Romania E Visa For India

It is very easy to get EU traveler visa from Romania. You can get very easily a short time Romania E visa for India from Romanian missions in New Delhi or Mumbai.

If you have to apply for Romania visa for Indian passport holders, then you need to know about the rules, requirements and the documents you have to submit when going for application.

According to the latest reports, around 2,00,000 visas are issued in India by the embassies of various countries every year. However, it is said that this number is disappointing to the tourism officials who come across some numbers which talk about how 1.85 crore nationals travelled out of India in 2014. This means that only less than six percent of inhabitants travelled in neighbouring nations other than Singapore, Malaysia or Thailand and Sri Lanka. While there are many reasons for this drop, one of the most significant reason is that there are several countries from where India has an E – Visa facility and people prefer opting for that as it is easy to apply for such visa.

Getting a Romania business visa is easy when you work with Guru Company. We got you covered if you’re looking to just come and visit, live in or do business in Romania.

Starting with this web page you can fill in a visa application file and send it to the selected diplomatic mission / consular post of Romania.

Romania E Visa For India

Officials who hold diplomatic, service and official passports, as well as their family members, who travel to Romania for official purposes, can directly contact the chosen diplomatic mission/consular post of Romania. The contact details of the diplomatic missions and consular posts of Romania can be consulted here.
It is highly recommended that visa applications be lodged at least 2 weeks before the estimated date of departure and not more than 3 month before that date. The date from which the period of taking a decision upon a visa application is the date when the visa applicant presents oneself at the diplomatic mission/consular post of Romania.

Before you begin

In order to be able to apply online you must:

  • Have a valid eMail address
  • Use a computer which fulfills certain technical requirements. For further information see About the E-VIZA portal
  • Have the possibility of uploading the required supporting documents

If you wish to print or save a copy of your application you must have access to Acrobat Reader or other similar .pdf readers.


It is advisable that your supporting documents be translated into Romanian or English by an authorized translator. All documents you submit must be legible. All attached documents must be presented in original and copy when you visit the Romanian diplomatic mission / consular post.

  • Each document must not exceed 2 Megabytes (2 MB).
  • Only Latin characters are allowed in the filename.
  • We accept files in the following formats: jpeg, jpg, tif, png, bmp, txt, rtf or pdf.

How it works

The visa application consists of a number of fields which you have to fill in. Note that you cannot use the “back” and “forward” buttons from your browser (e.g. Internet Explorer). Use only the buttons in the electronic form to move forward and backward between pages.

Visa applications can be lodged only individually. In case more people travel together, each person must apply for an individual visa. In addition, please note that individual visa applications must be lodged for people included in the same travel document (e.g.: underage children included in the parents’ travel documents).

If you started registering an electronic application file it is possible to interrupt the application process and save it. You can resume the registration and continue filling in the application at a later stage. An application saved temporarily is stored for 30 days.

When your visa application is decided upon, you will receive a notification by eMail to the address you supplied when you started your application.

Consent Regarding the Terms of use

Please note that in order to start filling in a visa application, you must give your consent as regards the terms of use that assist you in understanding the principles applicable to this electronic portal.

Terms of Use

In order to start filling-in a visa application, you must agree to the terms of use of the eVisa portal. The details provided will help you understand the principles applicable to this electronic tool.

Acceptance of conditions of use

I hereby acknowledge the information provided in the “I want to be informed” section, therefore I am aware of the conditions I must meet in order to apply for a visa for Romania.

I hereby understand that I may be asked for additional documents in order for my visa application to be processed by the Romanian diplomatic mission / consular post of Romania which I choose to address.

I am aware that in order to obtain a visa that I apply for via the eVisa portal, I must personally present myself to the Romanian diplomatic mission / consular post of Romania which I choose to address.

I fully understand that the date from which my visa application will start being examined in view of a decision upon it, is the date when I shall personally present myself to the diplomatic mission / consular post of Romania to which I have electronically submitted my application.

I am aware of the fact that the fee for the processing of a visa application is not refunded to me should my visa be refused.

All the data I hereby provide is correct and complete. I hereby understand that the provision of false or incomplete data entails the rejection of my visa application or the annulment of a visa already granted to me.

