Russian Visa For Syrian

Russian visa’s offices in Syria have been reopened and the visa applications are accepted again. It is expected that the process of issuing Russian Visas may take up to 30 days.  

Syria’s tourism sector has been of Russia’s economic and political interests in Syria. And so, Russian visa has become a must-have. So how to get Russian visa if you are a Syrian?

Thousands of Syrians are stuck in Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria itself. There is no official Russian presence offering assistance to those fleeing the conflict zone, so thousands of Syrians have converged on Moscow’s airport. Anyone with a return ticket to Syria or a Russian visa is not let into the country. Thousands are therefore living in dire conditions outside the airport, awaiting their fate. This humanitarian crisis has provoked outrage among activists with many Russian citizens showing solidarity towards these people. It is also globally recognized as an international crisis.

Russian Visa For Syrian

Are you a citizen of Syria that wants to visit Russia in the near future? Keep in mind that a visa is required for entry if you’re traveling for business or pleasure. Here, you will find out what the steps for obtaining one are. Several documents are required. You need to obtain the visa application and fill in all your personal information. You also need to prepare the consulate fee. Apart from these two, a ‘visa support’ (invitation) is required. The receiving side usually issues this document that is required when applying for a business or tourist visa. This last part is explained in detail below.

Get Your Russian Visa Invitation in Syria

This step provides you with some flexibility since this document can be obtained in several ways. Russian friends or relatives may wish to help with the visa process. They can do this by sending you an invitation. You could also book your trip with a travel agency and get the invitation while you’re at it. If none of these options suit you, get in touch with our company! We can provide all the documents you need for applying for a visa and it will be a pleasure to help you. If you’re going on a business trip, on the other hand, your option to get an invitation is through your Russian host company. Contact them and ask for an invitation to be sent to you. It is also advisable to plan your accommodation in Russia. When you think you’re ready, you can apply for the visa and this is done by contacting the Russian Consulate in Syria.

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