study visa for malta

Are you an EU citizen that wants to travel or live in Malta? Living in Malta is a great option for those who desire an active lifestyle and are interested in touring other countries as well. But before you apply, check our information guide on how to get a study visa for Malta.

It is a well-established fact that a working holiday in Malta is perfect for those who want to combine work as well as leisure. Anybody of any age can benefit from the visa, provided they are under 35 and have enough funds to support themselves while they are on the island.

If you’re a world explorer and would like to explore the nuances of living in Malta, then it’s time to consider study visa for malta. The low corporate tax rate, experienced work force and as well as modern infrastructures are the reason why many large companies choose Malta to establish their business.

Malta is a great place to live and study, with many options available.

If you are considering studying in Malta, one of the first things you need to do is decide if you want to study for a degree or for a short course. It’s often easier to transfer your credits from another institution if you have a degree than it is if you’re just taking a few courses. However, short courses can be great for building up your skills and career prospects in an area of interest.

Once you’ve decided on what kind of study visa you need, it’s time to apply. Malta has four types of study visas: general student, vocational student, researcher/student researcher and public interest research category.

General students must meet requirements that include having enough money to support themselves while they’re in Malta and not being married at the time of application. Vocational students must also meet requirements that include having enough money to support themselves while they’re in Malta and not being married at the time of application but also having completed secondary school and/or a tertiary qualification or higher level qualification or equivalent overseas qualification (such as an associate degree). Researchers/student researchers must meet requirements that include having enough money

Malta is a European country located south of Italy, and it’s part of the European Union. Malta has a thriving economy and is a great place for international students to study abroad.

If you’re looking to study in Malta, you’ll need to apply for a study visa. The Maltese government makes it easy for students from outside the EU to get their visas and start studying in Malta.

The process is simple: all you have to do is apply online, pay the fee, get your documents together and submit them all at once!

General required documents for Maltese Visa Application:

  • Download Malta Visa application form, fill it completely and with sincerity. You can also fill the Malta Visa application form electronically and then print a hard-copy,
  • 2 photos must be attached; the photo should be of passport format – a recent whole-face capture with a light background. Learn more about photo requirements and specifications for a Maltese Visa.
  • Your passport and copies of your previous visas – valid for at least 3 months beyond return date – are required. Your passport must have at least two blank pages,
  • A copy of your return-ticket reservation. It is not recommended to purchase the ticket before obtaining the visa – if not otherwise required,
  • Travel medical insurance confirmation of minimum 30,000 € coverage within Malta and the entire Schengen area,
  • visa cover letter stating the purpose of visit to Malta and itinerary,
  • Flight ticket reservation (if applicable),
  • Proof of civil status (marriage certificate, birth certificate of children, death certificate of spouse, ration card if applicable).
  • Proof of accommodation for your entire stay in Malta.
  • Means of subsistence – Proof of sufficient financial means for the period of stay in Malta. According to the information provided by the European Commission, a foreign national who wants to enter the territory of Malta, while applying for a Malta Visa it needs to attest owning 48€/day for the period of stay, to the Malta Embassy or Consulate.

If employed:

  • Employment contract
  • Current bank statement of the latest 6 months
  • No-objection certificate from employer
  • Income Tax Return (ITR) form or Certificate of Income Tax deducted at the source of salary

If self-employed:

  • A copy of your business license
  • Company bank statement of the latest 6 months
  • Income Tax Return (ITR)

If a student:

If retired:

  • Pension statement of the latest 6 months

If applicable:

  • Regular income generated by property proof of the latest 6 months

*Note: The signed application form must be accompanied the rest of the above-mentioned mandatory documents and handed personally at the appropriate embassy/consulate or its representative in your home country.

Apart from the general documentation required, accompanying should be other additional documents depending on the purpose of your Malta Visa application.

Additional documents required for the most frequent purposes of Malta Visa Application:

Malta Tourist Schengen Visa additional requirements:

  • Invitation letter with the address and phone number from family member or sponsor in Malta – if applicable,
  • Bank statement of the last 6 months,
  • Passport copies.

Malta Visa for Business Purposes:

  • Invitation letter from the Maltese company you will be visiting and their detailed address in Malta accompanied with the dates of your visit,
  • A certificate from your employer stating/allowing your business travel,
  • If there were previous trade relations between the two companies, proof of such events must be provided,
  • Business bank statement of the latest 6 months,
  • Memorandum and Article of Association in original certified copy (registered with joint stock companies) Trade License (first issued and present renewal), Proprietorship/Partnership documents,
  • Regarding the applicant’s expenses during stay in the Schengen zone, either the employer or the partner company must state coverage of expenses on the letter or invitation.

Malta Visa for Medical Purposes:

  • A local medical report,
  • A medical attestation from the hospital or doctor in Malta, confirming the date of your appointment as well as your medical situation,
  • Payment receipt of medical fees.

Malta Visa for Cultural, Sports, Film Crew or Religious Purposes:

  • Invitation letter from the above-mentioned authorities with details upon the nature of events or activities – purpose of visit , expense coverage,
  • Names of the applicants (crew members),
  • Duration of stay in Malta,
  • Travel itinerary.

Malta Visa for Members of Official Delegations:

  • The official invitation copy,
  • Identity of applicant,
  • Purpose of journey (negotiations, meetings, event by intergovernmental organizations, consultations) in Malta,
  • Duration of stay in Malta,
  • Place of accommodation in Malta.

Malta Visa for Study, Training, Research, or other type of Internship Purposes:

  • An enrollment certificate allowing attendance of courses,
  • Certificate of completion or courses attended,
  • Financial sustenance.

Malta Visa For The Wife/Husband of a Maltese citizen:

  • Proof of Maltese citizenship (ID card or consular card or certification of Maltese nationality or naturalization order)
  • Maltese marriage certificate
  • Maltese family record book

The country is a former British colony, whose independence was obtained on September 24th, 1964. Malta is part of the British Commonwealth, an association formed by the United Kingdom and its former colonies.

The nation has great economic development, with tourism and the textile, naval, food and electronic industries being the basis of the national economy.

Malta is a paradise destination and meets the expectations of all ages. Despite it’s a small island, there is a lot to do in Malta if you plan to do a short or long term studies. Famous for its natural landscapes, the island still offers plenty of entertainment, especially when it comes to nightlife. If you want to study in Malta for more than 90 days, you need to understand how to extend a student visa there.


Malta is an ultimate destination for people who want to understand their roots, Maltese citizenship and passaporto maltese. Malta is definitely a place to consider with its rich history, food and beautiful weather. Malta also offers tourists a great variety of things to do on your days off from work or after work. As being a multicultural country, living in malta will provide you with lots of different points of interests and activities. Whether you want to experience the european lifestyle or arabic lifestyle, malta has it all!

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