school vacation in maine

Vacation in Maine is a great way to spend your summer vacation with the family. There are so many things to do here, from exploring nature and hiking through our beautiful forests and mountains, to visiting historic sites and museums, or even just relaxing on the beach. We have everything you could want for a fun-filled vacation without having to go far from home! Here’s a list of places we recommend checking out while on vacation in Maine:

January 3-8, 2021

If you’re looking to get away from it all this winter, Maine is the place to be. There are plenty of options for taking your family on a ski retreat or snowboarding adventure.

In January 3-8, 2021:

  • The weather is cold, but not too cold—you can still make a fire in the fireplace and enjoy family board games by candlelight. The Northern Lights are out in full force!
  • The kids have been cooped up inside a little too long and they need some fresh air and exercise. Pack up your gear and head out for an afternoon of hiking or cross-country skiing along the Appalachian Trail at Katahdin Woods & Waters .

February 15-19, 2021 (NH)

The following dates are available for families interested in visiting Maine during the February-March time frame:

February 15-19, 2021 (NH)

February 22-26, 2021 (NH)

March 1-5, 2021 (NH)

February 21-25, 2021

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If you’re wondering how to spend your school vacation in the state of Maine, this is one of the best ways to go! You will find that there are plenty of things to do, from hiking and fishing to visiting museums and taking in a show at a local theater or concert hall. These options are all within easy reach from our vacation home rentals, so if you are looking for something relaxing and fun for your upcoming school vacation in Maine, look no further than here!

April 18-22, 2022 (NH)

Let’s take a closer look at the details of this itinerary. The first three days are spent in Narragansett, Rhode Island. Your kids will be able to play on the beach and build sand castles with their friends. On Thursday, you’ll explore Boston together; this city is full of historic sites like the Old North Church where “one if by land, two if by sea” was uttered during the American Revolution and Faneuil Hall Marketplace where George Washington bid farewell to his troops in 1788. On Friday morning, drive up to Maine for lunch at Smuttynose Brewery before spending the rest of your vacation exploring Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park’s coastline as well as hiking trails through its forests!

On Saturday morning after breakfast at your bed & breakfast inn (which has been recommended by both Lonely Planet and TripAdvisor), head south along Route 2 towards Portsmouth where there are many great museums like Strawbery Banke Museum or Strawbery Banke Historic Site which gives visitors access not just through exhibits but also through walking tours around town so get ready for some exercise after all those delicious meals!

June 20 – September 6, 2022

June 20 – September 6, 2022

The New England region of the United States is home to an array of beautiful landscapes, historic sites and cultural activities that make it a great destination for families looking for summer vacation ideas. In this section, you’ll find information about where to go and what to do during your summer vacation in New England. Summer is here! And so are vacations. That means you have a lot of decisions coming up: where will you go? What will you do? For many parents, planning a family trip can seem like an overwhelming task—but it doesn’t have to be! We’ve put together everything we know about summer vacations in one place to help everyone get ready for their kids’ next big adventure

school vacation in maine

School vacation in maine is a great time to travel to the beautiful state of maine. School vacation vermont 2022, school vacation nh 2022, school vacation massachusetts 2022 and many other states school vacations are great times to visit these states with your family.


We are so excited to help you plan your summer vacation with the kids! We hope this information was useful and that there was something for everyone. If you have any questions or comments please reach out to us on Twitter @TheGoodKidsGuide or email us at [email protected]

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