study visa for sweden from pakistan

Everybody has heard about the Swedish Elite School System and its outstanding performance in various fields of studies. Sweden is one of the world’s most popular destinations for education, especially for international students.

Applying for a study visa (studentvisum) can be straight forward or somewhat challenging depending on your residence country. This article will walk you through how to obtain a study visa for Sweden.

Swedish study visas provide a great opportunity for the students from Pakistan to achieve their education goals in Sweden. It should be noted that in order to get Swedish student Visa you will have to fulfill some basic educational requirements and required documents.

Study visa for Sweden from Pakistan

In order to study in Sweden, you must have a residence permit which will depend on whether you are an EU citizen or not. If you are an EU citizen, you can apply for your residence permit at the Swedish Migration Agency (Migrationsverket). If you are not an EU citizen, you will need to apply for a study visa instead. You can do this at the Swedish embassy in Islamabad, or at the Swedish embassy in Karachi if you prefer.

What does it take to get a study visa?

In order for us to issue you with a study visa, we must first ensure that your application meets all of our requirements. These include:

  • Proof of financial support for yourself and any dependents who will be coming with you (if applicable)
  • Proof that you have been accepted into an approved course of study by an accredited university in Sweden or another country within the EEA area (European Economic Area)
  • Proof that you have a valid passport and travel documents such as visas or permits allowing entry into Sweden legally

Study visa for Sweden from Pakistan

A Swedish study visa is a residence permit that allows you to study in Sweden for a certain period. It also gives you the right to work in Sweden. You can apply for a Swedish study visa if you are going to study at an educational institution in Sweden or if you are going to take part in an exchange program. The Swedish government has made it easier for students from outside the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA) to come to Sweden by introducing new rules which reduce the fees for applications and make it possible for applicants to apply online instead of having to visit a Swedish embassy or consulate.

Swedish student visas are intended only for those who want to study full-time at an approved university or other higher education institution in Sweden. They cannot be used for vocational training, short-term courses, language courses, or other types of education.

Study Visa for Sweden from Pakistan

In this article, we will guide you through the various steps to be followed in order to obtain a study visa for Sweden from Pakistan. The application process includes both online and offline steps.

You can apply for an educational visa at the Swedish Embassy in Islamabad or Karachi. If you wish to apply in person, then you have to book an appointment with them beforehand. You can also submit your application online with the help of our services. You just need to mention your name and contact details so that we can call you back once we receive your application form.

In case there is a delay in approval of your application due to any reason, then you will receive an email from us informing about the same along with its detailed reasons as well.

Swedish student visa application process

Here’s how to apply for a Swedish residence permit:

  1. Accept a university offer: To be eligible for a residence permit, you must have been admitted onto a program at a university in Sweden.
  2. Pay your first tuition fee installment: You need to have paid a portion of your tuition fee before you submit your application.
  3. Prepare your supporting documents: When you apply, you need to provide a number of documents with your application. A full list of the required documents is listed below.
  4. Apply online: You can apply for your residence permit online. You’ll need to provide information about yourself and enclose your supporting documents.
  5. Pay the application fee: When you apply online, you will pay the application fee by credit or debit card which will be around $100.
  6. Visit your local embassy: If you’re from a country whose citizens need an entry visa for travel to Sweden, you’ll need to go to your local Swedish consulate to receive a residence permit card.

Sweden student visa requirements

When you apply for your Swedish residence permit, you’ll need to provide the following documents:

  • Copies of your passport showing your personal details, how long it’s valid for and whether you have permission to live in countries other than your country of origin
  • Proof of admission from a higher education institution in Sweden
  • Copies of documents showing that you have health insurance in Sweden
  • Bank statements showing you have sufficient funds to support yourself during your studies
  • If you are receiving a scholarship, you must provide proof which includes how much you will receive, and for how long

When applying online, these documents should be attached to your application in pdf, doc, docx, jpg, png, rtf or txt formats.

Sweden student visa financial requirements

For applications made in 2019, the maintenance requirement is at least SEK 8,370 per month, which is around $860.

You must be able to show that you can cover this amount for the full period of your residence permit. You need to show that you have the funds available in your own bank account, as a grant or scholarship. The bank account must be in your name only, or shared with your spouse – it cannot be a parent or other third party’s account.

Swedish student visa processing time

The decision on whether your application is accepted or rejected is made by the Swedish Migration Agency, and it usually takes between two and four months to get a decision.

The average time it takes to process your study permit changes over time. You can find out the latest time to a decision here by answering a few quick questions about your application.

Working with a Swedish student visa

There are no limitations on how much you can work while studying as an international student in Sweden. However, your education must always be your main priority, and any employment should not interfere with your studies.

When you apply to extend your permit, you’ll need to show the progress you’ve made on your program. If your grades suffer as a result of working you may not be able to continue your studies in Sweden.

If you want to continue working and living in Sweden after graduation, you can extend your visa for six months to look for a job. Once you have full-time employment you can apply for a work visa.

What to do if your application is rejected

Although getting declined for your Swedish study permit will be worrying, it doesn’t necessarily mean the end of your plans.

If the Swedish Migration Agency rejects your application for a study permit you have the right to appeal. The rejection letter should outline what you need to do in order to lodge your appeal, and you’ll usually have up to three weeks from the receipt of your letter.

You should outline why you think the decision should be changed, and include any supporting evidence you can to support your claim.


There are two different categories of Sweden Tourist Visa. One is Schengen Visa and the other is non-Schengen visa. The first one is valid for countries like France, Spain and Austria as well. The second is valid for Sweden only. This article will be beneficial for those who want to visit Sweden from Pakistan but are unaware about how to apply for a visa to enter Sweden.

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