student visa for usa from uk

In this article we look at some of the best ways to get a student visa for the USA from the UK which is the most common route for a majority of United Kingdom residents.

Student visa USA UK: One of the largest and most populated countries in the world, United States is a land of opportunities. Thousands of people visit this country every year to study, work, do business and more. Some accounts suggest that each year more than 20 million people wish to visit this nation. But in order to travel to the United States one needs to achieve a visa from first; and that needs quite a few documents which some might find it tough or even impossible for them.

If you’re looking to study in the United States, a student visa is the first step. At, we can help you get your student visa so that you can study in the US.

Our team of experts can help guide you through the process from start to finish, so that you’re prepared for every step along the way. We’ll also make sure that your student visa application is done properly and on time so that it’s approved as quickly as possible.

Once you’ve been approved for a student visa, we’ll help you with all aspects of your trip: booking flights and accommodations, making sure you have all the right documentation, and even making sure that everything goes smoothly once you arrive on campus!

A student visa for the United States is a great way to get your foot in the door of the American education system. The process can be quite long and complicated, but you can make it much easier by applying with Touro!

Touro University Worldwide has over 50 campuses across the United States, so you’ll have plenty of options when it comes time to choose where you want to study. With our help, you can even apply for a student visa while still living in England—and then pick up right where you left off once you’re settled into your new home!

To apply for a student visa from England, first determine which school or college (or schools!) you’d like to attend. Once that’s done, fill out our online application form and upload any required documents. Once we’ve reviewed your application, we’ll work with you one-on-one until it’s approved by the U.S. government.

If you’re a student from the UK, applying for a student visa to study in the United States can be a confusing process. Luckily, we’ve got you covered!

If you’re looking for a way to get your visa or green card as quickly as possible, we have an answer for you: our services are designed for students who need to secure their visas quickly. We know how stressful it can be to wait on an application, so we aim to get you approved in as few days as possible.

We understand that every person’s situation is different, and we take the time necessary to assess each individual case before submitting it.

Students in the UK often look to study abroad, with one of the most popular places being America. More than 9,000 UK students study in America and that number is likely to grow exponentially.

In order to study in the USA, you will need a Visa, however, you need a specific type of Visa called an F1-Visa. We’ve got a useful guide for you below, which tells you everything you need to know about the F1 Visa and how to get one.

F1 Visa

What is an F1 Visa?

So what is F1 Visa?

An F1 Visa is a nonimmigrant visa for students who are looking to study in the United States. Studying or applying for an American university as an international student is impossible without an F1 Visa USA. An F1 Visa is also needed if you plan on attending a private school, high school, college or any other training programme or education provider, it is not exclusive to those that are looking to study at university.

How do I get an F1 Visa?

The process is simple enough, but it will take a long time. American visa issues usually take a long time to sort out at the best of times, but for an F1 Student Visa USA, there are other considerations to take into account.

The first step is to apply for an American university. Once you have done this, the university will tell you what they require from you and to see if you’re what they’re looking for academically. As with international scholarships for international students in the UK, you will need to provide proof that you can support yourself while studying without the need to work, you will also need to show health insurance, exactly the same as when you’re studying in Europe and you need to get yourself European Health Insurance.

Upon receipt of this information, the university will issue you with an I-20 form, for you to apply for your student visa.

After you have received you have filled out your I-20 F1 student visa form, you will need to be able to arrange an interview at the nearest US Embassy or US Consulate, and they will grant you your F1 Visa.

The university that you’re applying to must be approved by the Student and Exchange Visitor Programme (SEVP or SEVIS). You will need to check with the university beforehand that they have the facilities to support international students, especially if English is not your first language.

Don’t worry, you can also apply for F1 visa while in the US.

Do I have to pay for an F1 Visa?

You will have to pay for an F1 Visa, although the F1 visa cost isn’t too expensive.

F1 Visas tend to cost around $200, though the rate changes every year, you will also have to pay a SEVIS charge on top of the original $200. This is also referred to as the I-901 SEVIS Charge.

You will need this if you’re looking for any F1 visa work as well.

