schools without summer break

Would Your Child Get Better Grades Without a Summer Break?

For many kids and parents, summer vacation is a time for fun and relaxation. But for some families, it can be a stressful season of constant transitions: packing up and moving to new houses, sending kids off to camp or with relatives, finding childcare for younger siblings during the day.

As someone who has been both a student in year-round school and an educator who worked with students from all over the country (and one from England), I know that there are pros and cons to this decision. That said, I’m here today because I think it’s important we talk about how year-round schooling might benefit your child—and what you should know before making such an important decision!

Learning is more consistent, because there are no long breaks.

One of the biggest benefits of year-round schooling is that students don’t have to spend weeks at a time learning material they already know. This keeps them from becoming bored and losing focus. By contrast, schools with traditional summer breaks often find that students forget what they learned during the previous semester.

The longer school schedule also means that kids don’t have to repeat material they’ve already covered; instead, they can move on and continue learning new things in each class throughout the year.

It helps struggling students retain knowledge better.

Those who struggle with learning often have a hard time retaining information. The reason for this is because they often need to process new information and learn it in a different way than other students. If a student is not able to retain the information, then they will continue struggling with schoolwork—and often give up on it altogether.

The year round schedule helps struggling students retain information better by giving them more opportunities to work through their individualized needs during summer break. For example, if a student struggles with reading comprehension but does well when it comes to math or science, then the year round schedule allows them more opportunities for extra help in reading comprehension during the summer months instead of focusing solely on math or science subjects which may be easier for them already

It makes the transition between grade levels easier.

The fact that students are expected to continue their schooling during what would normally be the summer has two benefits: they don’t have to spend time re-learning material they already know and they don’t have to spend time relearning material they already know. This allows the transition between grade levels easier, as students aren’t starting completely from scratch when it comes time for them to move into a new classroom environment with different teachers and classmates.

Kids have time to focus on other interests.

Kids are able to focus on their own passions and interests. Some of my peers studied art, dance, or music during the summer months. Others were able to take a class in something that wasn’t offered at their school or even something as simple as a cooking class!

I think this is one of the biggest benefits of not having summer break—students are able to pursue their own passions and interests instead of being forced into doing activities that aren’t necessarily related to those passions or interests.

Year round school can be better for low income families.

The disadvantages of year-round schooling are not so obvious. While it may seem like a good idea for low income families to have more time for academic pursuits, their children will also be missing out on all the additional opportunities that summer break provides. Summer breaks, especially if they’re longer than three weeks, give students free time to pursue their own interests and hobbies. They can work at a job or find other ways to earn money while their peers are away at camp or traveling with family members.

Summer break comes at a critical time in kids’ lives: when they may feel like they’re falling behind academically or otherwise lacking direction or purpose in life; it’s an opportunity for them to explore these feelings and find fulfillment through activities like sports, music lessons and art classes that require extra practice during the school year because there’s no room for them inside traditional classroom schedules.

Year round school offers more flexibility to working parents.

Year round school offers more flexibility to working parents. Flexibility is a benefit that applies to anyone who works, but it’s especially useful for parents whose lives are in flux. This can mean anything from having a job that lets you take time off to care for kids during the summer months, to being a single parent who needs to keep money coming in at all times of year.

The year-round schedule also gives parents the chance to work less and still earn enough money, or work more and earn overtime hours without adding extra stress by worrying about summer vacation plans or how much time they should be taking off around holidays like Christmas (which often fall at different points on the calendar).

For those who want more options than their employer provides—whether it’s flexible hours or even going part-time—year-round schools offer an option that was previously unavailable: taking a career break!

Kids get a break after every quarter instead of having to wait months for summer vacation.

Kids get a break after every quarter instead of having to wait months for summer vacation. This allows them to take advantage of all the fun things that go on during the summer and still have time to be with their families, visit friends, and do more summer activities. Kids can also use this time to relax or study.

Students who suffer from seasonal affective disorder are less likely to struggle with mood changes and depression during the winter.

Students who suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD) are more likely to struggle with mood changes and depression during the winter. Year-round schooling can help students with SAD adjust to the seasons, giving them more time to get used to the shift in weather.

Year round schools can also be beneficial for children who have learning disabilities or other physical limitations that benefit from extra time on educational activities, such as physical therapy exercises or speech therapy sessions.

Students can rotate between shifts and schedules, which creates a greater sense of ownership over their education. This leads to lower drop out rates and better engagement with the material.

Students at schools without summer breaks can choose the schedule and classes that work best for them. For example, some students may prefer to take their math classes during the day and their English classes in the evening, while other students might devote time during their lunch break to studying music theory or taking art classes in an after-school program. In order to accommodate each student’s unique learning style, these schools allow students to pick their own teachers as well—meaning that if one teacher isn’t working out for you, you can find another teacher who specializes in teaching a similar subject matter. Schools without summer breaks also allow students to pick the subjects they want to learn about by offering elective courses like pottery or jazz band alongside traditional core curriculum such as algebra II and biology II (or whatever your local school system calls it).

There’s no need to waste time re-learning what was taught before breaks, and this also helps prevent summer learning loss in disadvantaged kids.

  • The research shows that for disadvantaged kids, summer learning loss is a real problem.
  • Year-round schooling can help prevent this from happening by thwarting students from forgetting what they learned over the summer.

Year round school may not be perfect, but it is a good option for many students and families

A year-round school schedule is not perfect, but it’s a good option for many students and families. Students, who already have to deal with the stress of learning all year long, don’t need any additional time off to get a break from their education. Moreover, many students experience summer learning loss when they are on vacation from school and cannot maintain their momentum in learning during summer break. A year-round calendar gives them more opportunities to learn throughout the entire year so that they can keep up with their classmates who are going at a slower pace.


If you’re looking for an alternative to traditional school schedules, year round school might be the answer. It’s not perfect, but it can be a good fit for many students and families. With so much research on both sides of the debate, it’s difficult to say which one is better overall—but there’s no doubt that our education system needs some changes!

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