I am aware that I am obliged to leave the territory of Romania when the right of stay granted through a Romanian visa I have obtained expires. I was informed that holding a visa is only one of the conditions to be met in order to be allowed to enter Romania. I am aware that the simple issuance of a visa does not imply that I am entitled to receive compensation if I do not fulfill the conditions set out in Chapter II – General Provisions regarding the entry, stay and exit of Aliens from GEO No. 194/2002 republished, with the subsequent amendments and additions and my entry into Romania is not permitted. The fulfillment of the entry conditions is subject to checks at the moment of entry into Romania.

Processing of personal data

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: For visas applied for via eVisa portal, the personal data controller is the MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF ROMANIA (MFA), located at 31 Aleea Alexandru, District 1, Bucharest, Romania. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania has appointed a Personal Data Protection Officer –

Under the national legislation in force, the personal data of visa applicants is processed in strict accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals regarding the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR).

Personal data provided through the eVisa portal, by third-country nationals who are required to hold a visa in order to travel to Romania are provided to and processed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs solely for the well-determined purpose of the processing and examination of visa applications and for the issuance of visas.


Categories of data subjects for the processing and issuance of entry visas for Romania: third-party nationals subject to the European and national legal framework that govern the visa policy, namely the regime of aliens in Romania, who apply for Romanian visas, irrespective of the purpose of journey.

Upon starting the process of applying for a visa online, by making use of the eVisa external portal –, it is necessary to acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions regarding the provision of your personal data for the purpose of the processing and issuance of Romanian entry visas.

The personal data provided via the eVisa external portal will be exclusively used in view of the processing, examination and issuance of Romanian entry visas. This data will be processed by the MFA only when the data subject has given their express consent, by agreeing to the terms and conditions related to this issue.

The MFA exclusively processes the categories of personal data necessary for the examination of visa applications as these categories are regulated at European level, as well as through the national legislation in force. The MFA does not request or process sensitive data other than that required for the examination of a Romanian entry visa application and for the issuance of a visa in accordance with the legal provisions in force; all personal data and any sensitive data is securely processed.


– All personal data requested through the forms available in the eVisa external portal will be made available to diplomatic mission and/or consular post of Romania where the data subject chooses to appear in person.

– Data from the external portal is stored on a secured central server, owned by the Romanian MFA. At the moment of sending a visa file to a diplomatic mission / consular post of Romania, that file will be transferred to the internal portal of eVisa and will be stored on a central secure server in the internal network of the Romanian MFA. At this point, the personal data from the external portal will be entirely transferred to the secured network of the MFA and shall no longer be available online.

– When a visa applicant does not fill-in an application file, their personal data filled-in in the external portal up to a certain point, will be stored on the central server of the external portal, that belongs to the MFA, for a period limited to 30 days. Upon expiration of this period, the incomplete application file and all data within it will be automatically deleted and it shall no longer be available online and to the data controller.

– The personal data provided through the visa application files filled-in via the eVisa portal will be made available exclusively to the competent Romanian authorities and processed by these, as the case may be, for the purpose of establishing a decision regarding the visa application submitted via this portal. This data may be entered and stored in databases accessible only to the Romanian authorities competent in the field of visas, in accordance with the national legislation in force.

– Identity of the data controller: solely the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through the Romanian diplomatic missions and consular posts.

– The purpose of the processing of personal data: the processing / examination of visa applications lodged by third-country nationals subject to the visa requirement in order to travel to Romania and, as the case may be, the issuance of Romanian entry visas. Issued visas may also be annulled and/or revoked in accordance with the legal provisions in force.

– The recipients of personal data furnished in view of applying for a Romanian entry visa: only the competent Romanian authorities regulated through Article 30 of Government Emergency Ordinance Nº194/2002 regarding the regime of aliens in Romania, republished, amended and supplemented, as well as the competent border authorities. The data sent via electronic files created in the eVisa portal can only be accessed by the MFA.

– Visa applicants who do not consider it necessary to provide their personal data necessary for filling-in the standard visa application forms must take into account that the refusal to provide all necessary data may lead to the rejection of visa applications.

THE RIGHTS OF DATA SUBJECTS IN LINE WITH REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals regarding the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR):

Under the provisions of the GDPR, data subjects benefit from the following rights as regards the processing of their own personal data:

  1. the right to be informed;
  2. the right of access to data;
  3. the right to rectification of data;
  4. the right to object;
  5. the right to erasure of data;
  6. the right to the restriction of the processing of data;
  7. the right to portability of data and the right to not be subject to an automated decision;
  8. the right to file a complaint to the data controller, to the supervisory authority and the right to address a court of law.

