Short Conversation Between Two Friends About Summer Vacation

Dialogue Between Two Friends About Summer Vacations | Learn English  Speaking Conversation - YouTube

Short Conversation Between Two Friends About Summer Vacation

Hey, how’s summer vacation going? I’m so glad the weather is finally nice enough that we can go out and do stuff!

Section: It’s hard to believe it’s already August. Time flies when you’re having fun.

Section: Yeah, I know what you mean. It seems like just yesterday that we were all in school together, but now we’ve got jobs and everything!

Section: Ha ha! And you’re still as funny as ever, too!

Steve and Bill are talking about what they have done this summer.

  • Steve: So, how was your holiday?
  • Bill: It was great! I went to Hawaii for two weeks.
  • Steve: Oh, that sounds like a dream vacation! Do you want to know what my summer was like?
  • Bill: Sure!
  • Steve: Well, my family and I went to San Francisco for a week. We stayed in this old Victorian house on top of Nob Hill with red velvet furniture and mahogany floors. It was amazing!

Steve: Hey, Bill. How was your summer vacation?

Hey, Bill. How was your summer vacation?

Bill: It was good. I went to the beach and played a lot of sports.

Steve: Wow! That sounds fun! How did you spend your time when you were at the beach?

Bill: We swam in the ocean every day and played volleyball every night after dinner. The weather was great! I think it’s going to be hot again tomorrow, so let’s go swimming together tomorrow morning before school starts up again next week.

Bill: Hi, Steve. It was great! I went to Spain with my friends and we had a really good time there.

Hi, Steve. It was great! I went to Spain with my friends and we had a really good time there.

Let me tell you about it: first of all, we took the plane from New York to Madrid and then we went by bus to Barcelona. We stayed in a nice hotel near the beach and there were lots of restaurants where we could eat delicious food every day! In the morning we swam in the sea and then in the afternoon we went surfing on our surfboards or played tennis at one of our friend’s houses nearby. There are so many interesting things to do in Spain; it’s such a beautiful country!

Steve: Oh, that sounds great. I wish I could have gone on vacation this summer.

“I wish I could have gone on vacation this summer,” Steve said to Bill.

Bill replied, “Oh, that sounds great. I had a great time in the Bahamas! The weather was perfect and it was so relaxing to just lie around on the beach all day long and enjoy myself. My favorite part was when we went snorkeling in the ocean and saw some beautiful coral reefs full of colorful fish swimming around them. So beautiful! Then at night we would go out to eat at restaurants that served amazing seafood dishes like grilled fresh lobster tail with a buttery lemon sauce drizzled over it or lightly battered fish filets served with fries on top.”

Bill: Oh really? Why didn’t you go?

Bill: Oh really? Why didn’t you go?

Dave: I had work to deal with. You know I just started a new job and I had to finish some important projects for my boss before the end of the summer. Plus, my parents are getting older and they need my help around the house more and more these days.

Steve: I had work to deal with. You know I just started a new job and I had to finish some important projects for my boss before the end of the summer. Plus, my parents are getting older and they need my help around the house more and more these days.

So, I had work to deal with. You know I just started a new job and I had to finish some important projects for my boss before the end of the summer. Plus, my parents are getting older and they need my help around the house more and more these days.

I think it’s important to have a good work/life balance, especially if you want to be successful at your job or in any other aspect of life. You can’t spend all your time working because then you wouldn’t get anything done! But also, you shouldn’t spend all day doing nothing except going on vacation because then nothing would get done either!

Having goals helps too because if you don’t have any goals or things that motivate you then nothing will ever happen in your life—you’ll just sit on your couch watching TV all day long until one day people find out who caused global warming or something bad happens like that…

Bill: Wow, I’m sorry to hear that, Steve. That sounds tough! Well, better luck next year!

Hi, Steve. How are you?

Good to see you again, Bill! I’m doing great, thanks.

Cool! We haven’t spoken in a while. What have you been up to lately?

I’ve been busy finishing up my thesis and working on a few other projects for school and work. But now that it’s done, I can finally get some relaxation in before starting my new job next month. Do you have any plans for the holidays yet?

Yes! My sister is coming down from Boston with her boyfriend this weekend—they’re going to spend their first Christmas together since they got married last year—and my parents have invited us over for dinner on Saturday night so we can celebrate together as a family…

The summer is here and it’s time for some fun. If you are looking for something to do, I would recommend that you go to the beach house and swim in the pool or just lay out on one of the lounge chairs. You could also take a ride on your bike or take a walk around town if there isn’t anything else that seems interesting at first glance.

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