Student Work Permit In Netherlands

If you are a student from outside the European Union (EU) and you want to work in the Netherlands, you will need a work permit. In order to get a work permit, you must have a valid residence permit. You can only apply for a work permit after you have registered with the Dutch immigration office (IND). The IND will assess whether you meet the conditions for a work permit. If you do, they will issue you with a work permit. The work permit is also known as an ‘Employment Authorisation for Third-Country Nationals’.

There are two types of employment authorisation: one for highly skilled migrants and one for other migrants. To be eligible for the highly skilled migrant category, your salary must be above a certain threshold. This threshold is set each year by the Dutch government and is currently €5,272 per month (before taxes). If your salary is below this threshold, you may still be eligible for an employment authorisation if your job is on the list of shortage occupations. This list includes jobs that are difficult to fill because there are not enough people available with the right skills or qualifications. We will base our discussion today on – Student Work Permit In Netherlands. But, other resources which you can find on our website include some frequently asked questions such as: part time jobs in netherlands for international students salary and netherlands student visa document checklist

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Student Work Permit In Netherlands

If you’re a student looking to work in the Netherlands, you’ll need to apply for a work permit. The process can be a bit confusing, but we’re here to help! In this blog post, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about getting a student work permit in the Netherlands. We’ll cover the requirements, the application process, and what you can expect once you have your permit. So if you’re ready to start working in the Netherlands, read on!

Who can apply for a Student work permit in Netherlands?

If you want to work while you study in the Netherlands, you will need to apply for a student work permit. To be eligible for a student work permit, you must:

-be enrolled in a full-time higher education program at a recognized institution;

-have sufficient financial resources to support yourself during your studies;

-have health insurance; and

-have a valid passport.

You can only work part-time (up to 20 hours per week) while you are studying. If you want to work full-time, you will need to apply for a different type of work permit.

Application requirements

If you want to work in the Netherlands as a student, you will need to apply for a work permit. The requirements for a work permit are as follows:

You must be enrolled in a full-time course at a higher education institution in the Netherlands. You can only work part-time (maximum of 20 hours per week) during your studies and full-time during vacation periods.

Your prospective employer must have a valid work permit for you.

You must have health insurance that covers your stay in the Netherlands.

You must have enough money to support yourself during your stay in the Netherlands.

Application process

The process for obtaining a work permit in the Netherlands as a student is relatively straightforward. First, you will need to obtain a residence permit. Once you have your residence permit, you can then apply for a work permit at your local Dutch embassy or consulate.

To apply for a residence permit, you will need to submit a completed application form, along with supporting documents such as your passport, birth certificate, and proof of enrollment at a Dutch educational institution. You may also be required to submit additional documentation, such as financial statements or a health certificate.

Once your application is complete, it will be forwarded to the Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND) for review. The IND will then contact you to schedule an appointment for an interview. During the interview, you will be asked questions about your background and why you want to study in the Netherlands.

After your interview, the IND will make a decision on your application. If approved, you will receive your residence permit within two weeks. You can then apply for a work permit at your local Dutch embassy or consulate. To do so, you will need to submit your passport, residency permit, and proof of enrollment at a Dutch educational institution.

Where to apply

There are a few steps you need to follow in order to apply for a student work permit in the Netherlands. The first step is to find a job that meets the requirements set by the Dutch government. Once you have found a suitable job, you will need to obtain a work permit from the Dutch immigration office. After you have obtained your work permit, you can start working in the Netherlands.

After you have applied – next steps

After you have applied for a student work permit in the Netherlands, there are a few more steps you need to take in order to complete the process. First, you will need to schedule an appointment with the Dutch embassy or consulate in your home country. At this appointment, you will need to submit your passport and documents proving that you have been accepted to a Dutch educational institution. You will also need to pay the visa application fee.

Once your application has been processed, you will receive a decision from the Dutch embassy or consulate. If your application is approved, you will be issued a student visa which will allow you to enter the Netherlands. Once you arrive in the Netherlands, you will need to register with the local municipality where you are staying and apply for a residence permit at the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND). With a valid student visa and residence permit, you will be able to work in the Netherlands for up to 20 hours per week while attending school full-time.

Student Work Permit in Netherlands

Students who wish to work while studying in the Netherlands must apply for a student work permit. It is not necessary to have a student visa in order to obtain this permit, but without it you cannot legally work in the country.

The application process begins with filling out an application form and providing proof of your financial independence (such as bank statements or proof of sponsorship). Once you have submitted these documents, they will be reviewed by the Dutch Immigration Service (IND). If they approve your application, they will send you an approval letter that serves as your work permit.

Applying for a student work permit in the Netherlands can be a long and arduous process, but it is absolutely worth it. If you’re planning on studying abroad in the Netherlands, you’ll need to get a student work permit before your classes start.