1. The right to be informed:

In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR), of Law nº506/2004 on the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications and of Law nº271/2010 regarding the setup, organization and operation of the National Visa Information System and the participation of Romania in the Visa Information System, as personal data controller, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania, located in Aleea Alexandru 31, Sector 1, Bucharest, Romania, processes the personal data you provide according to law, in relation to your person, a member of your family or another person, lawfully and exclusively for the specified, well-determined purposes established through the legal framework in force. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania has appointed a data protection officer –

The present notification is in reference to the processing of personal data by the controller, for the specific purpose of the processing and examination of Romanian visa applications*, as well as for the issuance of visas by Romania. The data subjects who have their data collected for the specified purpose, who choose to apply for an entry visa to Romania, online, through the eVisa national portal for the facilitation of the visa application process –, are obliged to furnish the data requested through the visa application form*. The refusal to provide the required data triggers the inadmissibility of the visa application that shall not be thereby collected by the Diplomatic Missions/Consular Posts of Romania. A visa application can be lodged via the eVisa portal exclusively after the data subject has agreed to the terms and conditions related to data protection. The data of data subjects who do not finalise an online visa application shall be automatically deleted in a term of maximum 30 days after the last intervention of the data subject on their own online visa application file. The registered information is destined exclusively for the use of the data controller and are communicated, by the data subject, only to the Diplomatic Missions/Consular Posts of Romania, in order to be collected from the eVisa external portal. Said data is collected from the eVisa portal in order to be further processed in the National Visa Information System (N.VIS).

As per the provisions of the GDPR, the data subject benefits from the right to be informed, the rights of access to and rectification of their data, the right to erasure, to restriction and of not being subject to automated individual decision-making. They also benefit from the right to oppose the use of personal data that regards themselves, as well as to request its deletion**. In order to exercise these rights, you may submit a written, dated and signed request, to the Data Protection Officer of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs –***. You equally benefit from the right to submit a complaint addressed to the Romanian National Supervisory Authority – ANSPDCP (, as well as to refer to a court of law.

Your data sent via the eVisa portal and processed in the N.VIS by authorised users only, shall not be trasferred abroad. Should any of the data concerning yourself be incorrect, we kindly ask you notify us thereon, in the shortest time.

* By signing the visa application forms that must be consulted and signed upon your personal appearance in front of the competent staff of the MFA, you have the opportunity to give your specific consent with regard to the processing of your personal data and you can consult, in detail, the terms and consditions in relation to such processing. The fields from the visa application forms marked with (*) shall not be filled-in by family members of citizens of the European Union, European Economic Area or Swiss Confederation (spouse, child or dependent ascendant).

** Should you disagree with the processing of the personal data regarding your person, you are made aware that your visa application shall become inadmissible. In addition, should you desire and request that the personal data regarding your person be deleted, you are made aware that if at the time of your request for deletion, you hold a valid visa obtained on the grounds of this data, said data shall not be deleted, as per the provisions of Art.17(3)(b) of the GDPR. In case a decision has not been taken in relation to your visa application at the time of your request for deletion, said application shall no longer be processed. Given the latter situations, you are made aware that application processing fees cannot be returned.

*** In accordance with the provisions of Art.38(4) of the GDRP, the requests for exercising said rights of data subjects in relation to data collected for visa applications – afferent forms for visas are available online, at – shall be submitted in writing, dated and signed, to the Data Protection Officer of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at, or by loging them directly to the headquarters of the data controller, located in Aleea Alexandru 31, Sector 1, Bucharest, 011822, Romania.

2. Right of access to data:

By a written, signed and dated request, data subjects have the right to obtain on behalf of the controller, the confirmation of the fact that their personal data is or is not processed, and, should the case be, they benefit from the right to access the data, in line with the Regulation.

3. Right to rectification of data:

In accordance with the provisions of Article 16 of the GDPR, each data subject has the right to obtain from the controller, without delay, the rectification (correction, completion etc.) of any inaccurate personal data concerning themselves.

It must be taken into account that when the data subject already holds a valid visa, the rectification of data that implies the modification of this data upon the request of the data subject, may entail, as the case may be, the annulment or revocation of the valid visa.

4. Right to erasure of data:

According to Article 17 of GDPR, the data subject has the right to request the erasure of their personal data without undue delay and the controller has the obligation to delete this data without undue delay, should any of the following situations be applicable:

– the personal data is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed;

– the data subject withdraws consent on which the processing is based and where there is no other legal ground for the processing;

– the data subject objects to the processing pursuant to Article 21(1) and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing;

– the personal data has been unlawfully processed;

– the personal data has to be erased for compliance with a legal obligation in Union or Member State law to which the controller is subject.

