scotland summer vacation

Scotland Summer Vacations & Tours 2022/2023 : Nordic Visitor

When the weather starts to heat up, it’s the perfect time to visit Scotland. Summer is a popular time for tourists and locals alike to escape their homes for a few days or even weeks at a time. It’s especially great if you’re looking for something besides lying on the beach: Scotland has plenty of things to offer in this season.


Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, has a lot to offer. The city is filled with history and culture. There are many museums and galleries for art lovers to explore, as well as plenty of places to go hiking in nature just outside the city limits.

The main tourist attraction in Edinburgh is Edinburgh Castle, located at the top of Castle Hill. Other notable sites include Arthur’s Seat (the hill on which Edinburgh Castle sits), Holyrood Palace (the official residence of Scotland’s monarchs since 1561), Royal Mile (a street lined with shops and restaurants), Scottish Parliament Building, National Museum of Scotland and National Gallery of Scotland. For those who enjoy walking through museums or visiting art galleries there are plenty within walking distance from each other: National Portrait Gallery; Royal Scottish Academy Building; Scottish National Portrait Gallery; John Knox House Museum; Greyfriars Kirk Church Crypt; Cowgate Galleries Shopping Arcade; St Giles Cathedral Crypt


Inverness is a great city to visit in the summer. It has lots of things to do and see, including some of the best restaurants and hotels in Scotland. If you’re looking for an entertaining night out, head over to one of Inverness’s many bars.


The city of Glasgow is the largest city in Scotland, with a population of around 600,000. It’s also the third most visited city in the UK after London and Edinburgh. Because it has such a large population and is so close to other large cities (it’s about an hour away from Edinburgh), it’s not as well known for its sights as some of its larger neighbors. But if you have time to spend visiting one more place before your vacation ends, this would be an excellent choice!


  • Dundee is a city in the north east of Scotland.
  • Known for its jute industry and Tay Bridge, which collapsed in 1879.
  • Also home to the University of Abertay (previously known as Dundee Institute of Technology).
  • Legendary football team, The Dark Blues


Stirling Castle is a historic fortress located in Stirling, in central Scotland. It is currently maintained by Historic Environment Scotland, an executive agency of the Scottish Government.

Stirling Castle was founded in the late 14th century. King James III (1460–1488) began work on its replacement between 1460 and 1470, but he died before it could be completed. The castle regained its importance as a royal residence under James IV (1473–1513), who initiated large-scale rebuilding which included the stone tower at

the south-west corner and the Chapel Royal to match it; much of this survives today, including some 17th-century additions such as an entrance doorway decorated with heraldic badges from knights of the Order of the Thistle; these badges depict thistles grouped around their stems and represent challenges issued by members of that order for others to fight them until one remains standing; each badge bears its motto “Nemo me impune lacessit” (“No One Provokes Me With Impunity”).


Aberdeen is the third most populous city in Scotland and the seventh most populous in the United Kingdom as a whole. It had a population of 205,450 at the 2011 census, making it Scotland’s second largest city (after Glasgow) and tenth largest urban area. Locally referred to as Aberdeen City, it sits north of its larger neighbour, Dundee (the main city of the wider east coast region known as Tayside).

Not really sure, just some nonsense

I think the best time to visit Scotland is in summer, but I also think the best time to visit Scotland is in winter. I’m not really sure, it might be spring or autumn, and if you’re very brave (or very silly) then you could try all four seasons.


There are plenty of places in Scotland to visit during the summer. Edinburgh is one of the most popular destinations, but there are also other great places like Inverness, Glasgow and Dundee available for you to explore as well. We hope this article has helped you decide which city would be best suited for your next vacation!

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