Reunion Visa For Indian

India is a country of diversities. Indian people have different habits, religions and culture. Then they also have different languages and dialects. But yet they have a common interest. They can unite on one thing at least. Indians always go out to welcome their friends and relatives who belong to other countries when they visit India or when they are on trip to any foreign countries such as Bangladesh visa, Dubai visa , visa for Oman, visa for Malaysia, VISa for Pakistan etc.. Visiting one another country is easy but visiting visa for Reunion Island is a bit challenging than other international destinations like visa for Mali . Reunion Island is an island in the Indian Ocean near Madagascar. The status of Reunion Island is that of being French overseas department which means it is governed by France.

Reunion Visa For Indian

There are a number of people who want to live with their families abroad and there is a good news for them. Actually, it’s not that important to be born in a particular country to have the right to live there for your whole life. Anyway, it can be possible through reunion visa . All people, who want to settle in Canada are looking for reunion visa . There is one more kind of visa known as family sponsorship but this is not that easy .

Can an Indian citizen be eligible for a reunion (family reunion) visa to visit France? Yes, provided she has the following required documents : 1) Valid passport and proof of French residence 2) Certificate of decedencies of all the family members 3) A certificate stating the financial situation of the applicant 4) The certificate stating that prior application was filed in India before the departure.

Simplified visa process for Indian passport holders

Indian nationals no longer need a visa for stays of up to 15 days. To organise their stay, they have three options:

  1. They can contact a travel agency in India offering Reunion Island as a destination to buy a package tour (flight + accommodation). This agency will then contact an incoming agency on Reunion Island with a licence to request visa waivers.
  2. Or they can apply to an incoming agency on Reunion Island which can also sell package tours here
  3. Or they can book their flight directly with the airline and apply to a local agency with a licence to organise their stay (accommodation, activities, transport on the island etc.).

Voucher costs (€20) are free for all bookings greater than or equal to €500.
Choose one of these three options to benefit from professional advice, and thus enjoy a top-quality holiday on our island, as well as the handling of administrative formalities regarding the visa waiver.
View the list of agencies registered as ATOUT France tour and holiday operators with a licence to proceed with these formalities here.

For your information, the Reunion Island Tourism Board Information and Booking Platform itself has a licence and can therefore organise your stay if you contact one of our advisers at (also available in English ). The range of offers available can be viewed online and in English on

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