance letter from is registered. Applicants must also ensure that the documents attached as proof of minimum requirements are sufficient. Additional supporting documents can also be attached.

English Language Proficiency

Non-native English-speaking international students are required to submit proof of language proficiency. Applicants are required to meet the minimum standardized English language test scores (TOEFL/IELTS) when applying through SDS or SPP program. Even if the applicant has the minimum score meeting the DLI ELP requirements, failing to meet the program requirements may result in the rejection of a student visa for Canada.

Explore: SDS Program in Canada!

Applicants must ensure that the minimum score requirements for the specific program are met to ensure that the study permit is not denied. Know more regarding the standardized language test scores and requirements for studying in Canada.

No Permanent Stay

A Canadian study visa is a temporary permit and comes with an expiry date. International students while giving visa interviews are required to convince the officer that they will return back to their home country after education. However, if the officer feels that a student is a potential immigrant, then a student visa can be rejected. 

Incomplete Travel or Identity Documents

In cases where there are too many blank spaces in the travel history with a lack of proof of supporting evidence to cover those periods, the study permit may be rejected. If the identity documents are incomplete or are not easy to read, the chances of Canadian student visa rejection are accelerated.

Applicants must ensure that the travel history is justified with sufficient evidence and documents. The identity documents provided must be clear and easily readable for ensuring that the visa is not rejected because of the above-mentioned reason.

Intent of Return to Home Country

As the study permit is a temporary visa, it has a validity period. The applicants are required to submit enough proof of intent to return to their home country. This does not suggest that the applicant cannot extend their study visa or obtain a PR. It is mandatory to provide documents suggesting the intent of return to ensure that the applicant will not stay in Canada after the expiration of the study permit.

Applicants can address this concern with a detailed personal statement. Applicants must also understand the dual intent concept when addressing the concern in their personal statement. Dual intent accounts for the applicants who initially want to temporarily visit Canada (on a study or work visa) and intend to become permanent residents of the country.

Lack of Job Prospects in Home Country

The lack of job prospects in the home country is an indication of the intent to return to the home country. Applicants who do not have a job offer in the home country or lack job prospects may conclude the applicants intend to settle in Canada. This may result in the rejection of the Canadian student visa.

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Applicants can provide documents and statements suggesting that there are sufficient employment aspects in their home country after completion of the studies in Canada.

Biometric Rejections

If a student fails to upload any kind of biometric requirement or the biometrics are not rightly scanned then Canadian Ambassy has the whole right to reject. Students are advised to upload right and on time biometrics for a smoother process of VISA approval.

Rejections Due to Covid-19

Due to the prevailing Covid-19 pandemic, Canadian flights from India have been banned for a long time now. Approximately 3,00,000 students with a backlog are applying for the VISA. Due to the higher demand for student accommodation in Canada, Canadian Embassy is rejecting students with poor scores in English Language tests and financial independence. This is done to filter better students for education in Canada and students with poor education profiles can improve.

Valuable Tips to Decrease the Chances of Candian Student Visa Rejection

Now, that some of the common reasons for visa refusal are known, here are a few valuable tips to avoid refusal of student visa in the first place.

  • Make a checklist of mandatory documents required to submit in order to obtain a study visa. A listing of the same is given on the official website of the Government of Canada.
  • Carefully and completely fill the visa form. Make sure that no column blank is left blank.
  • Students also have to upload a copy of the offer letter that they have received from a recognized college or university in Canada.
  • If applying under SPP, the applicant must be able to show proof of finances, it is advised to obtain a Guaranteed Investment Certificate by transferring CAD $10, 200 to Scotia Bank. Indian students can also get GIC from ICICI Bank.
  • If the applicant has work experience, salary slips or bank statements are to be submitted as proof of the same.
  • Mention all travel histories and visa rejections (if any) in the visa file.
  • Answer all the questions asked on the CIC website while applying online.
  • The statement of intent is the most important write-up which will introduce the applicant to the visa officer. Mention the academic achievements and the intent to study in Canada. This statement of intent can break or make the file.

What to do if Student Visa is Rejected?

Applicants whose study permit for Canada is rejected can appeal against the refusal. The are three ways for proceeding with appealing against the visa refusal. These are requesting reevaluation, appealing against the decision in federal court, and submission of a new application. 

If the applicant is applying for a Canadian student visa for the first time, it is advised to take help from a well-experienced visa counselor. Professional visa counselors can help in editing the statement of intent and create a strong profile.

International applicants who apply for the study permit must ensure that their documents, IELTS/TOEFL scores, and other requirements are met. In case of rejection of Candian Student Visa, though filing a judicial appeal is an impartial assessment but it is a cumbersome process. Students prefer filing a new application for the study permit.

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