suspension of work visa in saudi arabia

As a matter of fact, there has been a phenomenal increase in the demand for information on visas to Saudi Arabia as it is considered as a lucrative job market throughout the globe. In order to keep up with the trend, visa-to-Saudi website has been established to make your job easy and hassle free.

Saudi Arabia, one of the wealthiest countries in the world, accords tremendous importance to its international business ventures. This is not surprising considering that their reserves of oil and natural gas exceed in volume all of the world’s other proven reserves. Sustained by the revenue from these resources along with foreign investments and government aid, Saudi Arabia has been able to construct new cities on the coast which have been designed to house both foreign workers and native Saudis whom have returned home after lengthy stays overseas.

In this article we will look at some of the issues that may hinder you from renewing your work visa and even make you lose your job.

If you are planning to work in Saudi Arabia, you may be wondering whether or not it is advisable to apply for a work visa. There are a few considerations you should make before deciding whether or not to apply for a work visa in Saudi Arabia.

First, keep in mind that there are different types of work visas available depending on what kind of work you will be doing. If you plan on working as an employee at a company or organization, then you will need to apply for the Employee Work Visa. This type of visa allows you to work as long as your employer is willing to sponsor your stay in Saudi Arabia. However, if you plan on opening up your own business or becoming self-employed, then you will need to apply for the Investor Work Visa or the Entrepreneur Work Visa. These types of visas are usually granted only if there is proof that the applicant has enough money invested in their business venture (at least $100K).

Second, consider how long it will take for your application for a work visa in Saudi Arabia to be processed. Usually this can take anywhere from 4 months-1 year depending on which company handles the processing and what type of job/position you have applied for; however some cases can take up

Saudi Arabia has recently suspended the issuance of all visas for travelers with work or business purposes. This is a significant change to Saudi Arabia’s visa regulations, as it was previously possible to obtain a business visa without an invitation letter from a Saudi company. As a result of this suspension, individuals who wish to enter Saudi Arabia on a work or business visa must now have an invitation letter from a Saudi company in order to be granted entry.

The suspension follows allegations that several workers were involved in the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in October 2018. The murder triggered an international outcry against Saudi Arabia and its Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS). In response to this outcry, MBS ordered an investigation into the matter and fired several top officials who were suspected of involvement. He also ordered changes to Saudi Arabia’s visa regulations so that visas required invitations from sponsors—like employers or sponsors—in order for travelers to enter the country legally.

While these new regulations are intended to prevent another incident like Khashoggi’s murder from happening again, they have caused great concern among businesses that rely on foreign workers for their operations and could lead some companies—especially small businesses—to close down altogether if they cannot find enough qualified employees domestically or abroad due

At a Glance

  • Saudi Arabia is expected to introduce a new temporary work visa in the coming months, following the elimination of the country’s only short-term work authorization option in October.
  • Details of the new visa have not been released. Until the new visa becomes available, there will not be an immigration option for foreign nationals seeking to work short-term in Saudi Arabia. At this time, foreign nationals seeking to work in Saudi Arabia are advised to obtain a standard Work Visa, which requires a formal long-term employment relationship with a sponsoring company in Saudi Arabia, or to consider traveling with a Business Visa, which does not allow “hands-on” work.
  • Fragomen is discussing the impact of the change and potential solutions for short-term work with Saudi consular authorities and relevant ministries and will issue an update if new information becomes available.

The situation

In the coming months, the Ministry of Labour and Social Development (MLSD) is expected to introduce a new temporary work visa category and to provide clarification on what types of activities can be performed under different visa categories. The introduction of this new visa comes after the Commercial Visit and Work Visit Visas were replaced with a uniform Visit Visa for Business, which effectively eliminated the only short-term work authorization available in the country.

A closer look

October’s unexpected change in visa categories was the result of a reorganization of ministry review protocols, according to information Fragomen has received from Saudi government agencies. Upcoming regulations are expected to formalize that the MLSD will oversee all employment matters, including short-term work visits. Visitors for all other purposes will remain under the purview of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or other relevant authorities (e.g. tourists fall under the Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage regulations).


The announcement of an upcoming new visa type does not serve as an immediate solution for foreign nationals seeking to perform short-term work in Saudi Arabia, though it does provide background information for the unexpected changes in October and suggests a potential future solution is forthcoming. For now, however, foreign nationals are still without a visa option when seeking to conduct short-term work in Saudi Arabia and are advised to obtain a standard Work Visa, which requires a formal long-term employment relationship with a sponsoring company in Saudi Arabia. Foreign nationals may also consider traveling to Saudi Arabia with a Business Visa, although it does not allow “hands-on” work.


In October, immigration authorities in Saudi Arabia unexpectedly replaced Work Visit and Commercial Visit Visas with a uniform Visit Visa for Business.

Looking ahead

Fragomen is actively monitoring the situation and discussing the impact of the change and potential solutions with Saudi consular authorities and ministries involved in the visa issuance process for Saudi Arabia.


As for those who are in the middle of an issue with their work visa and applying for Residence permit or IC, you should know a few things.

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