F1 University Visa

What do I need for my interview with the American Embassy or Consulate?

There are a few things you’ll need to bring with you to your interview, such as:

  • Financial Support: You need to be able to support yourself. If you are unable to support yourself without having to work, you will be denied a visa.
  • Official Residency in a Foreign Country and Intentions to Return Home: You will need to leave the United States upon graduation as the visa is not a residency visa. If an interviewer finds believes that you wish to remain in the United States, they will deny your visa application. Essentially, you’re being asked to educate yourself in America and then apply the knowledge you’ve gained back home.
  • Admission to an Approved Education Provider: As we said above, you need to have been accepted into a university, college or high school etc that is approved by the SEVP, otherwise, your visa will be declined.
  • Connection to Your Home Nation: You will need to prove that you have strong ties to your home country. You will need to provide proof, like bank statements, bank accounts, financial information, family information and any job offers or job correspondence that you have.

As for tangible items that you will need to bring with you to your interview, you will need to bring:

  • Application fee
  • DS-160 form
  • DS-157 form (for males between 16 & 45)
  • A valid passport
  • Photo

Make sure you have all your documents for F1 Visa.

F1 Visa interview questions

You will be asked questions at your student visa USA F1 interview, which will be mainly split into five separate sections, which are:

  • Education
  • Finance
  • Work situation
  • Family
  • General

These questions are usually done to determine your character, your situation and to give the US a chance to work out what kind of citizen you will be and what your intentions are for entering the country as well.

What is SEVIS fee for F1 visa?

This is usually around $350, but it can sometimes be as low as $200 or as high as $400, it depends on the state of US immigration at the time.

Under President Donald Trump, the immigration fees have gone up, but they may go down if he is replaced in the forthcoming American elections (here’s to hoping)!

F1 Uni Visa

Can I be denied an F1 Visa?

As with all visas, they can be denied if the applicant doesn’t meet the specified criteria.

Most F1 denials are based on US immigration law and with the recent travel bans implemented in the United States, plenty of students are denied access to a visa based on immigration procedures, another main reason is the failure to provide the correct paperwork when applying.

As we said above, not providing enough information on your home ties can also be grounds for rejection.

The United States operates a very strict border policy as it is, those with criminal convictions will not be granted entry to the country. If you are found to have misrepresented anything in your application, if you have a health issue that could affect other people or if you are deemed a security risk you will be turned down.

Am I able to work in the US if I have an F1 Visa?

You are able to work in the US under an F1 Visa, but as it is not a work visa, you will only be able to work full-time during holidays. In term-time, you will be restricted to twenty-hours-a-week.

That being said, you will need to speak to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and brush up on the job rules under your visa in the US. Alternatively, your campus will most likely have an International Office onsite, and you will be able to speak to them as well.

There is an alternate option regarding work for international students in the US, however. As an F1 Visa holder, you will be able to apply for work off campus for up to twelve months through the Optional Practical Training (OPT). OPT can only work for students in these situations, however:

  • Part-time work during studies
  • Full-time work during holidays (or recess)
  • Are graduation, in a field of study related to your degree

If you work illegally while on an F1 Visa, your visa will be cancelled and you will be deported.

Can I transfer universities with an F1 Visa?

Of course, you can! The university itself will need to be approved by the SEVP, just as before. Transferring universities works exactly the same as changing universities in the UK, however, you will need to meet the same visa requirements, you will still need to return to your home nation when you’re done.

Do I have to return home as soon as I graduate?

You don’t have to return home as soon as you graduate, you can remain in the US for up to sixty days after completing your degree or your OPT training. If you wish to stay in the US after your degree, you will need to re-enroll in a higher programme or change your visa status.

If my F1 Visa is denied, can I reapply?

Yes, you can. As a rule of thumb, any reason why your first application was rejected should be resolved upon reapplying. For instance, if you did not have the correct documentation when applying, you will need to ensure that you have the correct documentation, this time around. You can re-apply for an F1 Visa as many times as you like, and you can re-apply as soon as you receive confirmation of your rejection.

Obviously, consulate or embassy officers will check your application history, so make sure you get it right first time.

