Rsms Visa In Australia

If you are holding an Australian Business Visa, a RSM visa might be the most appropriate for your situation. Read on to find out if an RSM visa is right for you.

Australia Immigration is difficult, expensive and tiresome. To get a visa in Australia one needs to take assistance of the licensed Australian Visa consultants that are the subject matter specialists in this domain. They help an individual for the smooth migration in Australia.

From Bollywood to Hollywood and back, Aussie stars have been setting their presence felt on international soil. With more than million people from India visiting Australia every year, it’s common to find that many of them will want to explore the country for more than just a holiday. Going down under may be a longer-term aspiration for many Indians and if your case does fall into this category, here are some steps you should take if you’re looking forward towards migrating to Australia within the next one year or so.

Rsms Visa In Australia

Becoming an Australian citizen by descent requires parents to be citizens by descent or from before 1 January 1901. A person born outside Australia on or after 20 August 1986 to a parent who is an Australian citizen is eligible for citizenship by descent. Permanent residents who have been holding permanent residency for 10 years can apply for Australian citizenship by conferral. There are situations where you might be eligible for citizenship by registration, however this type of application is not valid if you have been convicted of certain crimes under Commonwealth or state law including terrorism offences, murder, rape and child sex crimes involving children younger than 16 years old. Applications may take up to 40 days to process if they are considered complex. There are also set dates when you can apply in Australia each year and the online form must be filed within the correct period to avoid delays in processing your application.

This is a permanent residence visa. It allows you and any family members who have also been granted this visa to:

  • stay in Australia indefinitely
  • work and study in Australia
  • enrol in Medicare, Australia’s scheme for health-related care and expenses
  • apply for Australian citizenship (if you are eligible)
  • sponsor eligible relatives for permanent residence
  • travel to and from Australia for five years from the date the visa is granted (after that time, you will need a resident return visa or another visa to return to Australia)
  • latest 187 visa changes 

Am I eligible for a 187 visa?

In summary you must meet the below criteria for the 187 VISA (RSMS) – (2019 update)

  • Have an occupation on the 187 Visa Occupations List (RSMS List)
  • Meet the English language requirements: IELTS (or equivalent test) score of 6 in each component.
  • Age: a maximum age requirement of 45 at the time of application will apply to Direct Entry stream
    applicants. A maximum age requirement of 50 at the time of application will continue to apply to Temporary Residence Transition stream applicants
  • Integrity: A range of amendments have been introduced to enhance the integrity of the ENS and RSMS visas, including through requiring the nominated position to be genuine, and removal of the English language and skills exemption for applicants whose nominated earnings would be over $180,000.
  • The Department of Immigration will collect Tax File Numbers for these visa holders, and data will be matched with the Australian Tax Office’s records to ensure that visa holders are not paid less than their nominated salary

Is my business eligible to sponsor under the 187 RSMS visa program?

Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS) Subclass 187 Visas

The Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme or RSMS visa is a permanent employer sponsored visa which requires a job offer in a Regional Area of Australia. The regional areas are specified by postcode by the Department of Immigration.
There are in general THREE STAGES to an RSMS application: 1.     RCB Certification: the Regional Certifying Body will ensure that the position is genuine and in many cases require that the position has been advertised
2.     Nomination: review of the business and position by the Department of Immigration
3.     Visa application: there are three pathways, and generally the skill level is lower than for the ENS program. Applicants must be aged under 45, unless exceptional circumstances apply.
RSMS Regional Areas: The whole of Western Australia- all areas excluding PerthThe whole of South AustraliaThe whole of TasmaniaThe whole of ACTThe whole of Northern TerritoryNew South Wales (NSW) – all areas excluding: Sydney, Newcastle and WollongongVictoria – all areas excluding MelbourneQueensland- Except the greater Brisbane area and the Gold Coast
There are THREE possible application PATHWAYS for an RSMS visa:1.     Temporary Residence Transition: where applicants have worked with the employer on a 457 visa for the last 2 years. In this case, no RCB certification is required and an English level equivalent to IELTS 6 is required.
2.     Direct Entry Stream: the position will need to be certified by an RCB, and the employee will need English level equivalent to IELTS 6. Applicants in trade occupations may require a formal skills assessment .
3.     Agreement Stream: where the employer has a Labour Agreement
Benefits of Applying for RSMS over ENS Visa:The requirements for RSMS are more straightforward than the 186 ENS mainly because:The employer does not need to meet the training requirement (SAF Levy after March 2018)The visa applicant requires a lower level of skill for the Direct Entry Stream – most applicants do not require a skills assessment (although 3 years work experience is required now)It is possible to apply for RSMS in a bigger range of occupations than ENS
Common Issues with RSMS Visas:The main difficulties employers face when obtaining RSMS visas are:Obtaining an RCB approval – each RCB has different criteriaShowing exceptional circumstances where visa applicants would not meet the usual requirements for Age, English language ability and skill level

Am I eligible for a 187 visa?


Information for employers who want to nominate a skilled worker (and members of their family unit included in their application), for this visa.

Who can nominate a skilled worker for this visa

You can nominate a skilled worker for this visa if:

  • you actively and lawfully operate a business in regional Australia.
  • you have a genuine need for a paid employee to fill a skilled position
  • you offer a skilled position in the applicant’s field that is full time and ongoing for at least two years
  • you pay a market salary rate
  • you comply with Australian immigration and workplace relations laws
  • there is no adverse information known about your business or any person associated with your business.

You must nominate the applicant in one of the three streams and meet the requirements of that stream.

Latest 187 visa changes

For regional permanent employer sponsored skilled visa (187 visa) program you must:

  • Occupation lists: The MLTSSL will now apply to both the 186 ENS and the 187 RSMS visa, with additional occupations available to support regional employers for the RSMS.
  • Minimum market salary rate: Employers must pay the Australian market salary rate and meet the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold.
  • Residency: The eligibility period to transition to permanent residence will be extended from two to three years (people on  a 457 visa and wanting to apply for 186/187 visa).
  • Work experience: At least three years’ work experience relevant to the particular occupation will be required.
  • Age: All applicants must be under the maximum age requirement of 45 at the time of application.
  • MLTSSL will apply to ENS/RSMS with additional regional occupations, eligibility period for PR extended from 2 to 3 years, at least 3 years’ work experience required, under 45 years of age, contribution towards training fund.
  • Training requirement: Employers nominating a worker for an ENS or RSMS visa will be required to pay a contribution to the Skilling Australians Fund (SAF levy). The contribution will be:
    • payable in full at the time the worker is nominated.
    • $3,000 for small businesses (those with annual turnover of less than $10 million) and $5,000 for other businesses.

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