school vacation in philippines

The Philippines is a tropical country and the weather is generally warm all year round. However, there are times when the temperature can be very hot or even cold. These extreme temperatures are usually not conducive to learning so schools opt for school vacation in philippines during these times of the year. Schools also take advantage of long weekends by having their classes on Saturdays instead of Sundays like most other developed countries do.

School Vacation in Philippines – December Christmas Break.

The school vacation in the Philippines is from December 24 to January 2. It starts with a bang and ends with a whimper, but it’s fun while it lasts.

The Christmas season begins on December 17 with the celebration of Simbang Gabi, also known as Misa de Gallo (Rooster’s Mass). The masses held in churches during this period are very long because they have no set time limit for their duration or length of service. It is not uncommon for them to last for more than four hours!

Everyone seems to be in good spirits during this period as everybody tries hard not to let any negativity seep into their lives especially when it comes to spending time with family members who may be having problems at home or work place. One major cause of concern is traffic congestion due to heavy rains which often resulted in accidents involving motorists who sped through flooded streets just so they could get home early before curfew hours begin at 10 p.m., especially on New Year’s Eve (December 31st).

Schools and institutions usually opt for school vacation in philippines when the weather is not conducive to learning, such as very hot or cold temperatures, heavy rains, or even snow and ice storms during winter months.

Schools and institutions usually opt for school vacation in philippines when the weather is not conducive to learning, such as very hot or cold temperatures, heavy rains, or even snow and ice storms during winter months. This can also be extended when a certain event is taking place that would require schools to be closed temporarily. Some examples of these events include national holidays like Christmas Day which is celebrated every December 25th; New Year’s Eve which falls on December 31st; Holy Week (Semana Santa) which happens from March 30th to April 9th; People Power Revolution on Edsa (February) 1986; Bataan Death March Memorial Day on April 9th; Independence Day on June 12th and any other celebration related to Philippine history.

School vacation in philippines usually starts in december with pre-schoolers entering school at around 4 years old then elementary students entering at 6 years old until high school seniors graduating by their 18th birthday at least according to official records but this can also vary depending on how long you plan staying abroad so make sure you check beforehand before leaving anywhere else if possible it may still apply here too as well especially if they don’t have many restrictions regarding foreign tourists visiting their country especially those who are permanent residents here already because they might not want them getting into trouble due to lack knowledge about local laws etcetera etcetera – we’ll talk more about this later though once we get further along into our story but let’s move along now!


With so many things to see and do in the Philippines, it’s easy for you to find a vacation that fits your needs. Whether you want to explore the breathtaking natural wonders of Palawan Island or take in some culture at Intramuros, there are plenty of options available. So next time you’re looking for something to do during school vacation time, why don’t you consider booking tickets today?

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And that’s all there is to it! You can easily add these techniques into your own bookmarking routine and start seeing results right away. Don’t let this simple system fool you though – it will still require some work on your part (even if just setting aside some time each day). But once again remember… it doesn’t have be perfect – just keep going!

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