Does having a criminal record affect my chances of getting an F1 Visa?

This is a tough one as it all depends on the application itself.

Generally, as a rule of thumb, the United States does not allow anyone with a criminal record to enter the country, although there have been a number of exceptions made for this.

You may still be allowed entry to the country with a criminal record, it depends on the severity of the offences that got you a criminal record in the first place. Generally, the United States tends to make exceptions for single offences and where the sentence for the crime was less than six months.

It is also worth noting as well that passing a security check, does not mean that the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services( (USCIS) is aware of your criminal record.

Lying about having a criminal conviction is grounds to have your application rejected and can cause a number of issues with immigration for the rest of your life. The best thing to do is to speak to the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) in the UK or a lawyer, before making your F1 Visa application. Even speaking to the American consulate or the American embassy before application is a smart move.

F1 Visa University

What if my degree is being studied in my home country and I need to study in the US as part of an exchange programme?

Then an F1 Visa is not what you need, you will need a different type of visa altogether, known as a J1 Exchange Visitor Visa, which is very different.

The F1 Visa is an easy enough visa to apply for, however, it is a very lengthy process and it can throw-up all sorts of complications, the best thing for you to do, is to be honest in your application, make sure that you have all of the necessary paperwork and as with everything in life, don’t lie, especially when you’re going to apply for F1 Visa.

Changing visa status from J1 to F1

It is possible to change from J1 to F1 Visa if the need arises.

To make the switch from a J1 Visa to an F1 visa, you will need to provide proof that you can afford to pay one full year of your tuition, cover living expenses, your insurance and cover the expenses of any dependents (like husband, wife or children).

Don’t worry too much about the finances, you won’t just be expected to guess what you need financially, your academic institution will provide you with any rough estimations that you must cover.

You will also need to provide proof that you are planning to head back to your home country at the end of your academic programme as well.

If you already hold a J1 student visa, then you will be subject to something called two-year home-country physical presence requirement, in order to change to an F1 visa. After this, you will then need to fill out an I-20 form to apply for F1 status, which you need for an F1 or J1 visa.

Can I join the US army with an F1 Visa?

This honestly depends on where you are and if you fit the other criteria in the army as well.

For the most part, the US army has plenty of immigrant soldiers and has people on visas in the army, however, it will depend on the need for soldiers and will also depend on how the rules are at that time, given how much Donald Trump has changed army rules and regulations so things are subject to change.

You should know that if you enlist in the army, your studies will likely be cut short as a result, because you will need to devote yourself to the army full-time. However, if you have been in the army for two years, you can then apply for US citizenship, if that appeals to you.

Can I do Internship on F1 Visa?

You can do an internship if you wish, since on the F1 Visa you are traditionally restricted to 20 hours-a-week. Your internship will need to be unpaid, this is a requirement for the F1 visa for everyone.

However, you can still do two other kinds of internships, which may be a smidge more appealing (which we’ve mentioned above, but will go into more detail here), such as:

  • Curricular Practical Training (CPT) Internships: This has to be related to your degree and you must recieve some sort of credit for the internship as well. You must have completed your first year at university and then apply for authorisation on your visa and you have to recieve an updated I-20 US F1 visa application form beforehand.
  • Optional Practical Training (OPT) Internships: These don’t have to be related to your area of study necessarily and can be taken on while still at school or after your graduation. The OPT must be approved by the US Citizenship and Immigration Services, you can stufy these for up to 12 months full-time, although you can get a longer extension in various fields, for instance, STEM fields allow you to take a 17-month extension.


You can change your F1 visa status, but not if you entered as a visitor through a waiver programme.

The process will depend on your circumstances and you will need to speak to US Citizenship and Immigration Services to sort your future out.

An honest man has nothing to fear and the same is said with your visa application, as long as you have done all of the necessary research and have declared everything required of you (make sure you have researched your F1 visa requirements beforehand), you should be fine, for any issues regarding the US F1 Visa, speak to the CAB or to the American Consulate, the American Embassy or your own embassy or consulate for advice, they’ll be glad to help, good luck!

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