You may be eligible for a student work permit if:

  • You have been accepted by a reputable educational institution in the Netherlands and have been offered financial aid by them.
  • You are from an EU country or from another country that has signed an agreement with the Netherlands allowing students from that country to work part-time during their studies.

To apply for your student work permit, you will need:

  • An application form (available here) filled out completely and signed by both yourself and your employer;
  • Your passport;
  • Your acceptance letter from your school, along with proof of funding or scholarship;

What are the types of Netherlands Student Visas?

  • Netherlands short-stay student visa. This will be issued if your course/training will take less than three months.
  • Netherlands student visa for secondary and vocational courses. Usually granted to students from Suriname, Indonesia or South Africa but others may be eligible also. However, they must have family in the Netherlands and be able to speak and write in Dutch.
  • Netherlands long-stay student visa. Also known as a student residence permit, it allows students to complete their studies in the Netherlands for up to five years.

How Can I Apply for a Netherlands Student Visa?

You cannot apply for a Netherlands Student Visa yourself. The educational institution where you will be studying will apply on your behalf.

In order to study in the Netherlands, you will need to be issued a temporary Dutch residence permit. In some cases, you will also have to apply for an MVV (long-stay visa). This allows the holder to stay in the Netherlands while they wait for their Dutch residence permit.

If you need an MVV, your sponsor can apply for both permits at the same time through the Entry and Residence Procedure (TEV) directly to the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND).

Your sponsor has to be recognized by the IND. In order to be recognized, they need to have signed the Code of Conduct for international students in higher education. This code ensures that the universities are offering effective and accessible education to foreign students.

Can I Work With a Dutch Student Visa?

Yes, you can work if you are in the Netherlands with a student visa. However, there are restrictions:

  • You are only allowed to work a maximum of 16 hours a week.
  • You can work full time only during the months of June, July and August (seasonal labour).
  • You will need to have a work permit. Your employer needs to acquire this on your behalf.
  • You don’t need a work permit if you’re doing an internship as part of your course. But your employer has to sign an internship agreement with you and your university.

Other things you should keep in mind if you want to work during your studies in the Netherlands:

  • In order to be paid, you must have a citizen service number (also known as a Burger Service Number.) You will receive this number after you register at the local municipality.
  • You still need to file and pay income tax. If you are living in the Netherlands and receive income, you are considered a resident and must pay taxes. Even your student fellowship/scholarship can be considered as income.

Working on a student visa

Working Rights for Students

EU/EEA students

Many international students need a work permit in order to have a part-time job in the Netherlands. Whether you will need a permit depends on your nationality.

If you are a citizen of the EU/EEA or Switzerland, you do not need a work permit. There is no restriction on the number of hours you are allowed to work. While you are not obliged to register with the Dutch Immigration Service (IND) as an EU student, it is highly advisable to do so, as it will make a number of things easier, such as applying for a telephone subscription or finding a job. Registration is free.

There is no restriction on the number of hours you are allowed to work, but it is easier if you limit the hours to 16 hours per week or full-time during the summer months – June, July and August only. In that case, the application process for a work permit is much easier as the UWV applies simplified rules (see also: citizens of all other countries).

While you are not obliged to apply for verification under EU law (proof of lawful residence) from the IND, it is highly advisable to do so, as it will make a number of things easier, such as applying for a telephone subscription or finding a job.

Non EU/EEA citizens

Citizens of all other countries will need a work permit. Dutch immigration law restricts the number of hours you may work:

International students may do seasonal work full-time (but only in June, July and August).    


International Students may work part-time throughout the year (but no more than sixteen hours a week).

You may not do both.

It is up to your employer or the employment agency to apply for your work permit from the UWV. You cannot do this yourself. The application must be accompanied by a copy of your residence permit for study purposes and a statement from your institution confirming that you are enrolled as a student. It will take about five weeks to process the application. Simplified rules are now in place for the work permit application procedure, which means that the UWV no longer performs all the checks stipulated in the Foreign Nationals Employment Act (Wet arbeid vreemdelingen, Wav).

NOTE: Work Placement and Internship students do not require a work permit, and their work is not limited by hours.


If you are studying in The Netherlands, and plan to travel or work in other countries during your stay there, consider using the Touriago platform. It allows you not only to book accommodation across Europe, but also gives you the opportunity to apply for a single permit that allows you to work or travel in five Schengen partner states (Austria, The Republic of Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, and Hungary) without leaving the territory of The Netherlands. NOTE: If you are travelling or planning to work in Belgium or Germany, you will still need an A1 or A2 visa respectively.

The Netherlands is a desirable place to travel because it is beautiful and has many possibilities. This website was developed for students who are interested in spending time in the Netherlands. The Netherlands offer many activities and opportunities, so we encourage others to visit this site and learn more about this country.

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