sesame street elmo’s world summer vacation

Elmo's World Summer Vacation!

Ah, summer! The perfect time to relax, kick back and enjoy a few lazy days. But what if you could do that while also learning some new skills? If you’re lucky enough to be one of the millions of children who loves Elmo and his friends on Sesame Street, then this book is the perfect choice for your next adventure: A fun-filled trip to a tropical island with your favorite furry red friend!

Table of Contents

elmos world birthdays games & more dvd menu


Elmo’s World (birthdays/games)

Opposites (birthdays/games)

Skin (skinny to fat, tall to short)

Opposites Channels:

elmo’s world water quiz

As you can see, there is no ending to this game. The reason for this is because the people who made it never thought that anyone would play it, only they had just made a mistake and played it all wrong. If you do like this game, do not worry because there are plenty of other games that you can play. One of these games includes a quiz about opposites where Elmo asks questions about things such as if something has hair or not what animal is he asking about?

If you want to find out more about these games then check out elmosworldskinfunbunch2 on YouTube for more information on how to play them yourself!

elmos world opposites ending

  • Elmo’s World – Opposites!
  • Elmo’s World – Opposites! (DVD)
  • Elmo’s World – Opposites! DVD Menu
  • Elmo’s World: Episode 16: Opposites (TV Show)

You can watch all the videos on this website or download them to your computer by clicking the download button below each video and then playing them off of a flash drive or hard drive that you have connected to your computer.

elmos world healthy food

Elmo’s World is a TV show and website featuring the children’s character Elmo from Sesame Street. It was launched in November 2008 to coincide with the release of “Elmo’s World: Healthy Food”. The series features short, simple animated segments about topics such as healthy foods, healthy snacks and exercise.

In 2008, Sesame Workshop partnered with the Annenberg Foundation on a study of how children learn about nutrition through television. The study found that kids are most likely to learn new words while watching shows they already like (like Sesame Street), rather than learning more words while watching shows they don’t know well yet (like Dora the Explorer). So if your child already knows who Elmo is but doesn’t know what “exercise” means or why it’s important for him to eat vegetables and fruits instead of cookies — it might be time for some educational content!

elmos world dvd collection

Elmo’s World is a program on the PBS Kids network. It is hosted by Elmo, who takes viewers on an animated tour of his world and shares facts about it. The show debuted in September 2001 as “Elmo’s World,” with reruns airing under the title “Play with Telly.” In 2005 it was rebranded as simply “Elmo’s World,” now hosted by Elmo himself (voiced by Kevin Clash) instead of Telly Monster.

The show has been praised for its non-discriminatory nature and its ability to teach children about tolerance and acceptance through introducing them to new cultures, people, languages and ideas through international storybooks such as The Storyteller’s Hat or A Child’s Introduction To Jazz Music which feature many different ethnicities and races including African Americans singing jazz music or Hispanic characters reading bilingual stories in Spanish/English languages respectively.

The show also covers common themes like opposites (hot/cold) or shapes (circle/square) but does so in an enjoyable way that isn’t boring for kids who’ve already mastered these concepts at home already thanks to parents talking about them all day long while they’re having dinner together every night (hint hint).

sesame street elmo’s world summer vacation

Sesame Street Elmo’s World Summer Vacation

This is a great DVD collection for your child to watch during the summer. It will keep them entertained for hours on end. The games and activities are fun for children of all ages and the entire family can enjoy it together!


Elmo’s World is a home video containing episodes of Sesame Street. It was released on VHS, DVD and Blu-ray on September 25, 2009. The DVD contains three episodes: “`

  • “`Elmo’s World 2: Get Ready For School“`
  • “`Elmo’s World 3: Elmo Is Super!“`
  • “`Elmo & Cookie Monster: Happy Birthday!“`

The same day it was released in the U.S., it was also released internationally with alternate titles depending on where you live. They’re as follows:

  • Canada (English/French) – ““““““““““““““““““““““““


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