It must be noted that the erasure of data does not apply to the MFA in the visa activity, for all situations covered by the GDPR, since not all of these situations (e.g. the provision of information services) are applicable or are related to the activity of the MFA.

When the data subject withdraws their consent and requests the erasure of their personal data concerning, but the controller (the MFA) finds that the data subject holds valid visas (pending for a decision or issued valid visas), the data subject will be informed that the erasure cannot be carried out on the grounds of Article 17 (3) of the GDRP.

Each request for data erasure shall be individually examined.

5. Right to the Restriction of Processing:

According to the provisions of Article 18 of the GDRP, any data subject benefits from the right to request the restriction of the processing of their personal data, when:

– the accuracy of the personal data is contested by the data subject, for a period enabling the controller to verify the accuracy of the personal data;

– the processing is unlawful and the data subject opposes the erasure of the personal data and requests the restriction of their use instead;

– the controller no longer needs the personal data for the purposes of the processing, but it is required by the data subject for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims;

– the data subject has objected to processing pursuant to Article 21(1) pending the verification whether the legitimate grounds of the controller override those of the data subject.

Where the processing has been restricted, except for storage, the data of the data subject may only be processed with the consent of the data subject or for the establishment, exercise or defence of a right in court or for the protection of the rights of another natural or legal entity, or important public interest of the Union or of a Member State.

6. The Right to Object:

According to the provisions of Article 21 of the GDPR, at any given time, for reasons related to their particular situation, the data subject has the right to object to the processing of their personal data, under Article 6(1)(e) or (f) or Article 6(1), including to object to the establishment of profiles based on those provisions. The controller shall no longer process personal data unless when the controller proves it has legitimate and compelling reasons that justify the processing and which prevail over the interests, rights and freedoms of the data subject or that the purpose is to establish, exercise or defend a right in court.

At the latest upon the first communication with the data subject, the right to object is explicitly brought to their attention and is presented in a clear and separate manner to any other information.

The MFA processes personal data on the grounds of its legal powers as public authority. Therefore, the visa application of a data subject who objects to the processing of their data for this purpose becomes inadmissible, the application file is not accepted and the visa processing fee is not collected.

In the case where a data subject exercises their right to object to the processing of their personal data in the Romanian N.VIS/the eVisa for visa applications and the controller determines said person holds valid visas (pending for a decision or already issued valid visas), or has been registered with such applications at any given time, the data subject is advised to exercise their right to erasure of data under Article 17 of the GDPR.

7. The Right to the Portability of Data and the Right to not be Subject to an Automated Decision:

According to the provisions of Article 20 of the GDPR, the data subject benefits from the right to data portability and according to Article 22 of the same legal instrument, they benefit from the right to not be subject to an automated decision-making process.

Data collected by the data controller, namely the MFA, in view of the examination and issuance of visas, by virtue of its status as central competent authority, is not even transferred to other recipients upon request from the data subject, since the work procedures inherent to the field are clearly regulated through European and national legislation in force, and the use of ported data is not possible. At the same time, the examination and issuance of a visa is not based at any time on individual automated decision-making processes.

Therefore, in the case of the visa activity, the exercise of these two rights by data subjects is devoid of purpose.

8. Right to File a Complaint to the National Supervisory Authority (the ANSPDCP) and the Right to Address a Court of Law:

In order to protect the rights of data subjects, as provided for by the GDPR, data subjects whose personal data are subject to the processing falling within the scope of said legal instrument, have the right to file a complaint to the data controller, through the Data Protection Officer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Data subjects equally have the right to address a complaint to the National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing, at:

– Address: 28–30 G-ral. Gheorghe Magheru Blvd, District 1, zip code 010336, Bucharest, Romania;

– eMail:;

– Phone: +40.318.059.211;

– Fax: +40.318.059.602;

– Web address:

At the same time, according to the provisions of Articles 78 and 79 of the GDPR, each data subject (natural or legal person) has the right to exercise an effective judicial remedy against a supervisory authority and against a controller or an empowered person.

Considering the above, by checking this field, I hereby consent to:the conditions and terms of use;the processing of my personal data in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals regarding the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR);sending my personal data via the eVisa portal, through the Internet.ATTENTION! If you do not check the field above, you will not be able to continue filling-in a visa application.

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