student work permit in hungary

Discover the Hungarian student work visa process in 4 easy steps! There, you live in Hungary and want to work while studying? Before applying for a work permit, it is important to learn about the conditions that must be defined by you, depending on your nationality.

The situation pertaining to obtaining a work permit to work in Hungary for non-EU citizens has changed significantly ever since the Hungarian government introduced two new options for foreign students pursuing a degree at a Hungarian university. Students can enjoy the right to work during their student stay in Hungary on one of two grounds: EU Blue Card or Hungarian Residency Bond.

Student work permit in Hungary. If you search the word “University” in internet, you will find several thousand answers with more than 140 pages. All of them succintly defines what is University and with some link to different page. But more than 70% of them just define the basics concept and has no practical information.

The student work permit in Hungary is an important part of the immigration process. It allows you to work while you are studying abroad and helps you to pay for your tuition and living expenses.

The process for getting a student work permit in Hungary is long and complicated, so it’s important to start it as soon as possible. The first step is to find out whether or not you’re eligible for a student work permit in Hungary.

If you live in Hungary and are a legal resident, then you can apply for a student work permit in Hungary. You will need to prove that you have enough money to support yourself while studying abroad, so make sure that your bank account is healthy before applying for this type of visa (students without financial resources can apply for scholarships).

You must also have proof of enrollment at an accredited Hungarian university or college before applying for this type of visa. This can be done by providing documentation such as an acceptance letter from your school or university

A student work permit in Hungary is a document that allows you to work during your studies. The permit is issued by your university, and it must be renewed each year.

If you are a citizen of an EU/EEA member state or Switzerland, you do not need a student work permit. If you are from another country, however, you will need to apply for one.

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Who can apply for the “study-to-work” residence permit?

Every foreign student receiving a degree from a Hungarian university or college (or any other higher education institute) is eligible for the study-to-work visa but you must hand in your application no later than 15 days before your student residence permit expires.

For the application, you will need to verify that:

  • you are either looking for a job or setting up a company (for this, we offer consultation);
  • you have the funds to stay in Hungary, for example with a bank statement showing that you either have enough money or regularly receive money from abroad;
  • you have a valid health insurance;
  • you have accommodation;
  • you have the means to leave the EU in case your permit is denied.

The authorities might ask for further documents. If your “study-to-work” residence permit is denied, you cannot stay in Hungary after you graduate, and will have to leave the country when your student visa expires. As a result, it is essential that you apply BEFORE your student permit expires.

Convert your student visa to a full residence permit

So, if you are a foreigner studying at a Hungarian university and want to stay in Hungary after you graduate, you just have to

  1. apply for a “study-to-work” residence permit for fresh graduates
  2. find a job or make preparations for starting a business – for which you have 9 months
  3. apply for a residence permit based on gainful activity (which is either your new employment or the operation of the company you start)

International students who want to stay in Hungary for more than 90 consecutive days and who are not EU citizens are required to apply for a long-term student visa to stay in the country.

Student visa requirements for Hungary vary, therefore it’s important to enquire well in advance about the entry regulations which apply to your home country. To receive a student visa for Hungary, you must first have an offer from a Hungarian university. You can only apply for your student visa prior to your departure from the Hungarian Consulate or Embassy that has jurisdiction in your state or country of permanent residence. Processing a visa usually takes around one month, but could be longer so make sure you apply as early as possible to avoid any unnecessary complications.

Documents required for your student visa for Hungary are:

  • Proof of having paid the tuition fee
  • An acceptance letter from the university regarding your admission
  • Passport valid at least 6 months beyond your date of entry
  • Copy of the photograph page of your passport
  • Passport photo no more than 6 months old
  • Proof of health insurance
  • Proof of address or housing in Hungary
  • Proof of sufficient funds to cover living expenses in the form of bank assurance/statement
  • Visa application form
  • 3 stamped envelopes addressed to the applicant

When the consulates require an appointment, you may need to schedule it around 4 to 6 weeks in advance because appointment times are limited. After the appointment, the visa processing time usually takes an additional 1 to 4 weeks. 

You will need to apply for your residence permit within 15 days of arrival in Hungary. This applies to both EU and non-EU citizens planning to stay in Hungary for longer than 90 days.

To apply for a residence permit, EU and EEA citizens need to submit the following documents:

  • Proof of payment of tuition fees
  • Approval document of the host university in Hungary
  • Proof of health insurance


Touriago is a site which allows foreigners of any age to travel and work legally in Hungary for a maximum of 90 days, with the option to extend from the Hungarian Consulate. This works as a great alternative to obtaining a Hungarian work permit, which requires a non-EU citizen to have an employer sponsor them and prove they are qualified for the job, amongst other requirements and complications.

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